Page 16 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 102
P. 16

BV102 pg14-17 Art Of Dying interview_BV102 pg16  15/09/2019  01:04  Page 3

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              wars before that were just sheer carnage. This  against the success of Metallica, even though  know. They’re just shitty and grey; that’s okay
              one was, of course, carnage, but then there was  he  is  an  extremely  successful  singer,  guitar  too because we’re all in this together. We’re all
              some organisation involved afterwards, which  player, musician. As many people have seen in  experiencing these ups and downs.”
              kind of led us to the idea of modern warfare. I  the documentary of Metallica, Dave’s not happy  When writing lyrics, Jonny tells us he writes
              think it’s a really great analogue for our own per-  with where he’s at. I feel like that is a major chal-  ‘in  the  moment’  without  necessarily  having  a
              sonal lives. I think we all have our own battles,  lenge  for  musicians  in  general.  You’re  really  specific storyline in mind. It is when he looks
              our own demons, our own taking stock, our own  happy for your friends in bands; you’re really  back at his lyrics that he learns from them. “It is
              body count, if you will. We all have our own Ar-  happy for your colleagues and peers in bands  something I like to do actually,” Jonny tells us, “I
              mageddon inside of us; that place where our  and how they’re doing, but you’re always meas-  like to look back at songs like ‘Inside It’s Raining’
              battles are fought and hopefully won.”  uring yourself against them. I think it is healthy  and ‘Die Trying’ and really figure out what I was
                                                 because it challenges you more, but it’s also  talking about in that moment. ‘Armageddon’ is
                    ne of the battles we can all relate to, es-  kind of a sickness, you know, of never really  the same. I feel like that’s where the heart of Art
                Opecially in today’s society, is how we  feeling  completely  happy  with  what  you  are  Of Dying - our music - lives. It is in the struggle
              view ourselves and how we are constantly com-  doing.” Jonny opens up about who he draws  of everyday life and in the fact that you know this
              paring ourselves to others. Do other people see  comparisons  against.  “I’m  always  measuring  life is good, you know this life offers you what-
              us the same way in which we see ourselves?  myself against my friends. I'm always measuring  ever you want to take from it, but in the same
              This is something Jonny has thought about, and  myself against Adam [Gontier - Saint Asonia]  breath this life is sometimes horrible and some-
              written  about,  more  than  once.  On  the  new  and Shaun [Morgan] from Seether and our bud-  times  shockingly  hard  to  get  through.  I  don’t
              album, the song ‘Shatterproof’ includes the line,  dies in Disturbed. It’s always kind of… it’s a chal-  want  to  overanalyse  things,  but  I  think  a  lot
              ‘I can see my old friend looking at me in the mir-  lenge  to  measure  yourself  against  such  about the people we lost recently. My hero is
              ror.’                              greatness.”                         Chris Cornell…I think about many of the losses
                “That  mirror  reference,  it’s  been  around                        that we have seen in the music world, whether
              since  day  one  for  me  in  writing  music.  I  talk  s with the band’s previous albums, the  it’s Layne Staley or Chris, or so many people
              about the same mirror in ‘Get Thru This’, and  Alyrics  within  the  songs  held  on  ‘Ar-  we’ve lost recently. I grapple with it all the time
              that mirror was my dad. You know, it was his mir-  mageddon’ are enveloped in darkness, but there  because we’re in the same business; we’re in
              ror, looking at himself. The mirror is now me  is still a feeling of hope shining through. The  the same creative field. I know that struggle is in
              looking at myself,” Jonny reveals. “Sometimes  words carry a sense of pure determination from  everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re the singer
              you love what you see in the mirror and some-  someone who is aware that they are in a dark  of a multi-platinum band or if you feel like you’re
              times you really don’t like what you see in the  hole and doing all they can to lift themselves out  a nobody in your tenth grade…” he pauses. “It’s
              mirror at all. That really gets me thinking about  of it. Jonny admits that there were many times  that kind of life and death balance that we speak
              what other people see in you and what you see  during the writing process where he looked at  about a lot in Art Of Dying and I think most of the
              in other people. When you look in the mirror, you  co-writer / producer Davor and his fellow band-  songs, including ‘Armageddon’, are really just
              see a lot of things about yourself, you see a lot  mates and said, ‘Oh shit, that is dark’. “I know  about that struggle.”
              of things that you probably don’t want to see. So,  from our core fanbase that a lot of people over
              yeah, the reflection is important, it really is. I  the years have got onboard with us because of  espite being heavy in the lyrical sense,
              often wonder - what’s the difference between  the hopefulness that is in the music, so it was a  DJonny  found  ‘Armageddon’  to  be  the
              what people see in us, when they look directly  little scary to dip that toe into the dark water. Like  easiest record he’s ever made. The singer puts
              at us, and what we see in ourselves when we  the  final  track  on  the  record,  ‘No  One  Ever  this down to the location. It was made in Jonny’s
              look directly in the mirror.”      Wins’, I mean, it’s an interesting way to leave the  hometown of Vancouver. “I was able to make the
                Jonny notes that how you measure yourself  listener. The idea of no one ever wins is, for me,  record around my own schedule,” Jonny says
              can be one of the hardest things to overcome.  one of the darkest concepts I’ve ever written. I  happily. “I have a wife and daughter here and I
              “I’m reading a book right now and it’s funny be-  was almost thinking it’s too dark, but that dark-  got to be with my family the whole time. The
              cause I know Jason Hook, a friend from Five  ness lives within us, you know, the darkness and  process with Davor producing - we’ve worked
              Finger  Death  Punch,  he’s  reading  the  same  the light lives within all of us. What I’m trying to  with Davor for years behind the scenes, he’s
              book. He was talking about it the other day, it’s  really say to people is, to feel that darkness is  been someone I write with a lot. We wrote ‘Sorry’
              ‘The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck’ [by Mark  okay. And, to feel that beautiful elation on a dif-  together  for  ‘Vices And  Virtues’.  We  wrote  a
              Manson]. In that book, the author reminds us of  ferent  day  when  something  great  happens,  bunch of tracks together for every single record
              the Dave Mustaine / Metallica relationship and  that’s  okay  too. There’s  going  to  be  a  whole  that’s ever come out. So, when he came on-
              how  Dave  is  constantly  measuring  himself  bunch of days in between that just suck, you  board to write and record this whole record with

                ART OF DYING
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