Page 36 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 36

BV84 pg34,35,36, 37, 38:BV84 pg36  19/03/2015  21:15  Page 3

             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 36
             look forward to, you’ll get fit and healthy and  loving animals with me sort of endorsing the way  there were about 5 people in the room, and he
             you’ll be doing it for a good cause,” and I was  they treat these animals when they’re packaged,  just sort of rushed past the 5 people standing
             like “Great, ok, let’s try this out”. A couple of  the way they treat them before they’re killed? I  there in the row, rushed up to the stage, turned
             weeks in I realized I could start thinking again, I  suddenly thought, all these ways that I’ve been  the microphone away and was like “I want to
             could start processing my emotions again. Artis-  living are not on really. So yeah…”  manage you guys, I have to be your manager”.
             tically I could put songs together again. I felt like  It makes sense that Billy loves animals. He  We were like, “Yeah, cool”. We were 17 years
             I could actually do this record. So right up until  has a dog called Daisy that inspired a song title  old at the time. From there on we’ve been tour-
             the end of January my friends sent me an invite  on the new album. Although the song was about  ing around the world, going to America, Aus-
             to go to London to have a big blowout and cele-  Billy’s relationship with his wife, one day when  tralia,  Japan,  Russia,  all  over  Europe,  South
             brate getting to the end of the month, and also  Daisy  the  dog  came  in  the  house,  the  first  Africa, and every year we’d play 2 or 3 shows at
             the record had got                                                     least at the Buffalo Bar in between. Stacey who
             to a certain stage                                                     ran the Buffalo Bar would ring me up, going,
             in  the  mixes  and                                                    “How ya doing? Great to speak to you again.
             everything,  and   “I found a way to process everything. I realized    Fancy  doing  a  gig  down  at  the  Buffalo  Bar?
             just  because  we  that I am an over emotional person, that’s why I am  We’ve got a slot free on Wednesday”. We’d be
             all  wanted  to  go                                                    “Yeah, we’ll be down there” or “No, we can’t
             out  for  a  drink.  a musician. That’s why I started writing music in the  make it, sorry”. But all those memories just bot-
             And I was on the  first place, because I had all these pent up feelings  tlenecked and burst out. All these profound ex-
             train up, and I just                                                   periences that we’ve had over the years came
             caught  the  train  that could only have been exerted through the phys-  out and it just felt like the anchor that weighed
             back   home.   I  ical manifestation of being on stage and acting out  us down, that kept us grounded, that made us
             called  my  wife                                                       remember who exactly we are and where we
             and  said  “I  don’t  my passion as well as singing them through melody  came from is going to be lost in the ether forever
             want to do this, I’ll                                                  now. It’s never going to be there, and I just burst
             carry  on  for  an-  and playing the guitar.” - Billy Lunn, The Subways  into  tears  and  I  had  to  stop  playing.  My  dog
             other month,” and                                                      Daisy  was  just  looking  at  me  going,  “What’s
             so  I  signed  up                                                      wrong?” Her sad eyes were looking up at me
             with another charity, an Alzheimer’s society, to  thought that came into his head was her dirty  going, “What’s wrong? It’s not that bad!” I real-
             push me on for that extra month, right until the  muddy paws – and instantly it hit Billy that that  ized how ridiculous it was, I was just weeping
             end of February and by the middle of February  would make a great song title. Although Billy  and weeping and I just started laughing to my-
             I’d realized it was the best thing for me not to  hasn’t quite got his head around the fact that  self realizing how silly this all was. But that’s just
             drink. It was really tough. I suffer with depression  fans now know who Daisy is. “It’s kind of strange  how  far  gone  we  are  into  these  places,  into
             quite badly anyway but obviously alcohol being  because you throw the songs out there and im-  these people that have changed our lives. We’re
             a depressant doesn’t really help out with that.  mediately if you start talking about your home  heavily indebted to these people, we’re heavily
             So I felt my productivity levels going up, my ap-  life, which in a weird way I do keep separate, the  indebted to that place, and it doesn’t deserve to
             preciation for the arts just blew through the roof.  fact  that  people  know  about  Daisy  now,  and  perish… and it has perished. It was just like see-
             I think I just got in touch with my emotions. I  she’s just this old Golden Retriever, this old Mut-  ing an old friend off.”
             found a way to process everything. I realized  tley thing that I love so much, linking up I find
             that I am an over emotional person, that’s why I  that quite difficult, but it’s great, it’s great that  he band have had some amazing times
             am  a  musician.  That’s  why  I  started  writing  Daisy’s now famous.”  Tand have many memories of events and
             music in the first place, because I had all these  We suggest that they should make a Sub-  experiences that have blown their minds. Early
             pent up feelings that could only have been ex-  ways T-shirt  with  Daisy  on  it.  “My  wife  and  I  on, they won the chance to play Glastonbury
             erted  through  the  physical  manifestation  of  would love to put Daisy on a T-shirt!” Billy ex-  Festival  after  being  hand  picked  by  Michael
             being on stage and acting out my passion as  claims, sounding all wide-eyed at the idea. “I’ve  Eavis to play the legendary festival. They’re now
             well as singing them through melody and play-  actually thanked Daisy in the liner notes on the  festival mainstays and have played all over the
             ing the guitar. I felt like I’d fallen in love with my  record. That’s so bad, isn’t it!?” he laughs.  world. Although Billy tells us they always feel a
             wife all over again and my family were saying to                       bit excluded at events like these. In fact, the
             me that they’d got the old Billy back, and I do  he Subways formed in 2003. They’re a  song ‘We Get Around’ is about how out of the
             feel like I felt when I was a kid. I have my darker  Tvery close-knit trio with Billy and Josh  loop they feel. “We just feel like every time we’re
             moments but I find ways to get through that. But  being brothers, while Charlotte and Billy were  backstage at festivals we’re excluded. We see
             yeah, giving up drinking has given me a new  boyfriend and girlfriend for a number of years.  other bands going up and high fiving each other
             way, not just in life but in music as well.”  They formed the band in their teens. Being from  and hugging, and going ‘Hey bro, how ya doing?
                We ask if it was hard to stay off the alcohol.  Welwyn Garden City they’d travel into London in  Haven’t  seen  you  in  a  couple  of  weeks  and
             Did he have any moments where he craved a  the early days to play shows with older bands.  we’re just the geeky kids sat in the corner by
             drink?                             A regular venue and favourite of theirs was the  ourselves, going out front, watching the other
                “There were definitely moments but these  Buffalo Bar. Sadly, this closed down on New  bands. If there’s anyone that we really admire
             were split second moments,” Billy replies. “I’d  Years Eve after being forced to shut its doors by  we’re kind of douchebags, begging that we’re
             crave… “I can do it, I can just have half a pint,”  the landlord after 14 years. The Subways man-  not worthy, so we just feel like yeah, we’re ex-
             but then I’d realize that I couldn’t just have the  aged to play one last show there on December  cluded out of that.”
             pint, I’d never just have the one drink. The kind  3rd, and while rehearsing for this show one day,  That said, one musician who has opened
             of person that I am, I seek out oblivion. I seek  Billy burst into tears.   his  arms  to  the  band  is  Tim  Burgess  of  The
             the abyss in some really macabre way and in  He says, “The moment came when I was  Charlatans. The Subways played a Save The
             order for me to face that and articulate it, I need  practicing these old songs that we wrote specif-  Children Christmas charity show with The Char-
             the clarity that sobriety brings. In order to write  ically to play at the Buffalo Bar when we were  latans at Union Chapel a day after their final Buf-
             songs and understand the feelings that go on in  kids, when we were 16, 17, 18 years old, pre-  falo Bar show, in December, and Tim invited Billy
             my brain I need the clarity and vision, I need to  tending to be 18 years and over, leaving school  to join him onstage for a song.
             be able to focus and if I did just have that one  and going to the Buffalo Bar and playing gigs  “I’m a huge Charlatans fans anyway so it
             pint, it wouldn’t just be the one pint, I’d just lose  with 25 year olds. All those memories of rather  was just great to be sharing the stage with the
             myself in nothingness I think. I’ve realized that  than going home and doing our homework, it  Charlatans  that  evening  and  I  talk  with  Tim
             I’ve got an addictive personality and now I’m ad-  was sort of catching the train into London and  sometimes on Twitter. And it was a really, really
             dicted to music, I’m addicted to my family, I’m  playing rock ‘n’ roll shows. Playing all of those  nerve-racking show. We usually play these loud,
             addicted to literature, I’m addicted to theatre, I’m  songs  and  rehearsing  them  for  the  last  ever  raucous, crazy shows and when we were asked
             addicted to life. So it’s just about refocusing all  show at the Buffalo Bar, the place where we feel  to strip down and play acoustically it feels like
             these addictive tendencies I have into positive  our heart still resides. The heart of the Subways  we’re going on stage completely naked, every-
             ways.”                             is all about the Buffalo Bar. We met the people  thing’s very bare bones, the stakes are ringing
                Billy tells us that since abstaining from alco-  there who changed our lives forever, who sup-  around you, especially at Union Chapel, with its
             hol, he’s also even given up eating meat. “Since  ported us through so much. We met our man-  really high ceiling, beautiful setting, if you make
             I quit drinking I’ve turned vegetarian as well.  ager who is still with us today down there, when  a mistake it rings round you. Luckily we didn’t
             Since  I  quit  drinking  I  can  see  everything  so  he was working as a sound engineer on the PA  make too many mistakes but it’s always in the
             clearly and I love animals. How can I equate my  system. At one gig we were 2 or 3 songs in,  back  of  your  head,  ‘don’t  make  a  mistake  –
               THE SUBWAYS
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