Page 50 - Black Velvet Issue 94
P. 50

BV94 pg50_BV94 pg50  17/09/2017  02:05  Page 1

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                                   three members’ undeniable  tones.  That  isn’t  to  say  are very upbeat and have  some well-respected veter-
                                   talent, which is topped by a  these  should  be  used  in  an  optimistic  feel.  ‘The  ans of the rock world. It’s
                                   quite superb instrumental,  every song they produce,  Come  Up’  juxtaposes  a  easy  to  hear  why  when
                                   which  builds  like  a  storm  but  they  are  certainly  a  Motown backbeat with rock  they burst out of the speak-
                                   before exploding in a bril-  useful weapon in their ar-  swagger  while  exploring  ers  with  opening  track,
                                   liant bolt of lightning across  senal.  It’s  perhaps  fitting  the  issue  of  depression,  ‘Seen Better Days’. A guitar
                                   the  skies.  Alas,  the  only  that the closing seconds of  while  the  jaunty  swing  of  wail gives way to infectious
                                   drawback of ‘The Amazing  the final song, ‘It’s All Just  ‘Soul Crusher’ contradicts  riffs  and  hooks  from  the
                                   Memoirs of Geoffrey God-  A Show’, slows down to a  its downbeat title. ‘A Longer  two  guitarists,  thundering
                                   dard’ is that, as fantastic as  mini acoustic piece, where  View’ is thoughtful, with a  drums  and  a  full-throated
                                   ‘Take It Or Leave It’ is, the  again, Louise’s subtle side  soulful  piano  intro  and  a  vocal. It’s bluesy rock at its
              SKAM                 band has produced better  is  showcased  and  it’s  a  lyrical  examination  of  the  best. Next up is the sleazy
              OF  GEOFFREY  GOD-   songs in the past and while  perfect  conclusion  to  the  state of the world and po-  swagger of ‘Lust’, with its
                                   this album is perhaps their
                                                        EP.  Initially,  Louise  finds
              DARD                 most  consistently  best  to  herself  battling  with  gui-  tential conflict, signified by  big chorus and dirty guitar
                                                                                                   solo,  while  the  swampy,
                                                                              a  brief  burst  of  martial
                 The  story  of  a  1930s  date, it doesn’t possess the  tarist Georgia Bell, bassist  drums. This is a hard-rock-  foot-stomping  ‘Devil  You
              RAF test pilot and his trav-  standout tracks they have  Jason Coles and drummer  ing, varied, and very strong  Know’ is possibly the best
              els  across  time  sounds  enjoyed  previously.  One  Ben Dean. There are times  album.   Highly   recom-  track on a high-calibre col-
                                   such reason could be that
                                                        when it feels the four mem-
              more like a plot to a Holly-  ‘The Amazing Memoirs of  bers are fighting each other  mended.  YYYY  lection. You owe it to your-
                                                                                                   self  to  give  Black  Cat
              wood  blockbuster  than  a
              rock album, but that is ex-  Geoffrey Goddard’ doesn’t  to be heard. It’s almost no  Clare Huckett  Bones a listen. Here’s hop-
                                                        wonder  though,  as  the
                                   boast a true ballad which
                                                                                                   ing for a full-length album
              actly the tale with third LP
              from Brit rockers SKAM, a  has been not only a feature  three musicians are as tal-  VINCE RIPPER AND THE  soon.
                                   of the band’s previous work
                                                        ented as their frontwoman,
              three-piece  with  enough  but also produced some of  Georgia  in  particular  pro-  RODENT SHOW  Clare Huckett
                                                                              PLANET SHOCKORAMA
              fire power to fight any army
              and that power is the heart  their  finest  moments,  this  ducing  some  superb  riffs  (CHERRY RED)
                                                                                 Loud  and  boisterous,
                                                        and  leading  the  closing
                                   album producing a heavier
              and soul of ‘The Amazing
              Memoirs of Geoffrey God-  sound  from  start  to  finish  seconds of ‘Get A Grip’ with  and most definitely theatri-
                                   than we have heard in the
                                                        some  machine  gun-style
              dard’.  Neal  Hill  has  been  past which should success-  sounds, which are another  cal, Vince Ripper And The
                                                                              Rodent  Show  has  pro-
              on  drumming  duties  for
              SKAM for over three years,  fully attract new fans and  highlight  of  the  EP  and  a  duced a fast-paced riot of
                                                                              mainly  covers  given  the
                                                        point where the band can
                                   satisfy existing ones.
              but this is the first new ma-
              terial  since  he  joined   Michael Coventry  truly  stamp  their  mark  on  goth/monster/shock  rock
                                                        ‘Second  Load’.  There  is
              brother and lead vocalist/                much promise and poten-  treatment. Featuring tracks
                                                                              from the likes of The B-52s,
              guitarist Steve and bassist
              Matt Gilmore and it’s some-  PRETTY LITTLE ENEMY  tial  here  and  if  the  band  Misfits,   David   Bowie,  JONNY LANG
                                                        can  strike  a  greater  har-
                                                                              Hawkwind,  The  Cramps,
                                   SECOND LOAD
              what  fitting  that  his  stick
              work  is  the  first  sound  of  (PRETTY LITTLE ENEMY)  mony between the four of  and  Alien  Sex  Fiend,  SIGNS
                                                        them  there  is  likely  to  be
              music  we  hear  on  ‘The  close  and  your  enemies  much  to  look  forward  to  there’s a strong punk atti-  (PROVOGUE/MASCOT)
                                                                              tude and a lively sense of
                                                                                                      Guitar-led and heavily
              Amazing Memoirs of Geof-
              frey  Goddard’,  as  he  has  closer they say and West  with  a  third,  fourth  and  fun  throughout.  There  is  blues-influenced,   Jonny
                                                                                                   Lang is returning to his mu-
                                   Country rockers Pretty Lit-
                                                        many more loads.
                                                                              also an occasional fusion
              the  privilege  of  opening
              ‘Between  The  Eyes’  and  tle Enemy could very well  Michael Coventry  of  other  genres,  such  as  sical  roots  with  his  first
                                   be their own worst enemies
              his part in the strength of  if  they  do  not  tread  care-    the  industrial  edge  of  album in four years. How-
                                                                                                   ever,  while  the  blues  are
                                                                              ‘Outer Limits’ and the rock-
              the band’s sound remains
              throughout the 11 songs on  fully, their second EP, ‘Sec-       abilly flair of ‘The Invasion  the  foundation  for  the
                                                                              Is  Coming’.  The  vocals
                                                                                                   album,  there  are  lots  of
                                   ond Load’, producing much
              offer here. It’s appropriate
              that  in  ‘Otherside’  Steve  to grab your attention, but       tend  to  be  rough-edged  other elements too. ‘Make
                                   also  revealing  that  some
              declares, ‘We’re powerful,’  minor adjustments may be           and  aggressive,  making  It  Move’  is  bare-bones  -
                                                                              the  version  of  ‘Silver  Ma-
                                                                                                   foot-stomping rhythm from
              because they certainly are
              and  much  of  SKAM’s  required  for  them  to                  chine’ less psychedelic and  a  single  guitar,  raw  and
                                                                              more psychotic, especially
                                   achieve their full potential.
                                                                                                   throaty  vocals  backed  up
              prowess comes from Matt’s
              bass work, played more in  Throughout this four-track           with the heavier take on the  by a gospel choir, and the
                                   release,  there  are  many
              the style of a rhythm guitar  flashes  of  brilliance  and      guitars. A heavier, slightly  only percussion is a hand-
                                                                                                   clapped  beat.  ‘Last  Man
                                                                              industrial ‘Scary Monsters’
              than  a  typical  bass  is,  it
              beefs  up  the  sound  of  much  to  enjoy,  but  also  SHAMAN’S HARVEST  really  shouldn’t  work  but  Standing’ is an out-and-out
                                                        RED  HANDS  BLACK
                                   parts which appear a little
                                                                                                   rocker, complete with huge
                                                                              turns out to be great fun,
              every  song  and  allows
              Steve  to  let  loose  on  so  disjointed. ‘Collide’ is one  DEEDS  the  calypso  rhythms  of  hooks  and  a  pounding
                                   of the highlights of the EP.
              many  guitar  solos  on  the  In  vocalist  Louise  Body  Although unintentional,  ‘The Blob’ have a lot of ap-  drum rhythm. It’s a shout of
                                                                                                   defiance and is utterly bril-
              album, which contains an
              incredible amount of mem-  they  have  a  true  power-  Shaman’s  Harvest  was  ‘Teenagers  From  Mars’  liant. The funk elements in
                                   house,  but  it’s  her  softer
                                                                                                   ‘What You’re Made Of’ and
                                                                              should  be  the  signature
                                                        heavily  influenced  by  the
              orable riffs and instrumen-
              tals.  It’s  remarkable  the  side that produces some of  US  presidential  election  track. Musically it’s not the  ‘Stronger Together’ are in-
                                                        while writing and so inad-
                                   the best work on ‘Second
              quality  of  his  vocals  per-  Load’. While her belting vo-  vertently created a concept  greatest album, but it’s cer-  fectious and uplifting. Title
                                                                              tainly entertaining.
                                                                                                   track ‘Signs’ is a swagger-
              formed  at  the  same  time
              which  needs  to  be  seen  cals  are  impressive,  they  album.  Their  themes  are  Clare Huckett  ing blues-rocker that show-
                                   are not especially unique,
                                                        the  wider  political,  social
                                                                                                   cases Lang’s vocal range
              and  heard  live  to  be  fully
              appreciated. The first half  but her softer tones bring a  and economic struggles of  to  the  full,  with  some  im-
                                   welcome touch of vulnera-
                                                        the US alongside the more
              of ‘The Amazing Memoirs  bility to their music. This is  personal,  and  so  there  is  BLACK CAT BONES  pressive  high  notes.  But
                                                                              DOWN TO THE RIVER
                                                                                                   the guitar’s the real star –
              of Geoffrey Goddard’ is the
              strongest  and  the  afore-  proven  in  ‘Play  By  The  an ominous tone to a lot of  (BLACK CAT BONES)  the rhythms all through the
                                                        the album. This begins with
                                                                                                   album  are  excellent  and
                                   Rules’, the EP’s other great
                                                                                 Liverpool’s own Black
              mentioned  tracks,  along-
              side the equally impressive  example of where they get  the intro and its steady, sin-  Cat  Bones  serve  up  an-  the solos, such as that on
                                   closer to an ideal balance
                                                        gle  drum  beat,  sustained
              ‘The Iron Cross’ build won-  between  their  vocals  and  single string, and low vocal  other  helping  of  high-oc-  ‘Bitter End’ and soulful bal-
                                                                                                   lad ‘Bring Me Back Home’,
                                                                              tane rock ‘n’ roll with their
              derfully to ‘Take It Or Leave
              It’,  without  question  the  music. It’s a heavier track  intoning  a  tale  of  ‘Red  second   five-track   EP.  are  outstanding.  A  phe-
                                                                                                   nomenal album from an ex-
                                   than ‘Collide’, but lacks the
                                                        Hands Black Deeds’, which
                                                                              These  boys  have  talent,
              highlight  of  the  album,  a
              fast-paced,   perfectly  emotion,  which  is  in  no  is  repeated  later  as  a  energy,  and  a  dynamism  ceptional artist.
                                   small  part  due  to  the  ab-
                                                        theme in ‘Blood Trophies’.
              moulded  showcase  of  all                                      that has earned them plau-        YYYY
                                   sence  of  Louise’s  softer  And yet a lot of the rhythms  dits and support slots from  Clare Huckett
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