Page 27 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 102
P. 27

BV102 pg24-29 michael monroe centre_BV102 pg27  18/09/2019  21:24  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 27
              like  that,  so…  the  song  ‘Wasted  Years’,  ativity in the world, that’s not fun. The ag-  realizing that they could change the world
              which Nasty Suicide plays a solo on, that  gression on stage though, aggressiveness  with that kind of money. If I was a billionaire,
              song was kinda, originally I was singing it  is  not  necessarily  negative.  It  can  be  I’d get a big kick out of what I could do with
              pretty stiffly. I didn’t really get it yet at first.  strength. On stage a lot of stuff comes out in  all of that money. Give it to the poor and the
              Then I redid the vocal, I felt like something  an aggressive way, but I channel it positively.  needy ‘cause then you could see how you
              was missing with it and I realized ‘Oh, it’s  It doesn’t mean it’s dark or evil or anything.  could  change  the  world  and  make  people
              way too stiff. This song should be really laid  I always say ‘Satan sucks, I dig Jesus’s style,  happy. There’s no need for so much starva-
              back,’ in the style of Mick Jagger, for exam-  man’.”                  tion and suffering. People are suffering un-
              ple.”                                 He repeats a lyric from the song - “‘And  necessarily.  If  certain  people  weren’t  so
                He sings a line from the song. “Really  I ain’t walking on water like Jesus did, but  selfish and greedy, the world would be a bet-
              more laid back and behind the beat rather  I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve’. And  ter place. It would be nice. Utopia. I believe it
              than trying to stay on it. That was the key to  the thing about ‘people pissing in their own  can happen. There’s always hope. Enough of
              the approach for that song. I was happy to  parade,’ that line is really about people vot-  my Jesus preaching!”
              see, ‘Oh yeah, now it’s happening, so…’ I  ing for Brexit or Trump and stuff like that and
              was  in  the  studio  by  myself.  Some  of  the  then  they  complain  and  whine  about  how  hile  on  the  topic  of  the  world,
              time the guys were out of the country, so I  everything  sucks  and  why  is  everything  Wthere’s a song on the album called
              was in the studio doing some vocals on my  going  so  wrong  and  why’s  the  world  so  ‘Junk Planet’. Michael mentions earthquakes
              own with Petri Majuri, the mixing guy. So I  screwed up? Yeah, because you voted for  and hurricanes in the lyrics.
              thought,  ‘Wait  till  Rich  hears  this’.  ‘Rich,  that jackass jerk and he’s fucking everything  “Oh yeah, that’s a timely song for the en-
              what do you think of this now? What do you  up now, so whaddaya think!? What do you  vironment right now, for sure,” he replies.
              think  of  the  approach?’  ‘Oh  yeah,  this  is  expect? People should take a look at them-  “Jumping off the junk planet.” He sings a
              great.’ It was so much fun creating this stuff,  selves more, maybe look around and take re-  few more lines of the song, refreshing him-
              finding new dimensions, stuff like that. Try-  sponsibility  for  their  own  actions.  I  think  self on how it goes. ‘Skull and bones will
              ing it out and especially when it works out at  music can be a really powerful tool for posi-  never know’. Wasn’t that the American gov-
              the end of the day, it’s one of the best kicks  tive action, for positive mental attitude, to  ernment that had that code? Skull and bones
              in life, the best feeling in the world when you  make people see some things. A lot of fans  and only the President and certain people
              create  something  new  and  you’ve  suc-  have come up to me and said this and that  know the secret code? ‘I’ve gotta get off the
              ceeded in that you can listen to the result  song really changed their lives and meant a  junk planet’ – that’s a very timely lyric in this
              and the outcome and go, ‘Yeah, did a good  lot to them and helped them through a time  day and age. It’s one of my favourites from
              job and we’ve taken it a step further’. It keeps  or helped them see something they’d never  the album as well; it rocks.”
              life interesting and fun. The joy of creation.”  thought before. That’s the coolest feedback  And speaking of the planet, Michael has
                                                 you can get from anybody usually, one of the  become  an  energy  ambassador  for  Loiste
                  n  the  title  track,  ‘One  Man  Gang’,  greatest things to hear is that you have en-  Energia in Finland.
                IMichael sings ‘I was front of the line-up  lightened people with some lyrics or some  “Loiste is an environment-friendly elec-
              when they gave out attitude’. Black Velvet  music that got people into some songs and  trical  company  that  uses  natural  energy,”
              asks how his attitude has changed as he’s  then they look at the lyrics and they go ‘Wait,  says Michael.
              gotten older? Has he become more positive  there’s some thought behind this,’ and that’s  “I would never advertise something or
              (there’s a lyric in the song about ‘P.M.A.’ –  the coolest thing and that’s the best way I  do a deal with a company that would tell peo-
              Positive Mental Attitude)?         think for me at least to share things with peo-  ple to buy some junk food or buy a car or ad-
                Michael laughs. “Well, the world certainly  ple and maybe get people thinking on a bit  vertise something that I don’t condone but
              does not encourage me to be more positive  more higher spiritual level as opposed to the  sometimes things fall into place. The Loiste
              by what goes on and what happens usually,  physical and material world with all this neg-  Energia  company,  environment-friendly  –
              but  I’ve  always  worried  a  lot  and  always  ative  shit  and  violence  and  beating  each  ‘cause I don’t have a car, I don’t drive a car, I
              kinda been introverted and shy, but I’ve got-  other up and getting drunk and being stupid  use public transportation. I use the train a
              ten much more open. Living with Stiv Bators  and getting into fights. If people weren’t so  lot. I like it. It’s better than the bus. It’s peace-
              for about a year really taught me a lot and re-  good at destroying everything, it would be  ful. And I ride a bicycle. My bicycle, I have the
              ally got me into thinking in a different place.  so  much  better.  Instead  of  destroying  the  coolest bike, it’s like a Harley almost. I’ll be
              To lighten up for example. Stiv has an incred-  planet, instead of building weapons and shit,  getting into the Harley Davidson club with
              ible sense of humour. For me, positive men-  in this day and age you’ve got to be crazy to  that bike, it’s so cool. It’s like a chopper, an
              tal attitude, ‘running on the P.M.A.’, the thing  spend any money on weapons for destruc-  easy rider with one seat and a back rest, sus-
              is, I try to… everyone knows that what you  tion. What the hell is wrong with you? Why  pension. It really looks like a Harley, but it’s
              concentrate on usually multiplies so if you’re  won’t you be looking for ways of healing for  a bicycle. So I ride my bicycle with pride. You
              focusing on everything sucks and the lack  medication or some rainforest, some plants  stay in shape and there’s one less guy who
              and  things  going  away  and  whining  and  somewhere or some species of animals of  does not have a car, so by my own example
              moaning all the time, first of all, it’s no fun  which hundreds of them die every day or be-  I  encourage  people  to  do  environmental
              for anybody, it’s miserable for everybody to  come extinct because of what people have  deeds and consider the environment. There
              be  around  you  and  eventually  things  will  done, and are doing. They should be finding  can never be too much of that. Everyone can
              start going that way because the power of  cures for diseases, for cancer and illness. So  make some changes in their own life. Every
              your mind is very much underrated, I guess  many things that could be better. How the  little counts. It’s all for the good. This way I
              you could say. The power of the mind is a  hell could anybody in their right mind think  can try and encourage people to do some-
              powerful thing. I’d rather think positive, even  about ‘How am I going to destroy these peo-  thing  for  the  environment,  as  it’s  obvious
              if it wouldn’t work that way I would still rather  ple? I’m going to kill this guy cause he’s got  that it’s not a threat anymore, it’s an ongoing
              give it a shot, so I try to be positive. It doesn’t  more than I have’. It’s so short-sighted and  disaster.  We  try  to  still  think  that  there  is
              happen by itself, you’ve got to work at it, for  crazy to think a lot of people with so much  some hope. They said already a long time
              sure. You can be sure I don’t wake up every  power are thinking that way. If everybody’s  ago that it’s too late. There’s going to be a
              day and be ‘Wow, I feel wonderful! Every-  happy  I’m  happy  and  I  wish  the  best  for  new Ice Age one of these days before too
              thing’s great! What a beautiful day!’ you’ve  everyone.  When  I  know  that  everyone’s  long, but we’re trying to think and do what
              got to work at it a little bit too. So I try to  doing well, I’d like to know the people in the  we can for future generations. I don’t even
              focus on the positive rather than the nega-  world are in a good place and enjoying it. We  have kids and I still think how can people be
              tive cause that way you have a better chance  know there would be enough to go round if  so ignorant knowing that they have kids and
              of positive things happening in your life. I  all  the  food  was…  I  know  I  sound  like  a  grandchildren and the future generation may
              think it reflects that.            hippy, but… I really do care about my fellow  not have fresh air or clean water, they may
                “I’ve always been sarcastic… not bitter…  beings and I’d like to have everybody happy.  end up in a plastic bubble and can’t have a
              sarcastic and cynical in many ways as I’ve  I’d be happy if everyone was happy.”   walk in the park with nature, with trees and
              lived.  The  longer  I’ve  lived  the  more  I’ve  He  thinks  the  mega-rich  ought  to  be  stuff if people continue to be so ignorant and
              seen.  The  more  I  learn  about  people,  the  using their money for better and more posi-  short-sighted about the environment. So I try
              more I love my pets, and animals in general.  tive things.             and do that. That’s good for the soul too; try-
              Positivity is what you want, and what every-  “There are so many people with billions  ing to do good. I’m in the position of being
              body would want in their right minds. Better  and billions of dollars or pounds just sitting  in the public eye and a famous person and
              to concentrate on that. There’s enough neg-  on that money and not doing anything, not  the best thing you can do with that is to use
                                                                                             MICHAEL MONROE
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