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BV93 Beth Blade_BV93 pg05 09/06/2017 00:23 Page 1
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Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
eth Blade And The Beautiful Disasters are ready to rock - and they hope you are too. They released
Btheir album, ‘Bad Habit’, a few months ago, and that definitely rocks. It also has a song on it entitled
‘If You’re Ready To Rock’, so we got in touch and asked Beth a handful of questions all related to ROCK!
BV: How do you get ready to rock the audi- ready to rock?
they are, no matter how many people try to bring
ence at one of your shows? BB: Absolutely! I meet kids all the time at gigs them down and let them know that they can
Beth Blade: Usually I’ll watch the other bands and they are going to keep the flame burning. I achieve their dreams if they work hard at it. I had
that are playing to get pumped and if we are on was once a 7-year-old watching Thunder on a really positive role models growing up and it
first I tend to read a book on the way to the beach in Scarborough, and I see myself in them would be an honour for anyone to be inspired
venue whilst blasting some KISS. Before stage so much. I see teenagers hanging out in Cardiff by what I do. When anyone tells me that they’ve
you’ll probably find me in the ladies’ bathroom wearing band t-shirts and experimenting with al- been inspired by a song or wanted to pick up an
making random noises in my vocal warm-up ternate fashion and it’s really cool. I still see my- instrument or sing because of us it really makes
whilst doing my makeup. As you can imagine self as a young person (even though I’m getting everything so worth it. The best thing about
that gets some funny reactions! on a bit) and so many of my friends are into music is the joy and happiness it can bring to
great music, old and new. people’s lives and I’ll be lucky if I keep getting
What does rock music mean to you? How to experience that.
has rock enriched your life? BV: You recorded your album with Nick
Rock and roll is a huge part of my life. If it wasn’t Brine at Rockfield Studios and aimed for a BV: In 'If You're Ready To Rock', you sing 'do
for rock music I wouldn’t be here, and it has stadium rock sound. How did Nick help what you want, don't do what you're told'.
saved me countless times. It has given me the achieve that, and how much did Rockfield When have you most rebelled?
strength to be who I want to be and to pursue rock!? BB: There’s a lot of people out there who have
this crazy dream I have. For me it gives mean-
BB: Nick was brilliant, he has a very calm way ideas about what you can and can’t do. Usually
ing to my place in the world. about him; he’s also very funny. He gives you what you should and shouldn’t do. Screw those
confidence and guidance all at once and has a people. I think people tend to think of Rebellion
BV: How much does your album, 'Bad Habit', wealth of experience that really shines through. as disobeying the law or doing something
rock? Not to forget Kenny Dogleash, he’s probably the naughty but for me it’s always been about doing
BB: It rocks very, very hard and should be best, if not the only, dog to be credited on so what you want to do in the face of adversity. It’s
cranked up to 11 at all times! Other than the bal- many awesome albums! When things get a bit about sticking to your guns and believing in your
lads, pretty much every song is something you tense or time is running out he can distract you cause, whatever that may be.
can bang your head to. Whether you like it very easily by trying to steal your biscuits. Rock-
slightly heavier, punky or just straight ahead, field was insane. I was sat in the studio and was BV: Tell us about the song, 'If You're ready
balls to the wall, hard rock I think you can find just thinking about how lucky I was to be record- To Rock' - what inspired it?
something for everyone to enjoy on the album. ing in the same place as people like Black Sab- BB: All my favorite bands have these huge an-
bath, Motorhead, Queen and Rush. If you’d themic songs, Kiss have ‘Crazy Crazy Nights’,
BV: Tell us about meeting your bandmates have told me that I’d get to do that just a few Twisted Sister have ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’
and how did you realise that they rocked?
years ago I’d have said you were out of your and AC/DC have ‘For Those About To Rock’,
BB: I met our original guitar player Jack and our mind! They also have a really good jacuzzi bath that are about being outcasts but finding your
drummer Sam through going to Fuel Rock Club haha! place in a musical family. I wanted one of those
in Cardiff. I met Nick our bassist at university songs for our fans and I wanted it to be a song
and convinced him to learn how to play bass BV: How would you feel if you became a where I could interact with them and hear their
after having an argument about whether KISS well-known rock star? And how would you voices. It’s absolutely my favorite song to play
or Megadeth were the best band in the world. most like to inspire the younger generation?
live because the crowd reaction is always so
He lost the argument. I knew that they rocked BB: Firstly, I’d be super grateful to even be con- strong!
because they agreed to join this crazy ride with sidered a rock star. Secondly, I’d probably be
me! You have to be a special kind of crazy to super frightened because I’m always making Visit www.bethbladeandthebeautifuldisas-
chase your dreams. rubbish jokes and making a fool out of myself by ters.-com for more info.
being clumsy! Nobody wants to see that! I would Words By Shari Black Velvet
BV: Do you feel that young people today are like to inspire other people to be proud of who
Photo By Binks Photography