Page 39 - Black Velvet Issue 101
P. 39
BV101 pg36-39 Bad Touch_BV101 pg39 12/06/2019 19:54 Page 4
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 39
that all of us write everything together, but if Leg' marks their third full-length album in "I think that in general, It's not just music
there was going to be one which was more less than half that time. Yet they still thrive or music venues, it's stuff at home, cars,
me than the others then it was this one. on what they do. whatever", Seeks replies before Stevie
Again, you can read into it what you will, but "We're pretty stubborn" Seeks says, be- quickly adds, "You do take for granted what
I have this big thing about time passing and fore Stevie tells Black Velvet, "We've put too you have on your plate. Everyone is guilty of
not having any regrets when your time much money and time and effort and energy it and, as much as you can protest you don't,
comes and that is pretty much what it's and tears and blood and sweat and piss to you do. We're all guilty of it. I know people
about. It comes to everyone. None of us are give up and the fact that we still enjoy what who will only go to a gig if they can get on
getting out of here alive, so just when it does we are doing and we still love each other!" the guest list and will sit there drinking water
happen, let's have a good time about it and Seeks takes over the train of thought and all night. Well, that's not going to help the
make the most of what we've got, which is says, "Every step you are always looking for venue at all, is it? They're not going to stay
how I try to live my own life." the next step and it hasn't felt like 10 years." open on that. It's the same with a band. If you
We ask the pair how they hope they will Given the mention of looking for the next don't buy their CD or a show ticket and just
be remembered. Immediately Stevie says, "I step, Daniel continues, "We always want to listen to them for free, they aren't going to
ain't really fussed about that to be honest. If go forward, you do one amazing thing and of last."
someone listens to one of our CDs and it course you want to carry on doing more "We've already seen loads of good
puts a smile on their face, that is more than amazing things.” bands this year and last year alone who have
enough for me and I think it's the same for gone. They've just pulled the plug and said
all of us." Agreeing, Seeks adds, "It would be t a time when many rock fans are they can't do it anymore. I can name at least
Alikely fed up of the repeated claims ten really great bands who have just gone,
that our genre of music is on the endangered for whatever reason. It could be personal
list, all the while countless fresh faces are reasons, but whatever they are they have
emerging and bringing with them great gone and it's sad. There are some great
music for us to enjoy, it is also apparent that, bands who we have played with who aren't
as impressive as these bands can be trans- around anymore, since we started out most
forming their talents into album or ticket of the bands who we started with locally
sales is a different task. have all gone. There's not many left, we're
Daniel and Stevie are both glad to be a one of the few, we're just lucky that we had
part of the surge of British rock bands climb- that break and managed to get out of the
ing the rungs. Daniel says, "It's great being Norfolk pub scene and been able to tour the
a part of this and seeing all these new bands country. And there are also a lot of bigger
who have come after us, and it's great to be bands who split up all the time too.
accepted within that community. I think it "I think it is also down to the way you
has a lot of potential at the moment. It's like work the band. It is great fun and we do have
the New Wave of British Heavy Metal back in a great time and it is more than a hobby to
the 80s. That started as nothing much and us, but it is still a business. To us, it's a sec-
grew into this huge thing and this is where ond business. We still work and some of us
bands like Iron Maiden and everyone else have our own businesses and the band has
came through. I think the potential for it to to be a business otherwise it won't work. If
be huge again is there. It's certainly getting you just blow all your money straight away
a lot of people talking about it again. It's on you're not going to go anywhere, and I know
more radio stations now, major magazines some bands local to us who back in the day
too. It's great for a lot of bands and I'm hear- did that. They didn't think ahead, they didn't
ing more about a lot of great bands which think ‘How are we going to pay for the next
you didn't before." lot of T-shirts or the next album or look after
The guitarist continues to tell us more vehicles and hotels?’ If you're able to play in
about the challenges bands face in trying to Europe like we can now, you have to plan
get new listeners to try their songs. "It's al- getting there and back which isn't cheap, so
ways been the same to try and get people in you really do have to have your head
front of you. We've been doing this for ten screwed on. And, unfortunately, there are
years, but there were two to three years and were, a lot who don't think like that. They
where we were playing in front of two or just think it's going out and having a good
three people at some shows." time. They don't think about all the hard
"I still remember the one show when no- stuff, the money you are losing because you
one turned up," Stevie recalls before Seeks are not going to work, paying management
continues, "When we started out we'd just companies and record companies and PR
left school and college and we just played people who work for you and with you. It's a
local pubs in Norfolk. We've always written business and, as much fun as it is, some-
our own songs, but we had to play covers times you have to treat it like that."
because that's all they want at those kind of But fans of Bad Touch and feel good
venues, but you didn't really care back then rock ‘n’ roll can be assured they are confi-
because you were getting out there and dent no such dangers lay in their futures.
great to know that whatever happens with doing it and that was all that mattered. Ok, "For us, we're not ready to give up yet, we're
the band that in 20, 30, 50 years time there is now we'd be a bit bummed out if only three already working on a new album", Seeks
someone somewhere still listening to our people came to one of our shows, but you'd tells us with Stevie adding, "We've already
music. That would be a huge win." still get up and do it because that's what we got five or six tracks in the works. We're still
One line which stands out is ‘In this life do. I still go and see bigger bands now and here, we're not going anywhere."
we don’t take much time to say what really think it's a poor turnout, but you don't know And that is good news for Bad Touch
matters’. The duo tell us about the things what's going on elsewhere which could have supporters and supporters of rock in general
which they believe matter the most in their an effect on it. There are still more success- because we can never really have enough of
own lives. Stevie says, "I guess it's the usual ful bands out there who struggle sometimes. the feel good vibes bands like those which
cliched stuff really - love; make sure you tell And also with all these new bands now, there Stevie and Seeks call home and with 'Shake
your parents and your mates you love ‘em. are so many good bands out there now and A Leg' helping to present them to new audi-
Again, don't keep stuff bottled up because there isn't enough time in the week to see ences and stages their touch is set to spread
it's not healthy. That's the way I always am them all." and it's never a bad one.
even if sometimes it's to my own detriment Taking all this into consideration we ask Visit for more
as sometimes I say too much!" if they feel more rock fans need to wake up info.
and smell the roses else they might find Words by Michael Coventry
he quintet are closing in on a decade themselves missing what they did not appre-
Tof performing together and 'Shake A ciate enough when it has gone. Band Photos By Rob Blackham