Page 4 - Black Velvet Issue 90
P. 4
BV90 pg4&5_BV90 pg04 17/09/2016 23:23 Page 1
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hink of pop punk and
Twho do you think of?
Blink-182? Green Day? New
Found Glory? All Time Low?
The new generation of pop
punk, following hot on their
heels, is now being led by
State Champs. Forming in
2010, the band are now get-
ting the recognition they de-
serve – mostly thanks to
some fantastic support slots
that have enabled their
music to get out to new ears.
They’ve supported everyone
from New Found Glory and
All Time Low to 5 Seconds Of
Summer. And after a grueling
Warped Tour where they
picked up yet more fans, the
band recently made their
first ever Reading and Leeds
Festival appearances.
tate Champs was originally formed by The band is completed by Ryan Scott Gra- with each other. Even though we spend that
Svocalist Derek DiScanio and lead gui- ham, who joined the band on bass in 2014. much time together, we’re going to start fighting
tarist Tyler Szalkowski in Upstate New York, al- Derek tells us that when Ryan joined the band like brothers, get in arguments, but once that
though Derek and Tyler are the only two original he didn’t know too much about him, and he took stuff happens it needs to be sorted out and
members in the band now. Derek tells Black Vel- the longest to get to know. “He’s a little mysteri- hashed out immediately because that’s how we
vet about his chemistry with Tyler and why ous guy because he’s very out there and bubbly move on and grow and only become closer in
they’ve stuck together. “We realized that the and very energetic and always trying to tell jokes the long run.”
chemistry that really keeps us together is that and play jokes on people but also he’s not a He says he’s learned to never keep anything
we’re complete opposites. I’m kind of the more mean person at all. It took a while for me to re- behind anyone’s back. “That’s a big thing. Not
relaxed, composed person and he’s kind of the ally figure him out, get under his skin a little bit, even just with me and my band, with anybody
more stern businessman, more responsible. He dig a little deeper. I came to find out he’s just an really. The moment you start judging people and
keeps everything in line. I feel like that’s the rea- emotional guy, always ready to have a good rumours get around, things like that, that can
son why everything works so well with me and time and wants to be everyone’s friend, and that only end in bad ways. I guess being honest and
him and why we can team up together and are we kind of relate to in a sense.” open about everything like that.”
kind of co-leaders of everything.” As the vocalist, Derek also writes the songs’
Both Tony ‘Rival’ Diaz, rhythm guitarist, and ith the five-piece now seeming to be lyrics. He uses his lyrics to open up on certain
Evan Ambrosio, drums, came into the band two Wsolid, Black Velvet asks what sort of topics, most noticeably relationships. He finds it
years after State Champs’ initial formation, in promises the members have made to each easier to let feelings out in songs than speaking
2012. Derek knew of Tony before State Champs other. “One thing, especially when it became a person to person, although says that in future
took off, but had not spoken to him at that point. full-time thing for us,” answers Derek, “we knew he’d like to open up more to others and become
“He’s a little bit older than me so I was always a that we had to take it to a new level and really more communicative. “I’m not a very emotional
little bit scared of Tony actually, because he was commit ourselves to the band. I think one thing person and never have been one to open up to
in a metal and hardcore band when I was grow- we always did was to make sure that even people that easily. It’s very rare that I do some-
ing up. So when I first met Tony, I don’t think I though we’re running a business together it can’t thing like that and that’s why I do express myself
ever actually talked to him. I always stayed away ever get to a point where it’s too much of a in the songs. That’s kind of like my venting sys-
from him because I was kind of scared of him. chore, and we can’t get to a point where it’s af- tem, to write songs about things where I can be
But then, sure enough, when we actually started fecting our friendship and affecting the way that emotional and show how I’m feeling but also be
talking and became friends, we had so much in we’ve always bonded through either the music able to hide it, because everyone’s going to be
common. I don’t know why I was so scared. I or through friendship and things alike. One thing able to interpret it differently. And that’s what I
think I was just scared because he kind of that we’ve always stuck with is that if it ever be- like about writing songs. I can write something
looked mean! But he actually wouldn’t hurt a fly comes too much of a chore we’re not in it for the that’s super close to me that means something
and that’s why we’re best friends, so that’s right reasons anymore.” specific but if, say, that becomes someone’s
funny.” Trust is something you need to have when favourite song, they may interpret it in a totally
Evan, on drums, gets a lot of kind praise you’re in a band. Without it, the circle can break. different way and it means something super dif-
from Derek. He says, “I remember meeting Evan “The moment anyone feels that they can’t trust ferent to them.”
for the first time, our drummer, and immediately someone who you’re literally living with or One song that he really did open up in and
thought that this was just the nicest guy ever. He spending every day with on the road or however let out a lot of honesty is the song ‘Secrets’ on
really is the nicest person ever, the most kind many shows we play a year, 200-and-something the band’s most recent ‘Around The World And
one in the band, the most gentle one in the shows out of 365 days, that’s when things are Back’ album. “It’s one that’s really personal to
band. He’ll always talk to anybody and always going to start to fall apart,” agrees Derek. “So it’s me. It hits most close to home because it deals
give anybody advice and that I admire 100%.” very important for us to be very honest and open with a friendship loss… losing a really close