Page 13 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 105
P. 13

BV105 pg 10-15 SKAM.qxp_BV105 pg13  30/12/2021  19:12  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 13
              indeed, and again, something you may not find   tight-knit group; it's me, my brother and my best   these poor decisions which were being made.
              in the earlier work of the band.    mate. We joke sometimes that me and Matt   They might be the ones running the country, but
                 "'Circles' was born out of the feeling of lock-  have played over 1,000 gigs. I can play with no   actually the people who are running the country
              down,” Steve says. "That's where we were at the   sound, with good sound, and I just think you do   were the ones going out to work every day and
              time. It was like groundhog day, repeating the   need to have a little arrogance in the confidence   keeping it going and keeping the country fed and
              same thing over and over again and all the   of yourself and I do believe that if you stick   watered, the kids taught, people looked after in
              worry that went with it. My poor mum, at the   SKAM in front of a crowd who have never seen   hospitals."
              time, had chemo cancelled because of the lock-  us before we can win them over, and that is what   And this is a subject which Steve knows
              down, so she was suffering a little bit. It's tricky,   I believe. It's just a matter of having those op-  about all too well and can offer an educated
              because when I sit and write lyrics like that I al-  portunities to get in front of those people."   opinion on as both he and his brother are teach-
              ways try and write from the heart and what I am                                              ers in their day-
              thinking about at the time. I wouldn't say I was   ircles'                                   to-day   life.
              sat here feeling down in the dumps and de-  'Calso         t is hard sometimes seeing        Steve's wife also
              pressed about it all, but when I get focussed on   sees Steve sing,   “Iother bands who you once   works  in  a
              a topic and really think about it these things   ‘Got to hold my                             school,  while
              come out.                           head up high to  considered your peers, moving           Matt's wife is a
                 "To be fair, lockdown, for me, was pretty   reach the sky’. We                            nurse. So, when
              nice, for me and my wife and the kids. I got to   ask Steve whether   onto bigger and better things than   the  pandemic
              spend a lot of time with the family, but I realised   he thinks this is an   what we are doing and sometimes   hit, as well as
              there were people around me who were strug-  important attitude                              entertaining fans
              gling, friends and family who were on their own,   and mentality to  it makes me question whether we   with their SKAM
              and people like my mum who were in a bad sit-  have  when  it                                Mondays
              uation, and I just tapped into those emotions of   comes to facing   are even good enough. But I don't   shows,  they
              what I felt people were feeling at the time."   some of the issues   dwell on that for too long, because   were certainly
                 The lyrics ‘Don't pretend you understand,   which the song is                             doing their bit in
              that my hope is gone’ is especially topical given   about.    I know that we kick ass!" - Steve Hill   their  working
              the potential impact that COVID-19, lockdown,   "If you sit and                              lives.
              and everything associated with it could have had   pick apart a lot of                          "Absolutely,"
              for their plans with the two EPs. We ask Steve if   the SKAM songs and lyrics, you may find a little   he tells us when we comment on the part they
              there ever was a time when he did feel that his   bit of despair at the start but towards the end, or   all played when COVID turned everyone's lives
              hope had been taken away by the events of the   in the chorus, there is usually a glimmer of hope   on their heads. "We were all in work, classed as
              world.                              in there somewhere, even if it's just one line that   key workers, although I did feel a little like an im-
                 "The short answer is yes,” he replies. “We   says it will be alright or you'll get through it in the   poster sometimes compared to people who
              had to have a bit of a crisis meeting because we   end, something along those lines. Because that   were going into hospitals and facing the pan-
              had it all planned out and in the end we didn't   is what I believe in. In my day job, I'm a teacher   demic when all I was doing was going into
              change very much, but facing the idea of releas-  and I see loads of kids who are struggling, not   school and supervising some kids. But I appre-
              ing this big bombastic plan, having two EPs, two   just in lockdown, with their home situations or   ciate I was doing my bit to help make sure peo-
              tours to go with each one, really get out there   their lives and that line in the song is always my   ple could go to work, and we were looking after
              and promote it, and then we were faced with the   message. You've got to pick your head up, be   children whose parents were key workers and
              idea of releasing it without being able to play any   proud of what you can do and what you can   all that business.
              shows, and that was a very daunting prospect.   achieve and try to not let shit get you down.   "It was a weird time. It's not until I stop and
              And we did consider postponing it a year, maybe   "SKAM can be a weird beast sometimes   think about it that I realise how much it influ-
              even two years, and then we kind of figured we   when I write a track because there are usually   enced what we were writing at the time. But I do
              would just go for it because we were itching to   two parts to it. We write the music and we al-  just tend to write about what's going on around
              get the songs out, everything was in place such   ways try to write catchy, kick-ass, classic rock   me at the time and try not to delve too much into
              as videos and all the other bollocks which goes   and even the songs which have a sentimental   the past or think too much ahead because I think
              on behind the scenes in terms of tracking num-  undertone to them, I don't think the music often   that is the best way. Because if you are experi-
              bers for the chart, but I was really worried it   matches the content of the lyrics. It's just not   encing it yourself you can be real with what you
              could be a negative for us and we wouldn't   how we do things.         are writing."
              achieve what we had set out to do."   "But at the same time, I really do hope that
                 Again, looking at the opening words of the   someone somewhere might be feeling those   ade Out’ includes the potent lyric, ‘Fat
              song, which point towards the issue of the fear   thoughts and might stick a SKAM song on and   ‘Fcats and filthy rats, don't spit your lies
              of missing out, or FOMO as the cool kids may   it may resonate with them a little bit and help   at me’. We ask whether this is a good reflection
              say, Steve quickly admits it is something he suf-  make them smile."   of his opinion of those in power.
              fers with personally, but not perhaps in the way                          "Definitely! Absolutely, mate," replies Steve.
              you may expect. "I suffer with FOMO with the   ade Out' is another banger from the lat-  "Having just spoke about what we do for a living,
              band all the time. I talk about it quite candidly   'Fest EP, but a song made all the more   you could probably make some safe assump-
              that I feel sometimes that SKAM gets left on the   noticeable by its video, which sees the three   tions couldn't you, about what we think?
              shelf. We put a lot into what we do and I feel we   bandmates portray politicians at a political party   "I don't think there is one thing in particular
              are right up there in terms of the quality of what   conference mocking and making general fun of   that bothers me. It's lots of things. I was raised
              we are outputting, but I do feel sometimes we   the audience, which contains many well-known   in a working class home. My dad was a post-
              are ignored. That's not necessarily how I feel all   Conservative MPs. But, of course, this subject   man, my mum worked as a receptionist for the
              the time, generally I'm quite happy with the   is far from a funny one for many and the actions   water board and as I've gotten older, you be-
              band, but it is hard sometimes seeing other   of those in power have been felt by those down   come a little more worldly and your eyes are
              bands who you once considered your peers,   the pecking order more than ever in recent   opened to things you didn't pay attention to
              moving onto bigger and better things than what   times.                when you were younger. But some of the deci-
              we are doing and sometimes it makes me ques-  "We're not a particularly political band,"   sions that are made and the impact they have
              tion whether we are even good enough. But I   Steve explains. "But it is something we talk   on people are just... I see it at the school, I see
              don't dwell on that for too long, because I know   about between the three of us quite a lot. We   families that are struggling to get by and I just
              that we kick ass!"                  don't always agree on the state of the country   think it is fucking stupid, like the way they
                 But it's a tough thing to do, to keep perse-  and I don't mean to go into too much detail about   changed the benefit system."
              vering, never knowing if it will all be worth it in   that, but what we all agree on is that the people   So, given that we offer Steve a platform for
              the end and so we ask the frontman where he   at the top make the decisions and everyone else   change and ask for something he would remedy
              finds the inspiration and strength to keep push-  has to clean up the shit that they make.   if he were in a position of authority, something
              ing forward when these doubts enter his head.   "And that was the basis of the song, espe-  which almost immediately springs to his mind is
                 "This is going to sound incredibly arrogant   cially coming out of the COVID situation. People   inheritance tax. "That shit can fuck off, ab-
              and whenever I've been asked something like   were suffering and you had different politicians   solutely ridiculous," he says, before divulging.
              this before I almost wince at my own answer,"   coming on the telly saying about how they were   "Your old man works his entire life, pays all
              he laughs. "But I think we are a fucking good   doing such an amazing job and there were so   his taxes, wants to leave a legacy to his kids and
              band. We're a good live band. We're a really   many people who were still suffering because of   when they inherit it, they have to give part of it
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