Page 19 - Black Velvet Rock Music Magazine Issue 92
P. 19
BV92 pg16-19 You Me At Six_BV92 pg19 09/03/2017 23:59 Page 4
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was part of the problem and continued to live selves putting tickets on secondary websites, would try and replace ambition with something
without trying to be part of the change? That’s but at the same time, in regards to the music in- darker or sleazier or whatever it is. Personally
what I did in the House Of Commons in regards dustry, nothing in regards to greed surprises me for me, when I get up in the morning, I just want
to ticket touting; I said to my partner, it’s very anymore, because as I said, the industry is full to become and be the best version of myself that
much me starting what I hope in the future to of good people, but it’s also full of very greedy I can be, whether that be in You Me At Six or oth-
have an influence in other things in regards to people who can’t bring themselves to under- erwise.
governmental change, whether that be climate stand the luxury they have of working in the “I’m not saying it in an egotistical way, I’m
change or animal testing; but it’s all baby steps, music industry and that isn’t really the real world. saying it in a realistic “What more could You Me
it’s all about making sure that my education is Not a lot of people live in the world that musi- At Six do? What more could we offer the British
thorough before I go and represent something cians or record execs live in, it’s just a shame music industry other than headlining festivals
that warrants absolute knowledge rather than a that the people are trying to squeeze every sin- and headlining stages?” Because we’ve literally
guy with a strong opinion, so I’ve got a lot of gle last penny out of the industry that, for the done everything else. We don’t want to look
reading and planning to do before I put my name most part, most people love and care about. It’s sideways or backwards, we only want to look
on something like that.” a shame that that’s the attitude, but as I said, it’s forwards and I think that’s a healthy attitude to
Speaking of the ticket touting issue, for not surprising really, unfortunately.” have; to want to grow and become better. We’re
those that don’t know, Josh has been standing It is indeed a shame, but we hope that Josh of the opinion that that’s a healthy thing to do.
up against secondary ticket resellers that charge can continue to stand up against those doing By no means is it on the cards or realistic, but at
extortionate prices. After seeing You Me At Six wrong and we look forward to the day when all least it gives us something when we wake up in
concert tickets being resold for three times their tickets are at a price that ALL fans can afford. the morning to.”
face value, Josh went to the House Of Com- He tells us that there have been many times
mons to call on the UK government to introduce ut getting back to You Me At Six, and in their career when they’ve been laughed at for
legislation to ban bots and the mass purchase Bwith touring on everyone’s mind, the their ambitions, whether it was to headline Wem-
of tickets to resell them at an inflated rate, back- band are back to being focused and ambitious. bley Arena – which they’ve now done – or to
ing MP Nigel Adams, who has been campaign- Josh has said, “We’ve been getting up, going have a number one album – which they have
ing on this issue. Before heading to the House ‘We’re gonna headline Milton Keynes Bowl’ or also done. He says it doesn’t bother him, but
Of Commons Josh tweeted Adele, who has pre- ‘We’re gonna headline the Emirates’. He tells notes that there are still people that try to cut
viously posted that ‘the resale of tickets will not Black Velvet that some folks have got the wrong them down.
be tolerated’ and also partnered with Songkick end of the stick though, and have actually criti- “Americans are all about ambition and Ger-
in a bid to halt ticket resellers. cized them for those comments. mans are all about ambition and progress, but I
Josh says of his tweet to Adele, “That was “Some people have tried to draw a compar- think that for some reason we’re one of those
more like an off-the-cuff, jokey comment. I knew ison between me saying that sort of stuff and ar- places that we don’t have that. It’s our cultural
that I was never going to speak to Adele, just be- rogance, which is a bit frustrating because I thing we have, I guess. I can’t get my head
cause the likelihood of that materializing was un- think that, it’s a very British mentality, I feel that around it.”
likely. I have been surprised at the lack of you build people up to a certain place, and then Well, we definitely, 100%, support the band
willingness of other artists with real, real plat- when they’re at that place and they want more, for their focus, their ambition and their go-getting
forms getting involved in this, but my under- or they want to continue pursuing other bigger attitude. This is what has helped them achieve
standing is that the reason that that isn’t aspirations or dreams then they get dampened the things they’ve achieved so far, and we know
happening on a wider scale is because a lot of down or taken to a place that there’s no reason that there is more success and achievements
them are actually involved with the problem and to be taken to and I think, if you were a parent still to come.
are actually part of the problem and are profi- and your child said, “I want to do the best I can Visit for more info.
teering from it all. So it’s a tough one. I was sur- and get the best grade at the school I’m at,” or
prised at the news that broke about Robbie “I want to succeed in my sports,” or whatever, Words By Shari Black Velvet
Williams and his management actually them- you wouldn’t have a situation where people
Photos By Dan Randall