Page 50 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 50
BV90 pg50_BV90 pg50 27/09/2016 01:09 Page 1
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It’s Good Charlotte’s first Birmingham headline show since 2011. It’s ment by all accounts! Songs like ‘Crave’, from their EP ‘Cluster’, are ad-
been five years, although it seems much longer. We thought we probably dictive and infectious. The band have a humorous side as you’ll see in
wouldn’t ever see them again – so it’s great news that the band are back. the video for ‘Crave’, where they’re dressed up in dog costumes. During
But first, Big Jesus – who are pretty much the exact polar opposite to the set, frontman Awsten Knight also makes jokes. At one point he speaks
Good Charlotte. Their big, fuzzy guitars contrast with Spencer Ussery’s to a fan at the front, commenting on him being the bassist of Weezer. ‘No
mellow and dreamy vocals. You feel like you’re floating around a starry Capes’ is vibrant and energetic while ‘I’m A Natural Blue’ wraps up the set
cosmos during songs like ‘Lock & Key’ and ‘SP’. ‘Shrimp’ is another ethe- with a big bouncy bow. One of our new favourite bands.
real-toned tune with lulling guitars, glistening drums and anaesthetizing Opening with ‘The Anthem’, Good Charlotte sound as good as ever.
vocals. They’re managed by Madden, Joel and Benji’s management com- From the get-go, the crowd are singing along like their life has been reaf-
pany, so it’s no surprise they’re on tour with the band, but they’re so dif- firmed. ‘This is the anthem, throw all your hands up,’ Joel sings, and the
ferent, we’re unsure whether they went down very well with the audience. crowd do. Almost the whole band do too. Benji Madden and Paul Thomas
Polite applause was the order of the day. are singing along even though they don’t need to. You can tell they’re al-
Waterparks incite a little more excitement with their cute and quirky most as happy as the crowd to be back. The band ask who’s seen the
pop punk. Waterparks are a three-piece, also managed by Madden, al- band before and who is there for their first Good Charlotte show. It’s half
though guitarist Geoff Wigington had broken his hand, so had to miss the and half, which is nice to see. The band play both new and old material.
tour. Standing in for him, however, was none other than Electric Joel Madden is happy when a fan shouts for ‘War’ from their new ‘Youth
Century/ex-My Chemical Romance bassist Mikey Way. Not a bad replace- Authority’ album, although they play the single ‘Life Changes’ instead. ‘The
Outfield’ is one of our favourites from the new album, with a real heartfelt good one for anyone that needs encouragement to not give up. Benji also
feeling of love. ‘Girls & Boys’, ‘Riot Girl’ and ‘Little Things’ all sound fresh sings part of ‘The Motivation Proclamation’ and shows that his voice is as
and as likeable as they were when they were first released. It’s great for good as his brother Joel’s. With a set that is about 1hr 40 in length, the
fans that did miss Good Charlotte five or ten years ago to now get to hear band wind things up (without going off stage and back again for an encore)
these songs live. with ‘I Just Wanna Live’ and arguably their most famous hit, ‘Lifestyles Of
Mikey Way gets a shout-out from the band. Before ‘Hold On’, Benji The Rich & Famous’, which whips the crowd up into a frenzy one last time.
Madden gives a little speech and mentions that the band wanted to write We definitely hope we’re not going to have to wait another five years for
something that would help that one kid who’d had a tough time hang in another headline show. Hoping the band come back soon.
there for one more day. He says, “If there’s anyone out there going through YYYYY
a rough time, keep swinging.” The song really has that message and is a SBV
Joel & Benji Madden (Good Charlotte) Photo By Shari Black Velvet