Page 7 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine - Issue 100
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A (Musical) Note From...
Brad Marr (Massive)
n 2016, Massive had the tour from hell. 4. ‘Bullet’ - On our first tour of the UK we rock.
IWe went from being sold the world to al- had the pleasure of meeting Al and Val, a cou- 8. ‘Pieces’ - Written a few years ago, we
most breaking up within the space of 90 days. ple who dedicated their lives to music. They were told by management that this song was
14 out of 25 headline shows were cancelled. gave us a bed, hot meals, clean clothes and ‘too pop’ for Massive. But then everyone
We spent all our money on a tour bus and it supported however they could. And we’re not dropped us and now no one can stop us put-
broke down on cue every six shows, sending the only band they did this for. Unfortunately ting it on a record.
us bankrupt. There were band fights, girl trou- Val passed away in early 2018 but we man- 9. ‘The Wrecking Crew’ - The 2016 tour,
bles, the label dropped us, the booking agent aged to get an un-mastered version of this ironically, was called the Wrecking Crew tour.
dropped us, the management dropped us and album to her so she could hear it before she The lyrics in this song: ‘You build the fucker up,
we headed back to Australia just three months passed. Al continues their legacy and sent me we burn the fucker down’ speaks for itself. We
after we ‘relocated’ to Europe. It should have lyrics he wrote to get my opinion. Little did he also really like disco beats in Massive so
been the end of Massive, but it became the know I used some of them and turned it into couldn’t go an album without one.
fuel to write an angry, punk, rock ‘n’ roll album this song as a tribute to Al and Val. This album 10. ‘Gettin’ Heavy’ - I was in a bar in Mel-
instead: ‘Rebuild Destroy’. is as much theirs as it is ours. bourne at 5am with about six other random
5. ‘Roses’ - The next 2 songs, if I am hon- people, one of them being an ex-Australian
Side A est, are personal songs about two people from football star who had been snorting cocaine all
1. ‘Generation Riot’ - is a song I wrote that failed tour. ‘Roses’ is about realizing one night and decided to start bragging about the
years ago and always thought it would be a day that it’s easier to let go of the bad people time he slept with an ex-Australian cricket cap-
great opening track to an angry album except in your life and cut your losses rather than try- tain’s girlfriend. This is a song about doing tons
we never had an angry album’s worth of ing to find something good in someone that of drugs and losing your millions of dollars but
songs, until now. has no soul. also having sex with your friend’s model girl-
2. ‘Long Time Coming’ - When you put 6. ‘Face In The Crowd’ - I deliberately friend.
all your money and time and effort into some- used a line from a Blink-182 tune as the open- 11. ‘A Mile In My Shoes’ - is a summary
thing for it to all mean nothing, that is this song. ing line here to get the attention of the person of everything up until this point and puts the re-
A happy-sounding, swagger rock song about (a Blink-182 fan) it was written about. It’s a build to rest. We got ripped apart, but we used
getting kicked in the guts. break-up song, much different than most of it as fuel. Ben Laguda, the original guitarist,
3. ‘What You Gonna Do’ - is about three what Massive is about; it’s mellow and moody. came back and we found the original fire that
people who pissed us off at different times. I like to think we have more to say than just was Massive. We’re back, ready to destroy!
The well-known touring ‘rockstar’ who told us beer-drinking, good times.
he was better than AC/DC and promised to Brad Marr
ruin our career, the emotional guy who still Side B Get ‘Rebuild Destroy’ by Massive, out
gives us thumbs down on every YouTube 7. ‘Over And Out’ - I wrote the lyrics to now.
video because he didn’t get the gig and the ‘Over And Out’ sitting in the van waiting for Photo By Chantelle Harbron
psycho girl who makes false police claims to people to wake up on tour. I hardly sleep any- In a band? Want to write a one-off column for
try and get men in trouble. This is our revenge way and this is just a song about copping the
us? Email for
served at 180BPM. shit and rolling with it. It’s fast, angry, punk more info.