Page 41 - Black Velvet Issue 97
P. 41

BV97 albums pg3_BV97 pg41  31/05/2018  23:31  Page 1

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com -  41

                                                YYYY    album  is  definitely  guitar-  dual vocals throughout the  Drummer  Barry  Kerch’s
                                          Michael Coventry  led – big riffs and solo flour-  album  give  added  depth  hard-hitting  beats  add  to
                                                        ishes  on  every  track  that  and tone, the guitars are on  the intensity of the dramatic
                                   LIV SIN              are  hard  rock  perfection.  point, and the rhythms will  track.  “It’s  about  to  get
                                   INVERTED             From  the  straight-rocking  always  hook  you  in.  Last  heavy,” singer Brent Smith
                                   (DESPOTZ)            opener  ‘Big  Rock  Show’  Great  Dreamers  have  a  states; he’s not wrong ei-
                                      What was intended to  through to slightly melan-  confident,  engaging  style  ther and he clearly means
                                   be an acoustic EP mutated  cholic  closer  ‘God  Put  A  and know to how to write a  heavy in more ways than
                                   during the creative process  Smile Upon Your Face’ it’s  great song.   one. The album has set off
                                   as the three tracks, ‘Devil’s  pure  quality.  Well  worth  YYYYY  from  the  darkest  place  of
                                   Plaything’,  ‘Black  Souls’  checking out.          Clare Huckett  the  journey,  the  darkness
              GREYBEARDS           and  ‘Killing  Ourselves  To       YYYY                         continues  within  the  ,
              FOR THE WILDER MINDS  Live’ took on lives of their  Clare Huckett  THE LAZYS         synth-infused ‘Black Soul’
              (ATTITUDE)           own. Liv Sin (ex-Sister Sin)               TROPICAL HAZARDS     and title track ‘Attention At-
                 Mainland Europe is in-  has a settled new band and  HELL’S GAZELLES  (GOLDEN ROBOT)  tention’, the latter featuring
              creasingly  becoming  a  a deftly melodic direction to  TAKE YOUR MEDICINE  Hard   rockers   The  parts where Brent is talking
              hotbed for hard rock acts  suit  her  stunning  voice.  (HELL’S GAZELLES)  Lazys’ second album em-  rather than singing; it works
              and  strengthening  this  ‘Devil’s   Plaything’   (a  Metal-edged hard rock  bodies  the  ballsy  and  well.   Shinedown   has
              case is Swedish four-piece  Danzig cover) is pure se-  from   Oxford’s   Hell’s  booze-soaked swaggering  crafted  an  album  full  of
              Greybeards, who have hit  duction,   with   sinuous  Gazelles, this 5-track EP is  rebel. Big riffs and rhythms,  solid songs, using a varied
              the target with their second  rhythms  centred  on  the  energetic and thematically  attitude,  slightly  gravelly  musical palette. For those
              full-length album ‘For The  bass  line  and  percussion  thought-provoking.  It  has  vocals, it’s a classic heavy  who are after heavier ma-
              Wilder  Minds’.  This  new  allowing the clarity of Liv’s  an  instant  appeal  with  rock sound and The Lazys  terial in terms of the tone of
              material  comes  just  a  voice  to  shine.  There’s  a  rapid-fire opener ‘Give Me  do  it  brilliantly.  Opener  the music, the fast-paced
              shade over two years since  bluesy guitar behind ‘Black  Something’, a snarl of frus-  ‘Nothing  But  Trouble’  is  ‘Pyro’ should whet your ap-
              their  debut  release  and  if  Souls’  giving  the  song  its  tration at both the mundan-  very much in that vein and  petite.  The  multi-textured
              anyone has dared let them  groove, while ‘Killing Our-  ity  of  daily  life  and  the  it’s  an  immediate  hook.  ‘Darkside’  also  has  mo-
              slip  their  minds  they  in-  selves To Live’ with its por-  selfishness of the powerful.  ‘Half Mast Blues’ is sleazy  ments  when  it  packs  a
              stantly  plant  themselves  tentous  piano  and  ticking  ‘Out  Of  Time’  sees  front-  fun, the tale of a pirate, a  punch, as does the ener-
              back there with the storm-  clock overlaid with funereal  man Cole Bryant really let  mermaid and the effects of  getic ‘Evolve’.
              ing  opening  track  ‘Fast  strings is an anguished cry  rip with a full-power vocal  a few too many. But they  There  are  numerous
              Asleep’  which  from  the  against  the  world’s  dark-  to match the more overtly  go   deeper.   ‘Picture  messages found within ‘At-
              opening notes from the gui-  ness.  It’s  a  strong  set  of  metal sound and probably  Thieves’ snarls disdain at  tention  Attention’;  one  of
              tar of Ingemar Martensson  songs and promises much  the best guitar solo of the  the  fakery  of  the  online  them is: don’t be afraid of
              immediately grabs your at-  for Liv Sin’s future.  EP. Hard-rocking title track  world  where  image  is  failure.  For  anyone  who
              tention before the vocals of     YYYYY    ‘Take  Your  Medicine’  ups  everything. Mid-tempo, re-  has ever listened to Shine-
              Olle Westlund grab you by     Clare Huckett  the pace once more, with  flective  and  featuring  a  down’s music before, you
              the  throat.  Their  grip  re-            lyrics   covering   mental  sparkling   guitar   solo,  know that they are always
              mains tight throughout the                health and self-medication.  ‘Young  Modern  Lightning’  out  to  engage  their  audi-
              opening  third  of  the  10-              The riffs are huge and fero-  sets  out  what  the  band’s  ence, to inspire, to remind
              track record with ‘One In A               cious, the vocals are out-  commitment to music has  you  that  no  matter  how
              Billion’,  ‘Come  Undone’                 standing. This is a great set  cost them over the years.  dark things get, the storm
              and ‘Insane’ continuing the               of songs and well worth a  And  then  there’s  ‘Some-  will pass and things will get
              hard-rocking theme of the                 listen.               body’s  Daughter’,  a  com-  brighter. When hearing ‘At-
              band but all just a little dif-                         YYYY    ment  on  missing  and  tention Attention’ in its en-
              ferent  from  each  other  to                       Clare Huckett  murdered   indigenous  tirety, you’ll notice that as
              stand out as their own song                                     women – an issue in both  the  songs  progress,  the
              without  blurring  into  one              LAST  GREAT  DREAM-   their  native  Australia  and  darkness lifts, making way
              another. The halfway mark  RYAN ROXIE     ERS                   adopted Canada. It’s pow-  for more light and positivity.
              brings  with  it  a  welcome  IMAGINE YOUR REALITY  13TH   FLOOR   RENE-  erful  and  angry,  and  bril-  The stunning ‘Monsters’ is
              change  with  ‘Beautiful  (CARGO)         GADES                 liant. ‘Take Back The Town’  kind  of  at  the  in-between
              Things’,  ‘Free’  and  ‘You  Ryan Roxie’s first offi-  (RAY)    ends things on a high with  stage,  opening  up  about
              Struck  Me’  offering  a  cial solo album has a very  Punk-pop dandies Last  a full-throated shout of de-  the struggle of dealing with
              slower  pace  but  still  one  familiar sound, which is not  Great Dreamers have not  fiance  against  greed  and  inner demons / depression.
              with their hard rock trade-  surprising  given  both  his  been idle since their rebirth  division. ‘Tropical Hazards’  The  inspiring  ‘Get  Up’  is
              mark and after the attack  musical  longevity  and  his  in 2014. Frequent touring  is a fantastic album that will  like a cool summer breeze
              on the senses the opening  long-term role as lead gui-  has got them in front of a  be hard to top.  on  a  hot  day,  while  the
              songs provide their arrival  tarist and collaborator with  lot of fans old and new, and  YYYYY  cerebral   ‘The   Human
              is all the more timely and  Alice Cooper. The album is  now  here’s  their  second  Clare Huckett  Radio’  is  a  vibrant,  an-
              produce some simply stun-  a  tight  package  of  hard-  album  in  18  months  to   themic battle cry filled with
              ning guitar work, especially  rocking melodic songs and  enjoy. Opening with the big  SHINEDOWN  hope  and  determination.
              in ‘Free’. Things conclude  no-nonsense  guitar  riffs,  riffs and flare of ‘New Situ-  ATTENTION ATTENTION  “It’s my day to be brilliant,”
              in  style  with  ‘The  Nerve’  with  guest  appearances  ation’ their knack for catchy  (ATLANTIC)  Brent sings with conviction
              producing  a  quite  sensa-  from,  among  others,  his  rhythms  is  in  early  evi-  Produced  and  mixed  during the feel-good album
              tional  instrumental  piece  Alice  Cooper  bandmates  dence.  Title  track  ‘13th  by Shinedown’s very own  closer ‘Brilliant’. When that
              which  ranks  among  the  Glen  Sobel  and  Tommy  Floor  Renegades’  has  a  bass  guitarist  extraordi-  song greets your ears, the
              more memorable moments  Henrikson.  Robin  Zander  nostalgic air and a slightly  naire, Eric Bass, ‘Attention  journey  of  emerging  from
              of ‘For The Wilder Minds’,  provides  guest  vocals  on  slower pace, although it still  Attention’ takes the listener  the ashes with a sense of
              an album which in the end  Cheap  Trick’s  ‘California  rocks,  while  ‘Speed  Of  on  an  emotional  journey  well-being, acceptance and
              only  requires  a  couple  Man’, a cracking song with  Light’ has a grander, grind-  through an individual’s life;  a renewed positive outlook
              more  truly  special  mo-  a rockabilly style which fol-  ing rhythm and a tempo at  a life plagued with anxiety  is complete.
              ments  like  this  to  have  lows  on  nicely  from  the  odds  with  the  title.  Then  and  negativity.  The  short  ‘Attention   Attention’
              achieved top marks. As it  country flavour and driving  there’s the easy, countrified  intro piece, ‘The Entrance’,  definitely  deserves  yours.
              is,  it  falls  just  a  fraction  rhythms  of  ‘Over  And  swagger of ‘For Your Infor-  features  the  sound  of  a  It’s  a  triumphant  body  of
              short, but is still a grand ef-  Done’.  There’s  Sunset  mation’  and  a  brilliant  door  being  knocked  and  work and one that will open
              fort from top to bottom and  Strip sleaze in ‘To Live And  choral vocal to accompany  opened,  you  hear  foot-  up  many  new  doors  for
              more  than  enough  to  en-  Die In LA’, and a bit of an  the  slightly  bleak  lyrics.  steps, and then a deep in-  Shinedown.
              sure there is little chance of  Oasis vibe to ‘Look Me In  ‘Primitive  Man’  is  an  out-  take of breath just before  YYYYY
              them  slipping  from  your  The Eye’. Although Roxie  and-out rocker as is tale of  the  powerful  lead  single  Penny Gower
              mind again.          has a pretty good voice the  loss ‘Broken Things’. The  ‘Devil’ comes crashing in.

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