Page 51 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 99
P. 51

BV99 pg51 Fansite Focus_BV99 pg51  17/11/2018  21:07  Page 1

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 51

                It’s not just bands that work hard, some fans do too! Every issue we shine the spotlight on a fansite. We have now de-
                cided to open this up to include Instagram Fan Pages and Facebook Pages and Groups too. If you devote your time to
                working on a page to promote a band, let us know about it... and we may feature you!
                Name & Location:                  page by liking or commenting on my posts to  s u i c i d e ,
                My name is Betty Lange, I'm from Illinois, USA.    reposting my own video to their pages of me  a m o n g
                                                  getting my Pyromantic tattoo.     other   is-
                What fansite page do you run?     How much time do you spend on it? Does it  sues. I my-
                I  run  the  fans_4_pyromantic  fanpage  on  IG:  take much time to run?  self  have
         I usually spend about 8-10 hours throughout the  made sev-
                                                                            w h o l e
                                                                                    eral friends
                Why and when did you decide to                              day  and  t h r o u g h
                start this? What is your aim?  FANSITE                      night  on  my  page
                April  1,  2016  is  when  I  first  dedi-                  this  fan  that  I  con-
                cated this fan page. Originally, this                       page. It's  sider  fam-
                fan   page    was   When                                    not  hard  ily  and  we
                pain  pills  and  sleeping  pills  from FOCUS               all,  I  al-  each other
                                                                            work  at
                Sixx:A.M.  came  onto  the  scene,  I
                                                                                    offline  too,
                                                                            ways  try
                was highly addicted to prescription
                2002-2012. It took me a long time to                        to   give  such as tex-
                                                                                    ting or calling each other on the phone to send-
                                                                            c r e d i t
                finally  get  clean.  On  October  13,  2018,  I've  where credit is due when posting a photo, if I  ing and receiving Xmas cards or Get Well gifts.
                been clean for six years. The guys are such a  don't know who took the photo, I always say
                huge inspiration, I couldn't have done it without  credit to the owner. I try to make it fun for every-  What other standout things have you done
                their music. That's when I dedicated this fan  one. I think that's why so many people like my  for Dj/Pyromantic?
                page to them. Now that Sixx:A.M. is no more or  page and follow it. I really enjoy doing this, it's  I have done other things to support Dj, James
                just on a hiatus, I still wanted       something I'm passionate about, espe-  & Nikki, by being a proud shopper of Dj's cloth-
                to honour and support all the           cially since these guys literally saved  ing store, Ashba Clothing, purchasing prints of
                Sixx:A.M. members and in-               my  life,  I'm  just  paying  it  forward  by  Dj, or Nikki to support a charity, to getting the
                clude  their  other  projects           showing them the love, support, & re-  Sixx:A.M. song title ‘Life Is Beautiful’ and ‘Pyro-
                (Nikki Sixx and his photogra-           spect they deserve.         mantic’ tattooed on my arm.
                phy, Dj Ashba with his new
                project Pyromantic/his cloth-           What is the community for the band  Fave musical memory of all time:
                ing line Ashba Clothing, and            like, both online and offline? What  I think my favorite musical memory would be a
                James Michael with his new              have  you  noticed  about  the  Pyro-  tie between me seeing Sixx:A.M play live for the
                podcast,  James  Michael                mantic fan community through mod-  first time on November 19, 2016 in Peoria, Illi-
                Podcast  &  his  upcoming               erating your pages?         nois on their Prayers For The Damned tour, or
                acoustic tour) hence the new            The community fan base is phenome-  when I actually got ‘Life Is Beautiful’ and ‘Pyro-
                fan page name, Fans_4_Py-               nal. All the fans who love and support  mantic’ tattooed, because that's something per-
                romantic.                               Dj,  James,  Nikki,  Sixx:A.M.  or  Pyro-  manent on my skin. I have no regrets. It not only
                                                       mantic are wonderful people; we are a  shows  that  I'm  a  dedicated  fan,  but  also  re-
                Does Dj / Pyromantic know about it?  big family. We have similar stories that we share  minds me that no matter how bleak or hard life
                Both Dj, James and Pyromantic are aware of  on how Nikki, Dj or James have inspired each  may be at times, and after any fiery destruction,
                my fan page and actually follow my page, which  of us to conquer and overcome such problems  comes love and beauty, that if I just open my
                is a huge honour. They have interacted with my  as opioid addiction, online bullying, depression,  eyes, I will see that Life Is Beautiful.

               ALTER  BRIDGE        Alter Bridge’s music has al-  hope that’s not true though,  group sound stunning, their  the band played live before
               LIVE AT THE ROYAL AL-  ways sounded dramatic and  we’d absolutely love to see  music giving chills. With the  its  actual  release  on  the
               BERT  HALL  FEATURING  intense,  but  adding  an  or-  them do something like this  performance’s theatrical air,  album,  is  equally  as  en-
               THE PARALLAX ORCHES-  chestra really has taken that  again in the future.   ‘Lacrymosa’ is graceful and  trancing. Introducing ‘My Im-
               TRA                  sound to stunning new lev-       YYYY     elegant  while  powerful.  mortal’, Amy says it’s one of
               (NAPALM)             els. You can hear the impact  Penny Gower  Even Will Hunt on drums is  their  oldest  songs,  which
                  When Alter  Bridge  an-  the  symphonic  makeover           dramatic  as  he  hits  the  has ‘come to mean so much
               nounced  that  they  were  to  has had on songs such as  EVANESCENCE  drums with force and flying  more  to  us  because  of
               play two shows backed by a  ‘Addicted To Pain’, ‘Cry Of  SYNTHESIS LIVE  hair. ‘End Of The Dream’ is  you… This is for you’. Amy
               symphony orchestra at the  Achilles’,  ‘Ties  That  Bind’  (EAGLE VISION)  haunting and mesmerizing,  speaks again before ‘Good
               iconic Royal Albert Hall, you  and ‘The Other Side’. Then  Evanescence  have  al-  in places almost like thunder  Enough’.  She  talks  about
               just knew it was going to be  seeing the rare performance  ways been more than just a  and  lightning,  as  layers  of  criticising yourself and how
               an extra special event. For-  of ‘Words Darker Than Their  rock  band.  Through  Amy  electronics are infused into  the voice in your head is a
               tunately, those shows were  Wings’  is  truly  a  delight.  Lee’s  vision  and  talent,  this and other songs. Before  liar. “We have to keep fight-
               recorded  and  the  experi-  There are plenty of shots of  they’ve  done  things  other  ‘Lithium’, which gets a huge  ing  it.  They’re  not  flaws,
               ence has been compiled for  the  audience  throughout;  bands couldn’t. If you went  reaction from the audience,  those are the things about
               both your viewing and listen-  they are so immersed in the  to  see  the  band  on  their  Amy says it’s a lifelong child-  us  that  make  us  who  we
               ing pleasure. While it’s great  show. It’s great to see. Even  Synthesis  tour,  which  saw  hood dream to play with an  are,”  she  says.  “We  can’t
               that you can actually listen  if  you  were  not  fortunate  the band performing with an  orchestra.  She  plays  the  waste our lives being afraid
               to the results, watching the  enough to be in attendance,  orchestra, you would have  piano again. Her voice is un-  to live them.”
               DVD gives you more of an  you can sense the exhilara-  been  witness  to  a  magical  real  and  spectacular  while  Amy and Evanescence are
               insight on what went on dur-  tion felt by everyone in that  treat. This DVD is a record-  her talent on the keys further  definitely good enough, and
               ing  those  two  incredible  building. It really is magical  ing from that tour, filmed by  stands  out.  ‘Bring  Me  To  this DVD is fantastic. It was
               nights.  You  get  to  see  the  to watch, from start to finish.  Paul  Brown.  The  show  Life’ is a climatic show-stop-  a dream come true for Amy
               behind-the-scenes footage,  Capturing a spectacular mo-  starts with Amy at a piano  per and one of everyone’s  to  play  with  an  orchestra,
               including  rehearsals,  plus  ment  in  the  band’s  career,  with the band and orchestra  favourites.  An  interlude  of  and a dream for us to watch
               there are interviews with the  this DVD is a must for Alter  behind  her.  As  ‘Never  Go  ‘Unraveling’ is both calming  it.
               band,  their  manager,  and  Bridge  fans.  The  shows  Back’ kicks in, Amy moves  and  recoiling,  before  the  YYYYY
               members of the Parallax Or-  were described as a once in  over to a microphone. As al-  cheer for electronic-boosted  SBV
               chestra.             a lifetime event, but we do  ways,  she  and  the  whole  ‘Imaginary’. ‘Hi-Lo’, a song
                                                                                        FANSITE FOCUS / DVDS
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