Page 7 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 105
P. 7

BV105 pg06-07 Dobermann.qxp_BV105 pg07  30/12/2021  18:27  Page 2

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 7
              a mourning, it's like dealing with death, ‘cause   also outside the band and we hang out together   you spend a lot of time talking to others to
              you normally end up not seeing ever again your   most of the time. It makes things easier and   get shows and arrange tours?
              former significant other ever again. There's this   quicker; you can make a decision on the spot.   PDB:  We spend ages arranging tours. That's
              guy sitting at the table making plans and talking   That's how we kept things going during lock-  the hardest part of the whole thing. It takes
              to his girl and all of a sudden he's talking to a   down. It wasn't a bad time for me, to be honest.   months of preparation and then you get cancel-
              pile of dust. That's where the title comes from.    I worked on music and did a few things I never   lations with three weeks' notice and shit like that.
                                                  had the time to do. On the other hand, it's been   It's very frustrating, but it's also very rewarding
              BV: ‘Shaken To The Core’ was produced by   two years of almost no touring. We play shows   when you complete them. It feels like a job well
              Alessandro Del Vecchio. Did he talk you into   and go out occasionally for two or three dates,   done, mission accomplished. I love coming
              trying anything that you hadn’t tried before?   but we haven't done a proper tour in a while.   home from tours. Riding in the sunset with an
              PDB: Alessandro did a great job not touching   That's what I miss the most. And I didn't even re-  empty merch bag! We're all looking forward to
              what we came up with. I think the songs were   alise how much I missed it until we went back to   playing HRH, that is one of the few gigs where
              pretty good already, compared to our previous   England last September for the first time since   we actually talked to the promoter. 95% of all
              records; the songwriting was at a better level.   2020. ‘Cause you get used to this new world and   communication happens via email or text nowa-
              We hit the studio with some pretty definite   you kinda adjust to its crap factor. But then I re-  days and then you meet up at the gig. But John
              demos, so yeah, he added a few touches here   alised how much I had missed being on the   at HRH is a cool guy. We actually Skyped and
              and there and definitely added some colours,   road. Everything is much more complicated   had a chat. See you guys next November in
              but there wasn't much we needed to be talked   nowadays.               Great Yarmouth!
              into. We were already up for trying a few things
              we'd never tried before. You don't hear piano or   BV: Do you think it’s important that you have   BV: Do you talk much about your perform-
              acoustic guitars on any other Dobermann   someone to talk to outside of the band? Or   ances and shows with each other – and how
              record, for one thing!              someone to talk to about personal issues or   to improve them? What plans do you have
                                                  problems?                          for your future shows?
              BV: Do you remember the first time the three   PDB: It's crucial. It's always good to have a neu-  PDB Yes, probably too much. We're very critical
              of you met and talked to each other? What   tral opinion on things. When you're in a band   about what we do. We're always trying to im-
              did you bond over? What did you think of   you're too involved and it's impossible to be ob-  prove things and fix mistakes. Always trying to
              each other when you first met? What made   jective. It's essential. You play a show and you   put up a better show and better ourselves. It's
              you decide to be in a band with each other?   think you sucked, but then people tell you it was   never good enough and, in a way, this is a good
              PDB: Me and Valerio have known each other   great, so you have to take that into account. Or   thing. We'd probably accomplish more if we
              forever. I actually remember when he came to   you write a music part, you get attached to it,   weren't so critical about each other and about
              see me play for the first time with some band I   and you want to stick it in the song at all costs,   ourselves, but I guess the stuff we'd accomplish
              had, and the gig was cancelled because there   and then one of your bandmates has something   wouldn't be as good as the stuff we do accom-
              were five people in the room and the owner did-  to say about it, and naturally you don't want to   plish with all the talking involved, so that's how
              n't want to go ahead with the show so he would-  back off. So you need to have the producer to   we roll. We'll be on tour in March, hitting the UK,
              n't have to pay us the full fee! Valerio had just   have the final word. I normally trust producers.   Belgium, Holland and Germany, make sure you
              started his own band, and that should have   After six months you realise they were right.   come see us!
              taught him something about rock ‘n’ roll! But he   Also, I think a good producer shouldn't always
              didn't back off and ten years later synchronicity   side with the same guy in the band, unless it's   BV: On your ‘Testarossa’ album, you had a
              struck and we ended up playing together. His   jeopardizing the outcome. At the end of the day,   song called ‘You Talk It You Walk It’. What is
              band at the time had just disbanded and our   there's no 'right' or 'wrong' in music, what   that about? And do YOU talk the talk AND
              original guitarist had just walked away. So, it was   sounds good to you might not sound good to   walk the walk?
              either joining forces or going down. We bonded   someone else, so it's way more important to   PDB: That song is about that one girl that teases
              over Judas Priest, Ozzy, and pestering venues   make the band function and get smoothly   you all the time, and then runs away when you
              until they either give you a gig or tell you to fuck   through the recording process.   want to come to the point. She talks the talk but
              off. We make a formidable team. I met Antonio   I ask my girlfriend's opinion all the time about   she does not walk the walk and she drives you
              when he came to audition for us, after the origi-  music and especially lyrics. It's very important to   crazy. She lies, denies, and she won't give it up.
              nal drummer left... I thought he was a cool kid   have an external and dispassionate opinion.    We're the total opposite! 800 shows and count-
              with excellent timing and who could sing great                         ing! We keep our word. AND we still drive you
               backing vocals. He was playing in a gospel   BV: What would you say to anyone reading   crazy!
                choir at the time and didn't look much of a   that doesn’t have anyone to talk to?
                 rocker, but we gave it a shot. Also, because   PDB: There's always someone you can talk to.   BV: What would you like people to say about
                   he was the only guy who wanted to take   Just break the ice and make the first move.    Dobermann and your music if they were talk-
                    the gig! Eight years and four albums                             ing about you to others?
                     later we're still rocking away, so I'm   BV: Who are you most glad to have talked to   PDB: I'd love them to say we're a good hard-
                       glad we did! We make a pretty tight   in relation to the band? Has anyone that you   working rock ‘n’ roll band. That's what I believe
                        rhythm section. Sometimes during   met helped you or given you great advice?    we are!
                         a gig I change things on the spot   PDB: I remember opening for Warrior Soul a few
                          and he somehow just knows it   years ago. At the time we were downtuning our   BV: If you could meet and talk to anyone,
                           beforehand and we're always   instruments for some reason. After the show   who would you most like to talk to? What
                            glued. That's not something   Kory Clarke said we should tune up to normal.   would you say?
                             you get every day, I guar-  That was a good move, it made everything   PDB: Vincent Van Gogh. Not sure we'd have
                              antee you!          sound immediately brighter.        much to talk about, and I don't think he was a
                                                                                     very talkative guy! But his paintings have always
                               BV: Did you talk to   BV: Do you talk to fans after shows and on-  talked to me, so I'd love to watch him do his
                                each other much   line? Have any fans inspired you?   thing for a few hours. He'd probably tell me to
                                 during lockdown?   PDB: We talk to fans way too much! Especially   shut up and to not disturb him. I promise I would!
                                 How was lock-    after shows, as a singer the worst thing you can
                                  down for you?   do is keep talking, especially in a loud music   Take a listen to Dobermann’s ‘Shaken To
                                  PDB: We talk to   venue! But we treasure our fans, we wouldn't be   The Core’ album, out now on Wild Mondays
                                  each other all the   here without them, so we always try to be nice   Music/Horus Music UK – and if you like what
                                  time. We have this   and have a chat with everybody that wants to,   you  hear,  find  the  band  over  at
                                  Whatsapp  group   plus they're mostly nice people. Sometimes it's or on
                                  chat where we dis-  a pretty girl, sometimes it's a loud drunk, but we   Instagram at @dobermann_official where you
                                  cuss all band and   try to say hi to everybody. Also, we try to answer   can talk to the band yourselves.
                                  non-band matters,   comments online and that kind of stuff, it takes
                                  plus a fair amount   a lot of time and it takes away a lot of mystique,
                                   of  jokes. It's the   but we like to do it.                      Words By Shari Black Velvet
                                    only  pinned
                                     chat I have!   BV: You’ll be playing Hard Rock Hell next
                                      We're friends   year. Who did you talk to to arrange that? Do    Photo By Chiara Buonvino
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