Page 40 - Black Velvet Issue 101
P. 40

BV101 pg40 bv cv_BV101 pg40  24/06/2019  19:50  Page 1

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 40

               Name, age & location:              What does a general working day or week  If you could meet one of your inspirations
               Anthony Gemignani aka Anthony G., 48 years  usually consist of?      and ask them one question, who would you
               old, Flemington, New Jersey, USA.  About 70 hours a week bouncing between all  like to meet and what question would you
                                                  3 of my full time jobs.           ask?
               What do you do - or what do you aim to do?                           Rik  Emmett  from  Triumph  has  been  my
               I have been a professional musician since I  Have you had any professional training or  biggest influence as an artist. I have had the
               was    16                                          taken  part  in  any  pleasure of meeting him a couple times and he
               years  old.  I                                     courses  to  improve  is such a great guy. I would love to ask him
               a t t e n d e d                                    your  career  along  what was the moment that he ‘knew’ he was
               and  gradu-                                        the way?          going to be a guitarist for life?
               ated   from                                        I  graduated  Berklee
               Berklee Col-                                       College  of  Music  in  Advice to others that may want to follow in
               lege    of                                         1994 with a Bachelors  your footsteps?
               Music   in                                                                                 Never listen to
               Boston, MA.                                                                                anyone outside
               I have since                                                                               of   yourself
               toured inter-                                                                              when it comes
               n a t i o n a l l y                                                                        to  your  pas-
               with   many                                                                                sion.
               bands  and
               artists and currently tour with Janet Gardner,  of  Music  in  Profes-                     Where do you
               the former lead vocalist of Vixen. I have owned  sional Music.                             go from here?
               music  schools  in  NJ  since  2005  and  I  now                                           Plans  for  the
               have my largest to date called Allstar Music  Highlight(s)  of  your                       future?
               Empire. This 4500 square foot facility special-  career so far?                            I keep plugging
               izes in private music lessons and has a live  Touring  with  Janet                         along   and
               venue  that  includes  a  25ft  sound  stage  for  Gardner has been one                    doing  what  I
               local bands, touring acts, showcases, video  of  the  best  times  I                       am  doing  with
               shoots and anything else you need a stage for.  have had on the road.                      the   music
               The top level of the facility is the Moxy Shop                                             school  to  pro-
               for Moxy Guitars. This is my other company  In  your  eyes,  what                          vide  not  just
               that I build custom guitars and basses with  makes your artwork                            lessons but the
               clientele such as Janet Gardner, Justin James,  stand   out?   Why                         experience  of
               Phil X (Bon Jovi), Justin Derrico (P!nk) and  should others come                           becoming   a
               more. I plan to make Moxy Guitars my future.  to you for your art?                         rock  star  and
               I have such a passion for guitar and even more  Moxy  Guitars  makes                       building   and
               of a passion building them and bringing them  some  of  the  most                          playing  guitar
               to life to get into the right artists’ hands.  unique  and  personal                       until  I  can’t
                                                  guitars  out  there  (in                                breathe.
               How long have you been doing it for - and  my  opinion).  I  allow
               what made you choose this career?   the wood of the instrument to be itself and sort  Website for more info:
               I  have  been  playing  professionally  for  32  of  guide  me  on  where  it  wants  to  go,  what
               years, a music school owner for 14 years and  colour it wants to be and who it wants to go to.
               a guitar builder for over 10 years. There was  Sometimes I want it to be green and start to
               no choice in this career. It chose me.  dye it and it turns grey so I say well, this thing  Photo By Dan Case Levitt
                                                  wants to be grey. Haha.

                It’s not just bands that work hard, some fans do too! Every issue we shine the spotlight on a fansite. We have now de-
                cided to open this up to include Instagram Fan Pages and Facebook Pages and Groups too. If you devote your time to
                working on a page to promote a band, let us know about it... and we may feature you!

                Name & Location:                  him.  He  even  added  my                       done for Ryan?
                Kelly, Northamptonshire, England    stuff to his Instagram story,                 I try to help Ryan by shar-
                                                  and I’ve spoken to him in                       ing and advertising all the
                What fan page do you                                                              music and all his playa-
                run?                                                                              long  live  guitar  lessons
                Ryan  Roxie  77  Page  -  FANSITE                                                 he  does  for  his  fans.
                ryanroxieuk                                                                       Ryan goes the extra mile
                                                                                                  for his fans, so I try my
                Why and when did you                                                              best to get all the new in-
                decide  to  start  this?                                                          formation  and  about
                What is your aim?     FOCUS                                                       music and tours out there
                It’s  a  new  account                                                             for him.
                started  on  14th  March
                2019.  I  started  this  ac-                                                      Favourite   musical
                count after seeing Ryan Roxie himself in Bed-  messages too.                      memory of all time:
                ford on 22nd February 2019. The aim of this                                       Seeing  Ryan  Roxie  in
                account is to update everyone but mostly the  How  much  time  do  you            person with his solo band
                UK fans on Ryan; updates of his new music,  spend on it? Does it take             on  22nd  February  2019
                tours, all that sort of stuff!    much time to run?                               in Bedford. It was a night
                                                  An hour every other day. I’m                  to remember. Ryan Roxie is
                Does Ryan know about it?          at Uni so try to do assignments around updat-  such an amazing, talented guitarist.
                Yes, Ryan does know about this fan page and  ing the account!
                yes, I have interaction with him in relation to                     Website link:
                the page, by sharing all new information about  What  other  stand-out  things  have  you

                BV CV / FANSITE FOCUS
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