Page 38 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 38
BV84 pg34,35,36, 37, 38:BV84 pg38 19/03/2015 21:12 Page 5
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 38
great as it is to be on the outside, it’s nice to be part of something, what does Billy want now? sort of waving at the thousands of people and
noticed sometimes. And also, in the same way What are the band most hungry for? seeing them mosh and circle pit and hug each
that Jude looks up to a certain institution or a He says, “I think what we want… I think we other and crowdsurf and jump onstage and hug
certain way of doing things and couldn’t function want to be understood I guess. And that’s why us so hard we can’t sing our lyrics. We feel like
on the outside, I feel like I have the luxury of we continue making music and why I continue we’ve got this endless communication with peo-
being able to cope and actually being able to writing. Every time I write a song I try to dig out ple, that we’re just adding to ourselves, these
continue going. I still wake up every morning what’s inside of me and yeah, I guess I have that new people that we have this really odd connec-
though and sort of rap myself on the head and need to self-discover. We go on all these amaz- tion with, they know us, we don’t necessarily
go “Wow, I’m living my dream every single day”. ing experiences and adventures around the know them but they know us so deeply, they un-
When I was a kid I used to dream of being on world and we learn so much about the world and derstand us in such a crazy level so I think we
stage, even when I couldn’t play guitar, I used the people in it but we keep wanting to discover just want to keep meeting people, we want to
to dream of playing guitar, like Noel Gallagher what’s inside our minds and in our hearts and in keep visiting these incredible places, we want to
or Jimi Hendrix or Billy Corgan and you can get our guts, so... that’s the hunger. I think for Char- keep this sphere rolling, we want to keep making
so lost in the hurricane that is the rock ‘n’ roll lotte and Josh primarily, it’s about going on this smiles happen. That’s the hunger I think.”
world, being on tour, of meeting your idols and adventure and because we’re so close, Char-
then becoming acclimatized to that whole whirl- lotte and I went out for 8 or 9 years, Josh and I illy definitely made us smile during this
wind, that absolute circus of what the rock ‘n’ roll are brothers, so we all share such a deep con- Binterview, and the band with their album.
world is, and it’s good sometimes to wake up nection, we’re all best friends, and I don’t think Get a copy and go see them live, and you’ll
and go “Wow, I AM living the dream, this IS awe- we ever want to give that up. I don’t think we smile too. They’ll make it happen for sure.
some, this IS incredible” and I suppose me writ- want to give up this incredible sphere that we’ve Visit
ing Jude was me in one of my weaker built up around ourselves, it’s just like a ball of
moments.” joy, of adventure, of self-discovery, of smiling, of Words By Shari Black Velvet
So, looking to the future. Besides being a making people smile… Getting on stage, and Photos By Greig Clifford
talk to them to find out if they are doing ap-
prenticeships and what it requires. Make sure
you express your goals.
Highlight(s) of your career so far?
I would have to say the first time winning an
award at a tattoo contest. Never in a million
years would I have ever considered entering
any of my work. I always just wanted to stand
to the side and away from the stage. My
coworker encouraged me to enter some
pieces and, to my surprise, I actually won. It
felt great to win ‘cause I finally had something
with my name on it to put next to their trophies.
If you could meet one of your inspirations
and ask them one question, who would you
Name, Age & Location: time to wake up fully and get ready for work.
My name is Adam Smith. I was raised and live Once I’m at work I spend most of the days tat- like to meet and what question would you
in Columbia, S.C. I was born in St. Petersburg, tooing, arched over the drawing table prepar- ask?
Fl. ing drawings for upcoming appointments, or Well, since this is a music site I will keep it in
doing some sort of freelance work for some- that field. I would probably say Mike Ness from
What do you do - or what do you aim to do? one. That normally takes me to closing time. Social Distortion. And instead of asking him a
I am a Tattoo Artist at Animated Canvas Cus- But there have been times when I’m in there question, I think it would be better to just thank
tom Tattoo, located in the heart of downtown tattooing till 3 or 4 in the morning. Then I come him for being as honest as he is through his
Columbia. home and wind down to go to sleep so that I music and helping a lot of people through hard
can wake up and do it all over again the next times in life, including myself.
How long have you been doing it for - and day. The shop is closed on Sundays and Mon-
what made you choose this career? days, which is really nice ‘cause I can always Advice to others that may want to follow in
I’ve been a tattoo artist for a total of seven make plans for myself on those days. your footsteps?
years now, five at the location I’m at now. The The main thing is to always keep chasing your
first two years I kind of floated around between Best purchase that’s helped your career so dreams no matter how hard or difficult it can
a couple of shops. Incidentally, a goal that I far? get. And in the process, keep growing as an
had set for myself at the beginning, was to end That’s a really hard thing to answer but basi- individual so that those dreams become easier
up where I’m at now. I didn’t really think that cally I would have to say it wasn’t a purchase to catch.
was going to be something that would be pos- that helped my career as much as it was the
sible. But as luck would have it, it happened. people I work with in the shop that I’m at. Where do you go from here? Plans for the
I’ve been into art since I was a little kid. As I They’ve really helped me out a lot and still do. future?
grew older, there wasn’t really any careers They have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to I plan on staying on the path that I’m already
around in that field. I started to get more into share about the industry and they are also very on. I’m not quite sure where it will lead, but I
the music scene. Being out at the clubs, down to earth and practical. do know it has been a very rewarding journey
started DJing, producing music and even own- so far. From client to client, from project to proj-
ing a little mp3 label. I did that for 10 years or
Have you had any professional training or ect, it has been a very exciting journey and I
so, then got burned out. Around that time, tat- taken part in any courses to improve your just can’t wait to see what the next day has in
too shops started opening up around here. I career along the way? store for me. Thank you for your time and I
kind of became reclusive and that is when I re- Where I live, you have to do an apprenticeship wish you all a great day.
discovered my passion for art. I do feel that to get into the industry. When friends ask how
both music and art is a great outlet for creativ- to become a tattoo artist, I always say the best Website for more info:
ity. thing to do is look around for artists and shops
that are putting out the style of art that you are
What does a general working day or week interested in, or already doing. Obviously if you
usually consist of? specialize in colour, you don’t want to be If you have a music related job or career
I work what is like a second shift. So I wake up trained by someone who is strictly black and and would like to be featured, send your
around 10/11 and have pretty much enough grey. Once you find that place, or person, go answers to the above questions to edi-