Page 18 - Black Velvet Rock Music Magazine Issue 92
P. 18

BV2 You Me At Six_BV92 pg18  10/03/2017  00:03  Page 3

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              my sister and my friends all just sort of… it was  benefit concert for the David Lynch Foundation.  here’s a song on ‘Night People’ called
              not necessarily a dose of reality, because they  Tonight Alive’s Jenna McDougall has also be-  T‘Heavy Soul’, so Black Velvet takes the
              could understand why I felt the way I did, but I  come more spiritual over the last couple of years  opportunity to ask Josh what has made his soul
              think they were wary of what I’d be walking away  and practices yoga and meditation. With You Me  heavy lately.
              from, and did I absolutely want that? Was that  At Six about to tour with Tonight Alive, we won-  “The state of the world right now can weigh
              really how I wanted my time with You Me At Six  der if maybe Josh will embark on some medita-  down young people,” he replies. “I live in East
              to end – because of                                                                         London and I can
              being forced to walk                                                                        respect  and  ac-
              away  rather  than                                                                          cept  other  peo-
              walking  away  on                                                                           ple’s   view   of
              my own accord? So                                                                           Brexit  and  the
              in the end I decided                                                                        way  that  things
              that  I  wasn’t  going                                                                      have panned out,
              to allow other peo-                                                                         but living where I
              ple’s behaviour and                                                                         live,  it’s  a  multi-
              attitudes  to  force                                                                        cultural  society
              me  into  a  position                                                                       where  there  are
              that I didn’t neces-                                                                        lots  of  different
              sarily want to be in.”                                                                      cultures  that  for
                Josh  had  long                                                                           the most part live
              talks  with  his  par-                                                                      in  harmony  and
              ents  and  fiancée                                                                          have a good vibe
              about  quitting  the                                                                        about  it.  I  was
              music business.                                                                             shocked  actually
                “Yeah,   there                                                                            that  what  hap-
              were   absolutely                                                                           pened,   hap-
              moments  when  I                                                                            pened, and even
              was straight up say-                                                                        more  so  when
              ing,  “I’m  not  going                                                                      Donald   Trump
              to  be  in  this  band                                                                      was…  and  I’m
              anymore”.  Not  just                                                                        not saying by any
              this  band  but  “I’m                                                                       sense that Hilary
              not  going  to  do                                                                          Clinton  was  a
              music   anymore”.                                                                           drastically  better
              And  there  were                                                                            option, but I was
              times  when  I  felt                                                                        certainly shocked
              guilty  towards  my                                                                         at   Trump   by
              brothers, who I love                                                                        some of the stuff
              more  than…  the                                                                            he was saying, in
              friendship  and  the                                                                        particular  when
              bond that we have is not the kind of thing that…  tion with Jenna while on the road. Josh says,  he was voted in as President. But it is what it is.
              when you say, “Ah, this person’s my best mate,”  “The  guys  in  Tonight  Alive  are  some  of  our  But that’s something that I have been thinking
              when you’re in a band with someone it’s more  favourite  people  that  we’ve  toured  with  and  about  recently  and  trying  to  get  my  head
              than that. You spend the majority of your life with  that’s why we’ve gone to great lengths to make  around.”
              that person in the most extreme circumstances,  sure this tour is happening and working the way  Josh  is  a  musician  that  really  does  care
              so when I say I love these people it’s not just be-  it is, because I hold them in a very high regard.  about the future of the world and its inhabitants.
              cause I think it sounds good to say, it’s because  I think the way that Jenna, but also on a wider  During his time in You Me At Six he has travelled
              it’s absolutely, you know… I can’t imagine my  scale, across the band, the way that they view  the globe, seen it all, and educated himself on
              life without them. It was difficult having some  touring and life in general, is a powerful way of  many subjects. And he would definitely prefer
              conversations with Max where he understood  doing it and existing. I’m sure we’ll have an op-  certain countries to be run by more compassion-
              but he was also hurting and frustrated and he  portunity to do lots of stuff together. We always  ate beings. He supports companies and organ-
              could see that my heart wasn’t in it. That was  seem to enjoy one another’s company, so yeah,  isations that are doing things for the good of the
              the thing that was difficult for me. I knew that I  I’m sure there’ll be lots of positive stuff to come  earth and those on it. Recently he attended the
              was doing everyone a disservice. I can’t really  out of that tour.”    LUSH Prize Awards and said it was a very in-
              remember what the catalyst was but there was  With the ‘Night People’ tour now their main  sightful and powerful evening.
              a moment in time where things switched and  priority, the band are focused on being the best  “I’ve been vegetarian for about five years,”
              things came together easier.”      musicians they can be and performing to the  he tells us. “My fiancée is vegan. What I found
                                                 highest standard that they can while on tour.  incredible was people from all over the world,
                   he  band’s  manager  suggested  they  -  Josh  spent  some  time  working  with  vocal  coming from parts of the world that aren’t easy
                TJosh, guitarists Max Helyer and Chris  coaches, while Matt secretly also did too.   to live in or to grow up in or study in, and making
              Miller, bassist Matt Barnes and drummer Dan  “Matt actually spent some time, and he ac-  remarkable steps in science without the use of
              Flint - went on a meditation course together, so  tually did it in the shadows almost, in the sense  animal testing. I liked being around very different
              they did some work with the David Lynch Foun-  that he didn’t tell any of us that he was going to  people to myself, but at the same time we had
              dation. Josh says, “I was given a mantra and  go and work with a vocal coach. None of us had  the common goal that we don’t really see the ne-
              taught the basics of transcendental meditation,  really had a chance to, or had put together, a sit-  cessity for us as humans to not be able to live in
              which definitely helped when we were making  uation where we can perform as a band live  harmony  alongside  animals  and  why  people
              the record. I haven’t really practiced it as much  without Chris’s cousin Luke, who would come  need to eat animals. I think it’s a shame and all
              as I would have liked to since, for whatever rea-  out and do backing vocals and guitar with us. So  it comes down to is education. There’s a lack of
              son, but I certainly found it helped. It was an-  he worked very hard during our time off. And  understanding of how people think they can’t
              other part of my life that I could make my own  yeah,  I  did  that  mainly  because  I  wanted  to  live without eating meat and this idea that, “Oh,
              and enjoy.”                        make sure that my job in the band, I’m doing to  if you’re not eating meat then you’re not getting
                A number of musicians and celebrities med-  the  best  of  my  ability  and  to  make  sure  we  the protein your body needs and if you don’t
              itate. Josh Homme of Queens Of The Stone Age  sound as good live as we do on record, and I  drink milk you won’t have strong bones,” and the
              has  credited  transcendental  meditation  with  wanted to make sure we had the opportunity to  bollocks  that  people  come  up  with.  My  main
              helping him recover from a near-death experi-  do that. So far the feedback from playing live  thing that in particular recently has got me even
              ence  in  2010.  Guitar  virtuoso  Steve  Vai  has  since has been very positive and it’s something  more so attending the LUSH Awards and that
              commented that meditation is “one of the best  that people are noticing, so it’s a nice reward for  sort of stuff is the understanding of what animal
              ways to find inner peace and balance in your  the hard work.”          agriculture is doing to our planet. I think, what
              outer life,” while Sheryl Crow has also practiced                      kind of aftermath am I going to give to my chil-
              meditation for many years and performed at a                           dren or grandchildren if I just sat back idly and
                YOU ME AT SIX
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