Page 28 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 111
P. 28

BV111 pg 26-29 Skillet Interview.qxp_BV111 pg 28  13/12/2024  23:51  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 28
              of people involved. Eventually we’re going to   is a really good thing, right? Because slavery is   human trafficking, sex trafficking. Does it matter
              record it and hire a producer.  The producer   a really evil enterprise. So, those things are re-  if you believe in the Christian God? Or Allah? Or
              hears it and he goes, ‘Man, I don’t know if I really   ally good. To me, it’s protecting those bottom line   no god at all? I think these religious leaders
              like this part.’ It might be that one part that the   things. So, just to put some meat on the skele-  should be coming together to say, ‘What can we
              other guy wrote, and then I go, ‘I don’t really like   ton, because that can sound really abstract for   do to end this?’ If there is something for the
              it either!’ I show the producer my original version   some people, I’m a big believer, as we talked   greater good that we can strive for, you want to
              and he’s like, ‘Oh crap, that’s so much better.’   last time, in freedom of speech. To me that’s   come together and be like, ‘Hey, let’s not be
              Then the label says, ‘Well, where’s the part we   good. We don’t have to agree; I don’t care if you   petty about things that we don’t need to be petty
              liked in the song?’ So it will take you about two   hate my god or my religion; you can say that. I   about.’ Things like liberty, liberty for all.”
              years to make the record!”          welcome it! Tweet it to me!” John says, with a
                 When it came to writing the songs for ‘Rev-  smile. “I protect your right to do that, that’s fine   ith the members of Skillet - John,
              olution’ (Skillet’s twelfth album), it was a much   with me. You’re not calling for violence, you’re   WKorey Cooper (keyboards/guitar), Jen
              more streamlined affair. The first song that came   saying your opinion and I’ve got my big boy   Ledger (drums) and Seth Morrison (lead guitar)
              to life was the third track on the album.   pants on, I can take it! I want to protect that. I   - being of Christian faith, a reference to the Bible
                 “I had an idea for a song which was called   think talking to people, loving people, having   verse of 1 Corinthians 13:13 can be found on
              ‘All That Matters’, I had the hook…” John begins   faith in others, even if you go, ‘Hey, at the end   the ‘Revolution’ album cover. Which is: ‘These
              to sing: “‘My faith, my family, my freedom, that’s   of the day, we may totally disagree on this but   three things remain: faith, hope and love. But the
              what’s backin’ me’. That’s all I had and I didn’t   let’s just be honest about it…’ Freedom of   greatest of these is love.’
              want to mess it up. I called my buddy Brian [pro-  speech is so absolutely wonderful. That opens   John explains that part of that is alluding to
              ducer Brian Howes]. He produced our ‘Co-  up a very long, political philosophical conversa-  the culture of reaction and the piling on of anger
              matose’ record and ‘Unleashed’. I called my   tion; but those things, to me, are good. I don’t   and hate without understanding someone’s
              buddy Brian and said, ‘Hey, I’m                                                      point of view. “I am a very
              writing this song; it’s up your alley,                                               opinionated person, so I
              this is what you write really well’.                                                 don’t mind opinionated peo-
              He wrote with Hinder, Daughtry                                                       ple,” John states. “That
              and all that. I sent it to him and he                                                might also be generational. I
              goes, ‘Oh I love it. Let’s write it to-                                              think my generation was a
              gether.’ So, we’re writing together                                                  little bit more fine to dis-
              on the phone, we’re just sending                                                     agree, argue, maybe even
              stuff back and then I go, ‘I think                                                   yell at each other a little bit,
              you should just produce it.’ He’s                                                    but not take it in such a per-
              like, ‘OK, I’ll produce it.’ And so we                                               sonal way where we are not
              just did it!  That was literally 13                                                  friends anymore. Maybe so-
              months ago. We wrote the entire                                                      cial media has changed that
              record; recorded the entire record                                                   a little bit; there is a lot of
              and released it in 12 months, as                                                     benefit from acting really
              opposed to two to two and a half                                                     angry, like, it’s me against
              years!”                                                                              you.  There is a benefit on
                                                                                                   social media because, then,
                     evolution’  is  based                                                         the algorithms start to cham-
                 ‘Raround being able to                                                            pion your post. If it’s react-
              stand up for what we believe in,                                                     ing, they want to champion
              while respecting other people’s be-                                                  it, because they want people
              liefs and opinions at the same                                                       spending time on it, so it ac-
              time. In a time where polarisation                                                   tually pays to hate. It’s a re-
              is globally prevalent, John says a                                                   ally horrible way to live. It’s
              revolution of love, understanding                                                    a way to destroy a culture.”
              and tolerance is needed.                                                                While on the subject of
                 The song ‘All That Matters’ in-                                                   social media, the song ‘Rev-
              cludes the lyrics, ‘When darkness                                                    olution’ includes the lyrics,
              divides us, I believe that love can                                                  ‘Lost the future generations,
              conquer all.’ We discuss with John                                                   face-to-face can’t communi-
              whether we could achieve the                                                         cate, and we can’t tell the
              common good and learn to be able                                                     truth from faking.’
              to live in a society where we can                                                       Artificial Intelligence is
              flourish together, despite our differ-                                               rapidly evolving. Algorithms
              ences.                                                                               - powered by AI - already
                 “I’m a very big proponent of                                                      shape public opinion and
              Western civilisation. I think its                                                    have an influence on cul-
              foundations are really good,” John                                                   tural and political trends. Are
              tells us. “I realise that some people                                                we at a point where we
              might not agree with that and it's                                                   would rather trust AI-gener-
              naive to think that all humans on planet Earth   want somebody telling me that I can’t worship   ated responses over having a genuine discus-
              are going to find a way for everybody to just be   my god. I don’t want that, it’s not right and I’m   sion with our fellow humans? “Yes! It’s pretty
              like, ‘Hey, we can get there as long as we just   not going to tell you that you have to worship my   frightening, actually,” John answers. “I mean, I’m
              do a, b and c,’” he notes. “You have to have   god. It’s the same thing, you know what I mean?   not very knowledgeable about AI, I’m really not,
              some sort of commonality, a code if you will, that   So, I think that John Locke [British philosopher]   so I wouldn’t speak about it on any level of
              we all agree to agree on; but there are some   was right about that, and I’m always thankful for   weight. I would say it is scary. It is very, very
              things out of bounds that we are just not willing   John Locke. All these great ideas we got from   frightening. What I was getting at in that song is
              to deal with. The Western civilisation was built   the UK!” John laughs.   the fact that young people are being raised on
              on a lot of ideas that were really good, a lot of   Looking past some of the differences to find   their phones, and that was also accelerated be-
              enlightenment ideas. I think America borrowed   the commonalities that we can agree on, is the   cause of the pandemic, being locked in the
              English common law, which was absolutely bril-  only way to stop things falling apart and help   house. Now, all of your relationships are either
              liant as far as I’m concerned. To me, it’s a little   solve bigger issues going on in the world. We   not real - like meaning you are watching some-
              bit like protecting these ideas, protecting individ-  talk to John about the influence religious leaders   one else’s social media, experiencing their life
              ual liberties; which, of course, we are still always   have on shaping individual and collective moral-  on social media; or else, you are talking to real
              finding ways to expand what that means. In   ity. We ask whether he agrees that the leaders   people via FaceTime or something; but you’re
              America, we had chattel slavery, for instance, so   should be more active in jointly promoting peace   not in the same room with people. It’s made the
              we’re expanding those individual liberties to in-  and security. John ponders, before answering,   nature of relationships totally evolve. In America,
              clude people they didn’t used to include, which   “America is having some really big issues with   I don’t know what it is like here in the UK, so I
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