Page 41 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 98
P. 41
BV98 pg41_BV98 pg41 17/08/2018 03:11 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 41
voking listen. Further vari- the expertly crafted musi- its stripped down bass- bass line to match the de-
ety comes with ‘Young City cianship of his bandmates. heavy verses, helps termination of the lyrics.
Hearts’, a massive left turn This is abundantly evident demonstrate more of their Upping the pace for kick-
from the band’s back cata- on ‘Out of Control’, for our range. It has taken alt-rock- ass rocker ‘Speed Demon’
logue and more akin to soft money the pick of the ers Calm For The Restless and ending with a funky-ish
80s rock, while ‘The songs on offer here and a a long time to get here, but yet heavy groove in ‘Same
Howlin’’ wraps things up in massive reason for its suc- this album was well worth Old Same’ with its sizzling
tremendous style, the slow- cess is the band’s ability to the journey. guitar solo, this is a decent
est groove on the album mix Chris’ melodic vocals YYYY first taste of a band with
where Harvey’s voice with the more aggressive Clare Huckett promise.
soars and explores in a backing vocals of his band- YYY
MONSTER TRUCK way which makes you be- mates, something which is THE SURVIVAL CODE Clare Huckett
TRUE ROCKERS lieve the Truck’s future is a feature throughout ‘Cata- HOPELESSNESS OF
(MASCOT) set to be a very promising combs’. The balance of PEOPLE
‘If it’s not broke, don’t one. these vocals is spot on (GOOD DEEDS)
fix it’ is what they say, but YYYY across the record and adds Alt-rockers The Sur-
they never say anything Michael Coventry all the more emotion to vival Code had difficulties
about not trying to make it their inspirational words finding a permanent
better. This is just what where they open up about bassist, so Gary McGuin-
Monster Truck have looked a raft of personal subjects, ness and Tom Cook have
to achieve with their third which the majority of listen- gone it alone. Crafting
full-length LP ‘True Rock- ers will resonate with. An multi-layered rhythms sup-
ers’ and in doing so they excellent example of this plemented with both a
have confirmed that this is balance comes in penulti- strong solo vocal and dy-
exactly what they are. In mate track ‘These Are The namic harmonies, they cre- HARDCORE SUPER-
their near-decade-long ex- Bridges You Burn Down’, ate music around themes STAR
istence, the Canadian- where the aggressive vo- of struggles, hardships and YOU CAN’T KILL MY
based outfit have cals take over from the a faint gleam of hope. ROCK ‘N ROLL
established themselves as melodic ones and their ‘Crawl’, with its grinding (GAIN)
among rock’s finest when it LIKE A STORM roles are noticeably re- guitars and lyrics of frus- There aren’t many
comes to Southern and CATACOMBS versed from the rest of the trated progress ‘one step bands that put out consis-
blues-based rock; the kind (CENTURY MEDIA) songs on ‘Catacombs’, but forward, one hundred tently high quality work that
that makes your feet Thoughts of cata- it’s a well-timed and war- back’, exemplifies this de- we can’t fault – but Hard-
stomp, your fists punch the combs may well conjure up ranted switch as the lyrics termination to keep striving core Superstar are one of
sky and your head bang in images and ideas of things are delivered just how they for more. The upbeat them. ‘You Can’t Kill My
time with the beat and half which need to be buried need to be which makes tempo of ‘Along The Way’ Rock ‘N Roll’ is the band’s
of ‘True Rockers’ sees away and kept out of sight, the song all the more en- has great appeal; hammer- new album and if you are a
them stick to the theory of but New Zealand-born joyable. With songs like ing drum rhythms and riffs fan of the Swedish four-
not fixing something that hard rockers Like A Storm this Like A Storm won’t be pushing it forward under a piece – or any high-octane,
isn’t broken. ‘True Rocker’, should certainly not be kept a buried secret any longer. softer yet defiant vocal with energetic rock ‘n’ roll, then
featuring a guest appear- in this manner and with YYYYY its message of no regrets. this 12-track release will
ance from the legendary third studio album ‘Cata- Michael Coventry ‘Not Working’ favours not disappoint. They seem
Dee Snider, ‘Thundertruck’, combs’ they seem poised heavier, chugging guitars, to play a joke on us with
‘Being Cool Is Over’, to take the world just like CALM FOR THE REST- toned-down drums, a the first few seconds of the
‘Denim Danger’ and ‘Hurri- their band name suggests. LESS slower pace and vocal har- first song ‘ADHD’, a slow
cane’ are instantly recog- They say storms follows a FINISH WHAT YOU monics in highlighting the meandering couple of lines
nisable as the kind of calm but there is little calm STARTED failings of modern life and before the song thunder-
music you would expect throughout the near 50- (CALM FOR THE REST- the digital landscape. Then bolts in, striking you from
from Monster Truck and lis- minute majesty which is LESS) there’s the likes of ‘Next all angles. From that mo-
tening to these tracks will ‘Catacombs’, where the Despite forming in Step’ which comes across ment forth, ‘ADHD’ and
likely have the aforemen- band have not only per- 2007, it wasn’t until 2012 as a fusion of modern alt- Hardcore Superstar are
tioned body parts acting in fected their sound, but also that Calm For The Restless rock and classic heavy both electric and on fire.
the ways described. These brought a ton of emotion to really came together. The rock, not quite one or the Title track ‘You Can’t Kill
tracks are already proving their songs, not only in their time spent since honing other but with some partic- My Rock ‘N Roll’ is a real
fine additions to the band’s words and lyrics, but in the their sound pays dividends ularly great guitar hooks shout-it-from-the-rooftops
live show and with good way they are delivered in in these ten guitar-driven and a soaring solo. There’s anthem. It includes a hu-
reason because when each of the 11 songs on tracks. Brief opener ‘The a lot to like on this album. morous lyric, ‘Don’t be a
Monster Truck do this kind offer. Lead single ‘The Destination’ has a strong YYYY whiny bore, you can’t kill
of music, few do it better. Devil Inside’ gets things melodic groove, followed Clare Huckett my rock ‘n’ roll’. A large por-
Monster Truck pride them- going in tremendous style, up by the strong hooks and tion of the album follows in
selves on being a good- the opening 17 seconds questing lyrics of ‘Chase A CONCRETE KINGDOMS these footsteps, being
time band, but what makes being the aforementioned Life’. Their lyrics are pow- CONCRETE KINGDOMS catchy and contagious.
‘True Rockers’ so interest- calm to this storm which erful and at times there’s a (CONCRETE KING- ‘Have Mercy On Me’ is
ing and exciting for the fu- sneaks up on you like a pop sensibility that makes DOMS) made for playing full blast
ture is where they have monster dragging itself out them very appealing. ‘I’m A This debut 4-track EP at parties – and obviously
steered away from their of the swamp and then at- Lion’ is about strength in from Scottish hard rockers at their live shows. ‘Ba-
tried-and-tested brand of tacks before you even facing what life throws at Concrete Kingdoms starts boon’ is full of in-yer-face,
rock and dug a little deeper know it’s there, the song you and has some great with a swaggering rhythm loud and proud attitude,
with their music. ‘Devil quickly unfolding into a changes in pace, tone and for ‘Time To Play’, a mid- while ‘Electric Rider’ is
Don’t Care’ fits the same shining example of what is rhythm as well as belting tempo rocker with a sense packed with riffs, a couple
mould as the other foot- to come and highlighted by choruses, which are also a of fun and a lot of appeal. of piercing screams from
stomping songs but boasts some of the best guitar feature of ‘Crossfire’, one Mark Hawthorne’s vocals Jocke Berg and even a hit
deeper lyrics which tackle work to be found on the of the best and most infec- display a conscious show- single-style solo from Vic
‘the notion of people album from brothers Chris tious tracks on the album. manship, like a rock mem- Zino. Don’t be a whiny
staunchly rooted in religion’ and Matt Brooks. Chris is Anthemic ‘We Need To ber of the Rat Pack, and he bore – just get this album
and the vocal work of Jon also the band’s lead singer Wake Up’, complete with has a great tone. Guitars and get to a Hardcore Su-
Harvey carries this tremen- and his vocal ability is high- acoustic guitars and under- dominate on ‘Die This Day’, perstar show to hear them
dously, with the slower- lighted superbly on the title lying strings, is a heartfelt with particularly strong lead live ASAP!
based ‘Evolution’ providing track which is lent extra change of pace, which, riffs and a good driving YYYYY
a much more thought-pro- weight and power but by along with ‘Moving On’ and rhythm pairing with the SBV