Page 44 - Black Velvet Issue 89
P. 44

BV89 albums pg1_BV89 pg44  02/07/2016  22:30  Page 1

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 44

                                                                 YYYYY Excellent YYYY Very Good YYY Good
                                                                                       YY Listenable, Just Y Poor

                                   uppercut  smashing  your  tility  of  ‘Betray  Me’,  a  re-  ‘Cynics  Playground’,  is  ticularly  with  the  growling
                                   senses, until you scream 'I  minder  how  fragile  both  packed with five interesting  guitar riffs, and ‘Swansong’
                                   Can’t Change', all the while  trust  and  loyalty  are,  is  and energetic tracks. The  is a particularly high-calibre
                                   the riffs and chops reach in  placed  in  between  the  alt  rockers  mix  heavy  in-  example  of  heavy  rock.
                                   and scramble what’s left of  softer  tracks  ‘Dust’  and  strumentals  with  the  un-  This is a strong album cry-
                                   your  brain.  With  a  great  ‘Tore  My  Heart  Out’.  The  usual vocals of Paul Smith  ing out to be blasted at full
                                   crunching  guitar  riff  and  thing that Tremonti do ex-  to give it a distinctive sound  volume.
                                   jacked up solo, 'Take It All'  ceptionally  well  is  blend  that  feels  reminiscent  of  YYYY
                                   keeps   the   momentum  melody  with  the  coarse-  classic rock and roll. Open-  Clare Huckett
                                   going. Vocalist Sharpy un-  ness  of  thrash  metal,  but  ing  track,  ‘Digital  Man-
              BLAQK AUDIO          fortunately does not have  the closing number brings  nequin’,  comes  in  at  full
              MATERIAL             the voice of an angel... but  a  different  tone  to  the  force straight away, it holds
              (BLAQKNOISE/KOBALT)  he does have the voice of  album; ‘Unable To See’ is  back  nothing  and  is  a
                 Rockers-turned-elec-  a devil! Yeaaaaaah! This is  beautifully atmospheric, it’s  catchy  yet  lyrically  strong
              tro, Davey Havok and Jade  rock ‘n’ roll at its best. 'More  strong, yet holds an air of  track that demonstrates a
              Puget (both also members  Than  Nothing'  continues  vulnerability. There may be  lot of technical skill which is
              of Cali rock band AFI) re-  the down and dirty assault  nothing on here that devi-  sustained  throughout  the
              convened for their third stu-  of your senses with a slide  ates too far from Tremonti’s  EP. ‘All I Wanted’ throws a
              dio album, ‘Material’. And  guitar  solo  straight  out  of  previous   material,   but  few   darker   metal-like
              it’s  not  an  album  to  be  the devil’s naughty drawer  ‘Dust’ holds no fillers and is  sounds into the mix, whilst
              missed.   From   their  and a bass line dirtier than  just as good as its counter-  ‘Miss-Guided’  showcases
              unashamedly upbeat elec-  a house full of hookers high  parts. Turn it up and rock  the  range  of  Smith’s  vo-  SKARLETT RIOT
              tro tracks, such as ‘Graphic  on  Hammerjack.  A  must  out!    cals,  and  ‘Self  Hate’,  the  SENTIENCE
              Violence’, to the perfectly  have for any rocker’s col-  YYYY   killer  riffs  that  these  guys  (FACTORY MUSIC)
              fused  melancholic  lyrics  lection.                Penny Gower  can construct. Some may  Since their inception in
              and synth sounds of ‘Black      YYYYY                           see the similar sounds of  2010,  Lincolnshire-based
              At The Center’, this album    Shane Bradley  BLACK ACES         tracks on this this EP as a  quartet Skarlett Riot have
              goes  from  strength  to                  SHOT IN THE DARK      weakness  of  the  quintet,  gone  from  strength  to
              strength. It also caters for a            (BAD REPUTATION)      but  the  slower,  ballad-  strength.  It’s  been  all  go
              range  of  musical  tastes;                  Black  Aces’   debut  esque ‘Dying Breed’ shows  since  their  debut  album,
              fans of their work in AFI will            album  ticks  all  the  right  that  whilst  they’ve  built  a  'Tear  Me  Down',  was  re-
              probably be most drawn to                 boxes  for  raucous Aussie  definitive niche, their style  leased in 2013. They have
              ‘Anointed’,  a  track  that               hard  rock.  Pace,  gravelly  isn’t limited by any means.  either been out on the road
              starts with a scratchy guitar             vocals,  crunching  guitar  This EP is certainly worth  or in the studio, recording
              riff and progresses into an               riffs, and thumping drums,  listening  to  and  builds  on  new  music  and  making
              exploration of faith with a               it’s  all  good.  Title  track  their already striking collec-  new  fans  alike.  May  2nd
              new wave tinge. Title track,              ‘Shot  In  The  Dark’  is  de-  tion of work.  saw the release of a five-
              ‘Material’,  is  another  one             ceptively laid back in spite      YYYY     track  EP  entitled  'Sen-
              that  stands  out,  with                  of the intro chords, shriek-  Yasmeen Frasso  tience'. This release seems
              Havok’s  slightly  chilling  TREMONTI     ing vocals and solid bass                  to  be  a  stopgap  between
              singing  of  ‘I  am  all  alone  DUST     rhythms. It’s a solid opener  MAGICK TOUCH  albums, a sort of marker of
              with my beautiful things’, it  (FRET12)   that’s  full  of  promise.  ELECTRICK SORCERY  what is to come from Skar-
              again brings a sombre ele-  ‘Dust’  is  the  second  Where  they  really  catch  (SCS)  lett Riot in the future. 'Sen-
              ment  into  the  electro  and  concluding  collection  fire, though, is in the faster-  Magick Touch are well-  tience' appears to have a
              sounds. Overall, ‘Material’  of  tracks  from  the  writing  paced numbers. ‘Back On  named  because  this  trio  much more mature sound
              is  an  impressive  album,  sessions  which  brought  The  Chain’  has  a  great  from  Norway  definitely  as the first single, 'Voices',
              versatile enough for danc-  ‘Cauterize’  to  us  in  2015.  bluesy rhythm and a killer  have it. This is good-time  will  testify  as  it  boosts  a
              ing  to  in  a  club  but  pos-  This instalment once again  soaring  guitar  solo,  while  hard rock; upbeat, guitar-  huge  double  drum  beat
              sessing a lot of substance  showcases  the  tremen-  ‘Let It Roll’ is driven along  heavy,   and   infectious.  and bass of thunder, with
              that much electronic music  dous talent from the mem-  by the tub-thumping drums  Which isn’t to say it’s light-  lightning riffs backed up by
              lacks, easily making it one  bers  of  Tremonti  –  Mark  and  classic  rock  guitar  weight  because  it’s  not,  Chloe's  powerful-yet-ver-
              of the albums to put on a  Tremonti,  Eric  Friedman,  rhythm which lets fly with  and while the album starts  satile  vocals.  'Scream  At
              summer playlist. It’s safe to  Wolfgang  Van  Halen  and  another top notch, frenetic  at  the  lighter  end  of  the  Me'  has  powerful  licks,  a
              say that Blaqk Audio have  Garrett Whitlock. Sonically,  solo. ‘Burnin’ Up The High-  spectrum   with   ‘Love  rumbling bass line and an
              crafted  something  that  the songs on ‘Dust’ are as  way’  relaxes  the  tempo  a  Rocket’,  as  it  progresses  infectious  chorus  that  will
              stretches far beyond sim-  thunderous  and  crushing  little  in  favour  of  an  arro-  things  take  a  turn  for  the  have you screaming at the
              ple material things.  as  ever.  Take  opening  gant  swagger  and  sway  heavier. There are some in-  top  of  your  voice,  while
                         YYYYY     song,  ‘My  Last  Mistake’,  that’s  so  infectious  it  be-  teresting effects going on,  'Feel' is probably as close
                     Yasmeen Frasso  which  is  about  having  a  comes one of the highlights  like in ‘Underwater Prison’,  to a ballad as you can ex-
                                   bad  influence  in  your  life  of the album. ‘Shot In The  which sticks mainly in the  pect, with some great riffs
              HAMMERJACK           that  you  cannot  seem  to  Dark’ is beer-soaked, clas-  lower registers and makes  and hooks, it’s almost like
              HAMMERJACK           break  away  from;  it  fero-  sic  Aussie  rock,  and  al-  good  use  of  the  bass  you can 'feel' the emotion
              (HAMMERJACK)         ciously  and  swiftly  gives  though it’s a sound many  rhythms. ‘Joker Vs Ace’ is  and intent coming right at
                 Southern   England  your  ears  a  pummelling.  others have tried to emu-  more  rapid-pace  classic  you. Add a killer solo and
              rockers  Hammerjack  re-  Don’t think things are going  late with varying degrees of  rock. ‘Wildfire’ has a slower  you  have  everything  to
              lease their second EP on  to  get  any  gentler.  There  success, Black Aces man-  pace but ups the intensity  make this track a possible
              the  22nd  July,  and  the  are  moments  within  ‘The  age to deliver in spades.  particularly  in  the  vocals.  single. If there is a down-
              Guildford quartet are ready  Cage’  and  ‘Once  Dead’  YYYY     Magick Touch are particu-  side to this release, it’s that
              to rock your socks off. The  that would give Slipknot’s  Clare Huckett  larly good at ensuring all el-  it’s  only  an  EP,  but  it  is
              opener, 'I Can’t Change', is  brutality a run for its money.    ements are in balance, so  something to keep the fans
              an indication of what’s on  As  well  as  some  razor-  PATRIOT REBEL   you get great clarity for the  going  while  they  wait  for
              offer  -  flat-out  ballsy  rock  sharp  guitar  work,  Whit-  CYNICS PLAYGROUND  bass,  which  adds  to  the  the  next  full  Skarlett  Riot
              with  an  infectious  chorus  lock’s   well-executed  (PATRIOT REBEL)  drama of the track. ‘Out Of  album.
              that hits as hard as a Tyson  drumming really stands out  Nottingham  five-piece  Reality’ is a heavier beast,  YYYY
                                   here. The high-speed hos-  Patriot Rebel’s second EP,  edging towards metal, par-  Shane Bradley
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