Page 31 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 31
BV88 pg30, 31, 32 Walk The Moon Int_BV88 pg31 02/04/2016 20:46 Page 2
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 31
bitious. We have always had our eye… I don’t on their current album, ‘Talking Is Hard’. Nick “We are very proud. At the time we were
know, on sort of a rising star of success so to opens up about where he found his love for the writing the song, it was pretty much in the fore-
speak. Once we hit something, our eyes are al- 80s sound. “I think the 80s stuff was our own front of the American media about the almost-
ways on the next thing. One thing is that we are doing. We were each raised definitely by music war on legalising same-sex marriage. Obviously
four very different people. Very different musical lovers ranging from funk and soul, and The Bea- the theme of diversity goes beyond just sexual
people and in our personalities as well. One tles and classic rock. For me personally, the 80s orientation. It has been really cool over the past
thing we have always had in common is we are came out of college. Butting heads with other year and a half or so hearing stories from peo-
willing to put in the work. We are on the road people my own age and discovering artists that ple, from fans, about how they have dealt with
over 300 days a year!” way, and I really fell in love with the era for its whatever their version of diversity is with the
Nick also sings, “I’m a workaholic!” in the love affair with the weird and that fearlessness song and with our music. That is really amazing,
track. When suggested with this being part of is something that we really dig.” that’s the whole point,” he says.
their working ethics, he replies with “Exactly, Eli adds, “The 80’s are interesting in that Being held back because of diversity wasn’t
we’re devoted!” way, there are kind of like two distinct camps of often an option for Petricca. He expresses he
Carrying on from being confident, Black Vel- things that were going on. One has become very was a go-getter from the start and gained a lot
vet asked the band who is the biggest chatter- adult and contemporary sounding, like Fleet- from pushing the boundaries.
box, and they can’t decide, so they settle on who wood Mac, which is still super cool and hip. It “For me, in school I was like the weird one,
is the funniest instead. definitely has a kind of adult thing going on, but I was really into theatre and really into bands. I
“Well, chatterbox and funny are totally differ- then there was the stuff that was really out there. was the flamboyant weirdy kid and so that
ent things.” Kevin says. The kind of weirdo stuff that maybe your parents wasn’t always the coolest thing. The best mo-
Eli suggests, “I think Sean is the most natu- didn't turn you onto as much. So I was listening ments were when I didn’t get my own way, and
rally funny one in the band.” to Fleetwood Mac because of my parents, like I was unafraid to go after those things and just
Kevin replies, “Not the biggest chatterbox you said, but then David Bowie came through have fun. That’s when I made the most friends,
but maybe the funniest.” from my own discovery.” had the most rewarding experience and wasn't
Nick mentions, “I would say Kevin has the scared.”
most stories. He goes around and collects sto- ifferent Colors’ has a clear message, There is a lot in the media right now about
ries and always has some odd thing that hap- ‘Dshowing diversity, celebration and ac- different perspectives on topics such as LGBTQ
pened to him.” ceptance. We get this feeling from a huge rights, racism, equality, etc. We asked what
amount of Walk The Moon songs. Nick tells us Walk The Moon think of people who can’t accept
he 80s influence of Walk The Moon’s why it is so important to them as a band and other people’s views or respect them.
Tsound is evident everywhere you look how the theme has grown. Eli highlights that it’s difficult not to disagree