Page 40 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 104
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BV104 albums pg3_BV104 pg40 18/04/2020 19:53 Page 1
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the mesmerizing ‘Lie To ate step up in quality in SILVERTHORNE catchy hooks, a sprightly
Me’ and soft and gentle both songwriting and TEAR THE SKY WIDE beat but an opposing lyric
musing of ‘Wayward Signs’ sound, the latter thanks to OPEN matter in the form of a look
on this album. Will Alford’s the band's first use of the (GOLDEN ROBOT) at their own mental health.
silky-smooth vocals make production talents of Mutt Silverthorne are a new ‘I believe in all my doubts,’
slightly harder-edged Lange. 'Let It Go', 'Another rock three-piece hailing sings Shane Told on vo-
songs such as ‘Shattered Hit And Run' and 'High 'N' from Southern California cals, before ‘Why do I keep
Suns’ sound vast, with ex- Dry (Saturday Night)' are featuring drummer Brian chasing bad feelings? I
pansive guitar effects to all the type of upbeat rock- Tichy, who has played in keep breaking down, I
match, while the glisten- ers that DL fans instantly Whitesnake, Foreigner, never deal with it.’ ‘Burn It
ingly vibrant 2018 single fall in love and connect Billy Idol and The Dead Down’, released as a sin-
IN THIS MOMENT ‘Bubblegum’ sounds as with, before 'Bringin' On Daisies, bassist Daniel gle in June 2019, is packed
MOTHER magical as always. The The Heartbreak' comes Spree, who is also in Phil X with electric energy and
(ATLANTIC) album ends with ‘Demons’, along, starting out slowly & The Drills and features the heaver vocals
‘I’m gonna bring a little which sees the release bid- and more laid-back, then vocalist/guitarist Pete of Caleb Shomo. The dark
hell, I’m gonna bring a little ding farewell in a dreamy bursting into a huge chorus Shoulder of The Union and lyrics continue with Shane
heaven,’ rasps frontwoman acoustic style. They may with big vocals and is pos- Winterville. Their debut EP singing ‘there’s no way
Maria Brink in ‘The In-Be- have included ‘Demons’, sibly the first real bona fide ‘Tear The Sky Wide Open’ out’. The album also fea-
tween’ – and that just about but this album is as angelic Def Leppard classic, was released on February tures guests in the form of
sums up this album. It’s as they come. paving the way for many 21st and features five Simple Plan’s Pierre Bou-
lusciously, evilly magnifi- YYYYY more to come. The second tracks including the two vier, in the final track ‘Take
cent. It’s like addictive poi- SBV half of the album unfortu- singles already released; What You Give’, Aaron
son, alluring and beguiling. nately is not as strong as title track ‘Tear The Sky Gillespie in ‘Infinite’ and
‘Legacy’ is chillingly de- the first, showing that they Wide Open’ and ‘Black Princess Nokia in ‘Mad-
voted, the cover of Queen’s weren't quite 'there' just River Rising’. The band ness’. ‘Infinite’ sees Shane
‘We Will Rock You’, which yet. have a Southern, electric sing ‘How can I be an opti-
features Lzzy Hale and CD3 features a re- rock edge to their music. In mist when all this feels infi-
Taylor Momsen alongside cently rediscovered full live second song ‘Roll Me Back nite?’ The song almost has
Maria, is sonically mag- show from April 1980, Again’ you can hear the a spacey, mesmerizing feel
netic. The song has an ar- recorded at the New The- guitar riffs and sludgy tones while ‘Take What You Give’
resting new air to it – and atre in Oxford. It's pre- that are reminiscent of has a fresh and vibrant
definitely shows that sented here exactly as it classic 70s rock bands like feel. With 12 high quality
woman can rock as well as was performed, warts and Led Zeppelin and The tunes that you’ll be singing
men can. These three fe- all. The five-piece, includ- Rolling Stones. There’s along to in no time, ‘A
males are some of the best DEF LEPPARD ing original guitarists Pete also an element of grunge Beautiful Place To Drown’
in the business. The title THE EARLY YEARS 79-81 Willis and Steve Clark, too. Vocalist Pete Shoulder is a positively magical
track, ‘Mother’ itself, is BOX SET sound much heavier here has an amazing voice, album to listen to.
everything from every land, (UMC) than on their debut album, doing a terrific job at hitting YYYYY
full of conviction and flair, This deluxe box set is although Joe Elliott's vo- those high notes. ‘Tear The SBV
while ‘Lay Me Down’ sees a Def Leppard collector's cals are certainly not as Sky Wide Open’ is defi-
more of a bluesy rock tale. dream as it contains the strong and impressive as nitely recommended to PROJECT REVISE
There’s a spiritual tone to definitive collection of all of they would later become. anyone who is a fan of SONGS FROM THE
‘As Above, So Below’, the band's early material Hard-rocking standouts on classic rock and grunge. SHED
while the dramatic album and is executive produced this live set are 'Satellite', YYYYY (PROJECT REVISE)
ends with the breathlessly by Joe Elliott himself, so 'When The Rain Falls', Alicia Grayham Upcoming pop-punk
entwining ‘Into Dust’. In the end result is really which is an early version of band Project Revise from
This Moment have done it worth waiting for. It con- 'Let It Go', 'Rocks Off' and Redditch featuring gui-
again, capturing something tains five CDs which in- closer 'Ride Into The Sun'. tarist/vocalist Chris Tam-
enticing, fiendishly striking clude remastered versions CD4 is a compilation of burro, drummer David
and excitingly imposing. of the first two albums plus B-sides and rarities, such Yarnell and bassist/backup
YYYYY rare B-sides, remixes, ses- as the three tracks from the vocalist Rich Marshall, are
SBV sions and live recordings. Def Leppard debut EP re- influenced by bands such
WITTERQUICK CD1 is a remastered leased in 1979, an unre- as Blink-182, Lit and New
W version of the 'On Through leased, proposed single Found Glory. Their EP
(WITTERQUICK) the Night' album from version of 'Rock Brigade' ‘Songs From The Shed’
There’s a gorgeous- 1980. These early tracks plus various single edits has five tracks; two of
ness to Witterquick that is show that the young and remixes. these songs have been
irresistible – and their Sheffield guys always had Finally, CD5 brings to- SILVERSTEIN previously released – ‘An-
debut album, simply titled lots of energy, attitude and gether much sought-after A BEAUTIFUL PLACE TO other Day’ and ‘Throw It
‘W’, is packed with pre- especially hunger. Songs BBC session tracks along DROWN Away’. ‘Another Day’ is
cious gems. With 14 songs like 'Rock Brigade', 'Hello with the band's first of (UNFD) very catchy with fast-paced
in total, this is mostly a America', 'Satellite' and many festival appear- Silverstein formed guitar riffs – perfect for
compilation of all of the 'Rocks Off' demonstrate ances, here from Reading back in 2000 and this year moshing to. Their message
band’s released songs so lots of promise, with the 1980. are celebrating their 20- in this song is simply about
far, with a couple of new first two in particular featur- The only very small year anniversary. Unfortu- breaking down barriers and
tracks added for good ing signs of the big cho- niggle is that there is a lot nately, with coronavirus overcoming obstacles be-
measure. Latest single re- ruses that would come to of duplication of tracks now doing the rounds, tween each other, which is
lease ‘Girl’ focuses on love propel the band to super- amongst the five discs, they’re not going to be able a great way to start the EP
– and will see you falling in stardom in a few years' making it slightly repetitive, to celebrate with a tour… off. ‘Throw It Away’ is also
love with it! Even songs time. The production on the however, this is the nature just yet. But, they CAN cel- fast-paced and has the
with tough-sounding titles album is very raw however, of these offerings. 'The ebrate with a new album heaviest riffs you will ever
such as ‘Violence And a very long way from the Early Years 79-81' is a lov- release – their tenth studio hear. It's the fourth track on
Riots’ have a sublime qual- smooth, highly-polished ingly-compiled and pre- album. And ‘A Beautiful the EP ‘Songs From The
ity that you just want to sink sheen of their most famous sented set that will no Place To Drown’ is, in our Shed’ and both songs have
into. If you’re a fan of this albums to come later. doubt please Leppard eyes, their best yet. Being a music video released.
Exeter band already, you’ll CD2 is the remastered diehards and purists no snapped up by UNFD Produced by Dave Draper,
find your favourite tunes 'High 'N' Dry' album, re- end. record label has obviously this EP is for fans who re-
from their EPs ‘Fire And leased a year later in 1981. YYYY done them good. Opening ally love pop-punk.
Ice’ and ‘Beneath The The opening three songs Ian Trigg with ‘Bad Habits (feat. In- YYYY
Spinning Lights’, such as
here represent an immedi- tervals)’, the song sees Alicia Grayham