Page 37 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 104
P. 37
BV104 pg34-37 simple plan_BV104 pg37 29/03/2020 21:34 Page 4
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ing it. We’ve written a lot of songs, started a lot that use music as a lifeline or whatever. It’s like take your time. You don’t have to rush back,
of ideas and really pushed ourselves to the best when they find a band, or a place, or a song, it your place is safe here and whenever you’re
of our abilities right now. Sometimes you do that can truly make them feel like they’ve found that ready it will be your spot to take’. That took a lot
and stuff comes out and for whatever reason it’s place where they belong. That was kind of like of pressure off of him and gave him a chance to
maybe not as magical as some other records, the idea with the music and the music video, really be home and heal and get better. Now
or some other song, but this time around we just hopefully we can be that band for a lot of peo- he’s back and he’s performing; the fans couldn’t
felt we’ve captured some of that magic. So, ple.” be more excited. It was a great decision be-
yeah, that's, I would say, what makes the record Music has long been credited as providing cause it showed that, not only to David, but to
great. When you kind of listen back and, even a vital role in improving health and wellbeing, our fans, that these things happen and you can
after working on it for a year and a half, you’re however there are many musicians in the indus- take care of yourself, you can get better and you
still excited and inspired and you’re still very try who suffer mental health issues. Over the can come back stronger.”
eager to share it with the fans. We’re feeling that past three years, including more recently, David,
right now!” Chuck smiles. Jeff and Chuck himself, have made posts on so- arly on in their career Simple Plan set
While working on the songs, guitarist Jeff cial media relating to dealing with depression, Eup the Simple Plan Foundation. One of
posted on social media about how he and Pierre battling demons and generally opening up about the main reasons it was created was to help
had spent hours trying to better a guitar part that the fact they have been going through a tough take care of young people dealing with physical
actually didn’t need fixing and how they ended time. and mental illnesses, as well as helping
up going back to the original idea Pierre had for “It’s a subject that a lot more people are teenagers and young adults facing challenging
the song. Overthinking things is something that being open about and are talking about and I life situations. Since its inception the Foundation
Chuck admits the band definitely does - a lot. think that’s a great thing. First of all, it should be has given away more than 2.5 million dollars to
“We tried to do a little less of that and we less taboo and it should be less hidden. I think various charities. Still, to this day, the band par-
tried to be more mindful of it but at the same that the fact that young fans and young people ticipates heavily in raising funds. “We’re really
time, I feel that sometimes it’s okay to. Even if can hear their favourite artists speak openly involved with everything with the foundation. My
you go and spend three hours on something to about the moments that they struggle and that parents actually are the main people that run it,
try to make it better and fail, and go back to they have a tough time, I think that’s a huge dif- they’re the main volunteers that send out all the
whatever was the first idea, the process was ference compared to 10-15 years ago where it money and talk to all the different groups, mak-
useful; you’ve learned something about it. You was kind of like almost forbidden to talk about ing sure the money is used the way that we in-
also know that you didn’t leave any stone un- that; there was a big stigma about it. As far as tended to. So, I definitely get personal reports
turned,” says Chuck. “Records are never easy the band, I think, for us, the big thing is that every time I talk to them. Also, every year, we
to make and you never know until you make an effort to do a press confer-
try. I feel like some bands just go with ence; we invite people from all the
the first idea and they run with it, but different charities that we support
we’re more of a kind of band that wants and we invite them to come and
to really make sure that we gave it share what they have been doing.
everything we had. If we find something They often tell us, ‘You have no idea
better and it made the song better then how much this makes a difference
it was a good thing; if we didn’t then we for us’. We try to target, not all the
still got something we’re excited about. time, but we try to target charities
You never know until you try; it’s that that are a bit smaller in scale, where
thing where you give it a shot. The result if they get a $10,000 or $20,000 do-
is obviously super important but part of nation it is game-changing for them,
the fun is the process and trying to see as opposed to ones that get millions
if you can beat something, if you can and millions, even though we work
make it better. I think that’s just who we with some like that. We try to give
are as musicians and as artists - we kind money to over 20 different groups
of have that drive to just do the best we every year and we hit all kinds of
can.” different levels of charities. It is
pretty cool to see that our cheques
ast October Simple Plan collab- can be pretty life-changing for some
Lorated with State Champs and of these charities; it keeps them
We The Kings, releasing the track afloat and they can do really cool
‘Where I Belong’. This super-infectious programs and really cool things with
song had fans commenting that when them. We’re proud of the work we
they listen to it, they feel as though they do with that and it’s something I
are reliving their teenage years. The think has come to define who we
lyrics and the energy captured them in are as a band, like it’s a part of what
a way that hasn’t happened for some Simple Plan stands for.”
time. The music is transporting them to
a happier place, with one fan noting, When Simple Plan takes to the
‘This is the type of music the world stage a few hours after this inter-
needs back.’ Chuck admits that is ex- view, the reaction their performance
actly what they wanted to achieve with generates from the crowd proves
the song; that was their goal. “We exactly why Simple Plan still be-
wanted to capture some of the energy longs up there. At the time of writ-
and the essence of our first records and ing, the release date for the
of the early 2000s. At the same time trying to you’re there to support each other. forthcoming record is slated as ‘sometime this
make it sound modern and like it would fit on the “There is a structure in the band where, if year’, so keep your eyes and ears peeled. It’s
playlists of 2019 and 2020,” he laughs. “I’m somebody is going through a tough time, you re- clear from our chat with Chuck that the members
happy to hear that it connects with people and ally make an effort to reach out and be like, ‘Hey of Simple Plan are content with who they are as
it’s hitting them in the right places. They are feel- man, what’s going on?’ For example, we had our a band, and when they declare that they are
ing what we were trying to do with it. It's always bass player David that went through almost a making, ‘the best record ever’ and ‘you’re going
cool to hear that, 20 years later, we can still write period of, I would say, two years where he to love every song’, we totally believe them.
something that will be uplifting for people. I think wasn’t able to be on the road with us. It would
it’s always been our thing, to write something have been easy to just kind of cut out all com- Visit and www.simple-
that creates this hopeful feeling, like, ‘things are munication and be like, ‘Okay, whatever, you’re for more information.
not perfect but I know there’s a way out. I can not there,’ or even to replace him or say he can’t
get myself to a better place.’ You know? That’s be in the band anymore. Instead, we took the Words By Penny & Sam Gower
what the song is for me. The metaphor in it is, exact opposite approach where we looked at it
Chuck Comeau with Black Velvet
that music and the shows is where this happens in a more compassionate and kind way. We Photo By Sam Gower
for us and I think it happens for a lot of people said, ‘Hey, whatever you need we’ll be there and