Page 17 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 102
P. 17
BV102 pg14-17 Art Of Dying interview_BV102 pg17 15/09/2019 01:05 Page 4
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us, it was just so natural for me and him. We just course, there’s that moment where it gets less the band back in, I think, 2003, so it’s been a
really embraced that. Davor has a young boy clear and more fuzzy, but I love breaking free of long haul. This business has changed so much
too, so we just worked it around our family the normal thought process and I think you can over that time period. Of course, when we
schedules and the record just slowly got made do that with a little alcohol. I don’t know whether started out it was about music, but it was also
over a year and a half.” anyone else experiences this, but a really great the… it was that 80s and 90s ideal of signing
This is in stark contrast to the recording hangover - when you don’t usually use those with a major label and having the rewards of that
process on the previous releases. “The last two words together - can be a very creative mo- world coming into your musical career. I think a
record [‘Rise Up’] we made in New Jersey and ment where you find a different flow than you lot of that is gone now. It’s not really a career
we were there for two months. It was the hardest would normally have. Sometimes just songwrit- choice anymore to become a musician, it’s more
record I’ve ever had to make,” reveals Jonny. ing can be that clarity for me, where I’m just div- of a creative choice. In some ways that is a
“My dad went through some health struggles ing into the unconsciousness and be internal. beautiful thing, in that only the people that are
during that record and it was really hard to be But it’s funny; I do find a massive hangover, driven to create are going to be the creators
away. The band went through some massive where you’re not in your normal headspace, can rather than people that are monetarily driven.
struggles; Greg left the band during that record.” just be a really creative space.” You know, we’re probably one of the lucky ones,
Alongside dealing with those issues, the we did sign to a major label, we did make major
producer they were working with at the time has he members of the band like to stay pro- label records and I don’t know of any bands that
a reputation for having a no-nonsense, hard ap- Tductive. Keeping themselves busy on are really doing that anymore. It has changed a
proach to get the best out of the musicians he is different musical projects outside of Art Of Dying lot. I think those who want to continue to create
working with. As Jonny himself states, this pro- has helped maintain their creativity. “Everyone will do so and those that are choosing music as
ducer “was not an easy man to make a record in the band, first and foremost, loves music and a career will probably not be able to.”
with. It was very challenging.” Jonny also recalls loves making, creating and performing music,”
how the band were sleeping on the floor to- Jonny says. “I think I personally tend to like the haraoh Thutmose III dared to take the
gether under the New Jersey Turnpike, next to writing the most in the band, so I’ve just done Ppath less travelled when he led his army
crushed beer cans. Every morning they would the most writing, whereas Tavis really loves per- to battle all those centuries ago. It’s a decision
wake up and get back into the writing process. forming. He’s had a great time touring with Art that helped him and his army be victorious.
“It was a really hard record to make,” he says. Of Dying and now Adelitas Way is really keeping Sometimes, if you want to get ahead you have
Prior to that, ‘Vices And Virtues’ was made him active as a guitar player. I think, in my hum- to create your own path. Thinking about trail-
in LA, over a three month period. “We were ble opinion, he’s one of the best in the world; so blazing, Jonny tells us, “I spent a lot of time this
walking into the studio with 96 beers, a handle it’s something you don’t want to lose, it’s some- summer actually in the forest, in the rainforest
of vodka, a handle of gin and some wine. We thing you don’t want to put down in between al- here in BC. We are lucky that we have great
were making an LA record. There were times bums. And you know, with Cale being cousins paths out here; literal paths that have been
where it was just us shirtless around the mic with with Adam, it has just been a question mark, forged and now we can go and enjoy them. But,
a bunch of friends around. The champagne was why he’d never played before. It’s almost been somebody has to blaze that trail, somebody has
open and we were just singing our hearts out, so long, how come it hasn’t worked until now? to forge that path and the lucky people behind
into the microphone, then going back to where So I’m really happy for them that it has. I know get to join in on the path. I think musically and
we were staying and doing it all again the next there is a lot of brotherly love between those two lyrically we’re always trying to grab a machete
day.” and it’s amazing.” and get through the jungle and forge a new path
Although this sounded like one big booze- Jonny admits that there might be conflicts in for ourselves. That’s kind of what we did on this
fest, Jonny tells us that when he needs to clear the future when it comes to touring schedules, record.”
his head, sometimes a bit of alcohol in the sys- but it just means that there will be a lot of for- ‘Armageddon’ is a word that is normally as-
tem helps him do that. We tell him that alcohol ward planning. “For right now it’s great. I think sociated with the end of the world. However, in
is probably not the best idea. Jonny laughs, it’s definitely a huge positive, for everyone,” en- the case of Art Of Dying, it looks set to be the
“We’re not a dry band, as you know. We like to thuses Jonny. beginning of a bright new era.
enjoy a few cocktails. I think everyone in the We ask Jonny whether the hopes, dreams,
band has a... I want to say, I’m holding both fin- and goals he has had for Art Of Dying have al- Visit for more
gers up, we have a pretty healthy relationship tered as the years have gone by. “Yeah, defi- info.
with alcohol. It’s been a lot of fuel for our music nitely,” he answers. “I mean, we’ve been a band
and a lot of fuel for lyric writing. I guess alcohol for a long time. You know, Cale and Tavis joined Words By Sam & Penny Gower
helps put you at ease and clear your head. Of the band 11 years ago and Greg and I started