Page 31 - Black Velvet Issue 97
P. 31

BV97 pg28-33_BV97 pg31  31/05/2018  22:53  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 31
              mum and dad and who was their mum and  We would get out of school at 3 o’clock and  And it’s not just the four members of the
              dad and so on.”                    by 3.10 we were in the practise house and  band who are a close family, but all of their
                On the subject of family it is no great se-  that was Monday through Friday. Saturday,  families are as well and John Fred tells Black
              cret that John Fred comes from a family of  we would always stay at John Fred’s house,  Velvet,  “Actually,  last  night,  our  wives  all
              musicians,  his  father  Richard  and  uncle  so on Saturday morning we would be up by  went out with a lot of our crew guys and two
              Fred, comprising half of the Kentucky Head-  9 or 10 o’clock and again, we were at the  very good friends from England who are in
              Hunters, but he is not alone in having a fam-  practise  house.  It  was  everyday.  There  Kentucky visiting. All our families know each
              ily  tree  like  this  as  Jon  tells  us  about  his  wasn’t a day that went by when we weren’t  other, we’re from a small town anyway, but
              musically talented relatives. “My great-uncle,  down there, so every memory I have from  our crew guys are guys from around home
              who passed in 1979, was a drummer in the  being about 17-years old on till pretty much  too and it really is one big family.” “Our kids
              New England area, because most of my fam-  when  we  started  touring  involves  that  literally  get mad at us  if  they  don’t get to
              ily on my mom’s side is from Boston, Fram-  house.”                    hang out with the other kids”, Jon adds.
              ingham, around that area up north, and then  And they are still making memories there  The  bassist  continues,  “My  youngest,
              they moved to Florida years and years later  now. “Well, when the spiders aren’t running  Ember, is constantly talking about his oldest,
              when I was born.                   rampant,” Jon notes. John Fred quickly ex-  Scout, because they are fairly close in age,
                “He  played  drums  with  a  guy  called  plains, “It’s better to use it in cold weather  so anytime she sees Scout, she’s like, “It’s
              Jimmy Cavallo, who was a big name in an I  when the spiders are dead. I don’t like spi-  Scout,  I  wanna  go  and  say  hi!”  When  we
              Love Lucy kind of band, so when I was a kid  ders. I don’t mind them if they are in the gar-  were leaving to come over here all of us were
              I was being played 8-tracks and vinyl records  den!  We  have  brown  recluse  spiders  in  trying to create a wall to prevent Scout and
              of his playing and then my dad’s dad, my  Kentucky and they are some of the deadliest  Declan, Chris’ son, from running past us be-
              grandpa, was a bluegrass songwriter who  in the world. When they bite you, it like rots  cause we were all standing in a parking lot
              played guitar, mandolin, banjo and all that  your flesh out so you have to really careful  waiting for cars to take us to the airport!”
              and I grew up around him. He was constantly  with them.”
              sitting down with all the grandkids around                                  here are some references to women
              him.  I  remember  sitting  on  the  floor  and  s  we  get  closer  to  the  20-year  an-  Ton the new album, most obviously in
              watching my grandpa play for hours on end.  Aniversary of their formation in 2001  the song title ‘I Need A Woman’, but perhaps
                “My dad picked up some of it. He’s not a  they do so with the original line-up not only  more  interestingly  in  the  song  ‘My  Last
              big-time player or anything, but he knew how  intact but clearly as strong and as unified as  Breath’  which  boasts  the  line  of  ‘Hell  and
              to play a few songs, so he would find me  ever. John Fred says, “Family is the absolute  high water she stuck right by my side’, so,
              with  the  one  guitar  he  had,  hiding  some-  biggest  factor  in  keeping  us  all  together.  having mentioned their partners we ask Jon
              where in the house, because I wasn’t sup-  Family is the number one thing, our families  and  John  Fred  how  critical  their  love  and
              posed to touch it because I was too young  outside of the band and our family as a band.  support has been to them on their journey.
              to play it, and he didn’t want me to break it.  Every band goes through those things where  Offering high praise, John Fred tells us, “We
              He would show me a couple of things here  you have hurdles in your life but we have  all have great wives and great kids and it’s
              and there, the major chords and so on. I just  managed to stick it out.”  tough leaving them. You have to do it and
              ran with it from there.”              Jon says, “The most difficult thing that  you have to go and we love doing what we
                It  was  in  the  HeadHunters’  practise  you run into as a band, as a real band any-  do, but it is hard leaving. A woman who is
              house which is situated on John Fred’s fam-  ways, is not the pitfalls of the industry, it’s  with a musician is a certain breed, they have
              ily’s land where they too honed their craft  the  pitfalls  of  your  life  and  it’s  how  your  to be cut from a different kind of cloth. They
              and so it’s little surprise to learn they have  friends that you are with every day of your  have to be a very strong individual because
              many  happy  and  special  memories  from  life on tour, it’s how they react to it and how  we’re gone for so long.”
              there. “Most of our memories are from there.  they support you through it.”  “It takes a strong woman to be able to

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