Page 5 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 102
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BV102 pg05_BV102 pg05 12/09/2019 22:36 Page 1
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A Nerve
A Nerve
eing nervous isn’t bad. It just
‘Bmeans something important is
happening,’ said Michael Jordan. Most,
if not all, of us have felt nerves at one
point or another. London-based pop-
punk singer/songwriter Danny Wright
definitely has. So much so that he
wrote a song about it. With the help
of fans’ experiences as well as his own,
he penned ‘Nerves’, a bouncy, fun-
sounding song that reveals his inner-
most feelings about shyness and
insecurity. With that in mind, Black Vel-
vet got in touch to ask Danny a few
questions relating to anxiety, self-
doubt and how he’s dealing with it.
Black Velvet: In ‘Nerves’ you sing ‘The truth completely not me to avoid coming across as BV: How do you feel every time you release
is I’m scared and shy’. How have you shy, anxious or nervous. That's what the song a song or upload a video to YouTube? Does
worked to overcome nervousness and shy- 'Nerves' is about. that make you nervous at all?
ness? Is anxiety something that affects DW: I do get slightly nervous when releasing
you? BV: Do you think many musicians suffer music or videos but it's not overwhelming. I've
Danny Wright: I think anxiety and nervousness from nervousness and self-doubt? learned that it’s impossible to have everyone
is something we all live with, but I try to remind DW: I think most artists are their own worst like you or what you do, so you might as well
myself that when I'm feeling that way, to try not critic, so self-doubt would be very common with just do you and the ones who do respond to it
to hide it but instead, use it. 'Nervousness' is a lot of creatives. I am very inspired by artists positively, focus on that.
the same body reaction as 'excitement', so I tell who are honest and vulnerable with their work.
myself I'm excited. Labelling it as this makes it If someone writes about something that is very BV: Is there anything you’d really LOVE to
much easier to deal with. Anxiety has affected real and human, then I connect to that a lot do (in the future) that you know would make
me a lot and I have had some professional help more than something that is fabricated. I think you nervous?
to get a better understanding of it; learning the best and most successful artists are the DW: A TEDx Talk, I know that's not really re-
about it more has allowed me to be at peace ones that have displayed vulnerability in their lated to music, but I would love to do some-
with it. I've also studied a 'vedic' meditation work. That's very inspiring. thing like that, I know I would get nervous
course, a calming method that has been a very about making sure the subjects I would talk
useful tool for managing anxiety. There are cer- BV: How nervous were you when you per- about being impactful and understood.
tain things I try to avoid that can trigger anxiety, formed in front of an audience for the first
so I just try to live a healthy lifestyle. time? BV: What’s the best way to calm nerves?
DW: I played bass for the school band and we DW: Listen to, or making music, writing, walk-
BV: The lyrics to ‘Nerves’ were inspired by did a gig in a big hall. I was so nervous about ing, meditation, exercise...
fans who reached out with their own expe- not playing my parts right that I never looked
riences and stories of self-doubt. How does up once. My eyes were locked on my fingers. I BV: The internet says ‘Being nervous is part
it feel knowing that a lot of fans, and people remember watching a recording of that per- of being human’. Would you agree? What
in general, suffer from nervousness and formance back and thinking, it’s almost like I'm words of encouragement would you give to
self-doubt? not there! Now, I mess up my parts all the time anyone reading that may be self-conscious,
DW: A lot of fans shared some experiences and it’s fine. Haha. anxious or worry a lot?
they've had due to nerves, and I used them DW: Yes, I would agree with that. Anyone who
and my own experiences to pen the song. BV: What’s been your most nerve-wracking may feel self-conscious should practice the
Some of the things the fans said were relatable moment ever? idea of not caring about what others think. I
and understandable and I wanted to write a DW: I've had so many! I've put myself in those know that it is easier said than done but look
song about this subject as it’s so very common nerve-wracking moments purposely. A relevant into why you're worrying so much about some-
in humans, but not talked about enough in moment I can think of is when I first did a solo thing or feel self-conscious, it usually comes
music in my opinion. All of the stories were gig, just me and my acoustic guitar in a bar with down to wanting to feel accepted, loved or wor-
based around the same theme; 'not feeling a bunch of friends and customers singing really thy. Don't seek validation from others, first ac-
good enough' and ultimately 'caring about what personal songs that were very stripped back. cept yourself with all your flaws, love all of the
people think'. The message in the song is It was my first public performance after I had authentic you, be kind to yourself and trust that
about being your authentic self and not caring been in a band for a few years. A completely you're enough.
about what others think. I'd rather be the clos- new experience, which was the beginning of
est to my authentic self as I can than be a di- the journey! Visit for more in-
luted version of myself or someone who is formation.
Words by Shari Black Velvet