Page 25 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 105
P. 25

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                                                                                                     BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 25

               what they'd had for breakfast or what their in-  afloat. None of us are hugely wealthy people.   Wayward Sons stuff and I'm going to play that
               side leg measurement was, so the fact they   The rest of the guys all have day jobs as well   and I'm going to do something with that and to
               were in this mystery world they inhabited was   as everything else. It's not easy, let alone when   go into that situation with that attitude was the
               what gave them their energy. It's what made   you add a global pandemic into the mix.    only thing I knew. Well OK, what's the options?
               me believe in it, what made me go, ‘Oh my   "What you are living on every day is the   I can't do a gig, we've got to cancel tours, can-
               god, I want to take part in that record industry   possibility of what's the next thing we are   cel solo acoustic shows… I was working on a
               like them.’ But now, that's all been removed; all   doing, we've got gigs coming up, OK, great.   film project which completely disappeared -
               that mystery has gone.             What's after that? OK, we'll make another   that business went bust, so instead of hiding in
                  "We're accessible 24 hours a day. Every-  album. OK, who's paying for that? Well, the   a corner and crying into my beer and getting
               one knows everything about everyone. There   record label is, but we only have this amount   fatter and fatter and more and more unfit, I
               is no more mystery or idea of personality and   of money, so you are constantly living on   went the other way and thought ‘No, I'll play
               energy contained within that. It's all changed   what's going to happen next, so to have the rug   songs, I'll start running, I'll write another
               and now everyone wants to be famous,   pulled from under our feet like that when we've   screenplay,’ so rather than look at it as a neg-
               whereas getting fame used to be the by-prod-  got an album just out which we've not played,   ative, I tried to look at it as a positive.
               uct of being super-talented and having some-  having just come off the European tour with   "We're all a long time dead, aren't we?
               thing special to give, so I think that is a big part   Steel Panther, and we spent a lot of time over   We're only here once as far as I'm concerned
               of what has killed our rock and roll. It's killed   there, to have that rug pulled out and not even   and I can see, and what you do in that time is
               the energy of what it was all about, this magical   be able to play our headline tour was really   important. And, for me, the pandemic really
               thing, and you might not have known what it   tough."                 brought that into focus, made it laser sharp
               was but you believed in it.           However, from the darkness and difficulty   how important it was to do good stuff, keep
                  "There is some of that stuff still there, but   of all of life's challenges Toby is once again   going, keep being positive, keep trying and try
               it's just been watered down and watered down   able to offer a wonderful glimpse of the positiv-  to affect as many people as I could positively
               and now everyone expects it for nothing. Peo-  ity and inspiration he brings to the world. "But   and, in a weird way, that attitude was my sav-
               ple go, ‘What do you mean I have to pay for   the one thing I would say from a personal point   iour."
               music? That's ridiculous!’ Well ok, what about   of view, I'm nothing but resilient", he tells us.   And maybe that is the best advice, Toby,
               me? Who has to make it then? It's the same   "I've learnt how to be resilient over the   or anyone for that matter, can offer to anybody.
               old, same old and that lyric is examining that."   years and smile in the face of danger and flick
                                                  the Vs, because when you are in a rock ‘n’ roll   ‘Even Up The Score’ is out now on Fron-
                     he COVID-19 pandemic ruined the   band you are on the edge of failure all the time.   tiers  Records.  Head  over  to
                  Tband’s plans with their second record   But what you do with that is you learn to take for more info.
               ‘The Truth Ain’t What It Used To Be’, which was   all the positives and I've learned how to do that,
               released in October 2019.          so I tried to see the lockdown as a positive and   Words By Michael Coventry
                  “It was devastating", says Toby. "It's not   an opportunity and not look at it as a negative.
               easy making records, it's not easy being in a   "I thought, I've got my guitar, I've got all
               band, especially at the level we're at. It's a day-  these songs I've written over the years, the Lit-  Photos by Kevin Nixon
               to-day grind of trying to survive and keep it all   tle Angels songs, the solo stuff and now the

                                                                                                       WAYWARD SONS
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