Page 15 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine - Issue 100
P. 15

BV100 pg12-15 Those Damn Crows_BV100 pg15  12/03/2019  22:04  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 15

              We’re mates first and musicians second and  ince ‘Murder And The Motive’ was re-  “Just to give everything live, that’s what
              I think that is making a massive difference to  Sreleased last year Shane says things  we are about at the minute”, he says. “When
              where we are now and where we want to go.”  have been amazing. “I think since the re-re-  we  did  the  album,  sonically,  it  was  really
                Having told us about how the members  lease more people are taking notice of what  good.  Big  production  and  stuff,  probably
              of  the  band  have  changed  we  ask  Shane  we are doing, when we put on a show now  bigger than it should have  been  if  we  are
              about the changes in his home town which  it’s not just half full, it’s full. People want to  being honest, a bit more glossy, there was
              are a big vocal point in the song, and in par-  come and see us live which is a testament to  more  sheen  to  it;  it’s  a  great-sounding
              ticular  his  comment  about  music  venues  the band and what we do live and also radio  album. But if you come and see us live it’s a
              closing down, we question Shane about how  play has been brilliant. We are getting bigger  bit more in-your-face, a bit more raw, way
              these  changes  have  influenced  and  im-  slots at some pretty decent festivals, every-  more  energetic,  even  the  speeds  of  the
              pacted the music scene in his local area.  thing is just bigger and better really and long  songs are slightly quicker, it’s just a massive
                “When  we  were  kids  we  would  go  to  may it continue.”          adrenaline rush. So it’s all about playing live
              every kind of jam night there was”, he tells  As Shane has already mentioned, all of  for us. It may not sound like the record but I
              Black Velvet. “Every Tuesday and Thursday  the topics detailed throughout ‘Murder And  don’t think anyone should go to a live show
              it was, straight after school we would nip  The Motive’ are real to them. The heartfelt  and expect it to be just like the record be-
              these  local  places  and  play.  There  were  ‘Behind  These  Walls’  boasts  thought-pro-  cause what would be the point? You are sup-
              loads of them around then and there still are,  voking lyrics such as ‘I’m taking back con-  posed to feel something. You are supposed
              but nowhere near as many, and many of the  trol of me again, I’m tired of living my life  to sing along and get involved and feel the
              places left you have to be a certain standard  behind these walls’ and the very to-the-point  adrenaline  pumping;  that’s  what  it’s  all
              to get up and do stuff, but back in the day  ‘it’s time to live again’. Shane tells Black Vel-  about, so hopefully when you come and see
              anyone could do it. It was just a different  vet, “This one is very poignant. The thing is,  us live that is what sets us apart and hope-
              vibe when we were kids. The music scene  when you are the age I am and you’ve got  fully that comes across.”
              was thriving and that was because the pubs  three kids, a wife and you trying to make it  And this is perhaps the best advice we
              and  clubs  were  open  but  there  aren’t  as  all fit and make it all work, being a musician,  can offer, if you haven’t already, check Those
              many these days and it’s a real shame be-  being in a band and being away from home,  Damn Crows out, ideally live and in the flesh
              cause that’s how we grew up. We were play-  it’s very tough to make everybody happy and  because believe us, if ‘Murder And The Mo-
              ing  songs  with  older  people,  so  we  were  sometimes you have to sacrifice things in  tive’ is anything to go by they are perfectly
              learning while we were enjoying playing.   order to be you. And it can be harsh some-  positioned to fly high and in the ‘Blink Of An
                “I was walking around my local town the  times and you don’t want to hurt anyone, but  Eye’  they  could  be  among  the  UK’s  next
              other day looking at how many shops are  to be you, it’s very important. If I wasn’t a  break-out rock stars, proving once and for
              now boarded up and it’s a real shame and  musician I wouldn’t be me, but it can be re-  all that ‘Rock ‘N’ Roll Ain’t Dead’.
              these big venues where you would go and  ally  tough  on  everybody  sometimes.  Not
              have a drink when you were 18, 19, they’re  everyone gets sometimes just how much it  Visit  for
              just not there anymore. Apart from this one  takes out of your family life. It’s tough.”  more info.
              place which is a real music venue, I think
              there is only one pub left where you get the  n ‘The Fighter’ Shane sings ‘You ain’t  Words by Michael Coventry
              odd classic rock band turn up on a Saturday  Iseen nothing like me before’. So what        Photos By JulenPhoto
              but that’s about it in Bridgend now.”  makes Those Damn Crows so special and
                                                 why should people go and see them?
                                                                                           THOSE DAMN CROWS
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