Page 62 - Black Velvet Issue 89
P. 62
BV89 pg60,61,62_BV89 pg60 29/06/2016 18:19 Page 3
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 62
Mayday Parade Young Guns
sensibilities that their older material catch the rest of Panic! At The Disco.
bore yet also has a current vibe. The band continue to put on a real
It’s the toughest choice of the day headline performance. The lighting is
as headliner time arrives. We really fantastic, they have pyro and, right at
want to see The Rocket Summer on the end, some confetti. ‘Victorious’ is a
the acoustic stage, but we also want to massive quirky party anthem, while be-
see Panic! At The Disco on the main fore ‘Girls/Girls/Boys’ Brendon gives a
stage. It’s that moment when we wish little speech about it being no-one’s
we were cloned, or could stretch our- choice but your own “who you fuck”.
selves like a giant elastic band, so that ‘Ready To Go’ is one of our favourite
one end is in the main arena while the Panic! songs and as colourful as a
other is at the acoustic stage. We take kaleidoscope. ‘Crazy = Genius’ shows
photos of Panic! At The Disco first, a jazzy style, while fire blasts up on
where the band open with ‘Don’t stage. ‘Nine In The Afternoon’ sees
Threaten Me With A Good Time’. Bren- Brendon at the piano, while a cover of
don Urie is as flamboyant and theatric ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ follows, with
as always, the perfect showman. His Brendon still playing piano as well as
jacket is open, showing a bare chest as singing. It’s a fantastic cover, a real
As It Is
he parades the stage. He tells the au- gem. You’ve got to be talented to do a
dience that ‘Time To Dance’ was played decent cover of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
about 50bpm too fast and laughs that and Panic! At The Disco smash it. The
he’s “so erect right now” – cue a huge set winds up with ‘I Write Sins Not
scream from the girls in the audience. Tragedies’, ‘This Is Gospel’ and ‘Em-
After the third song, we rush quickly peror’s New Clothes’. They don’t do an
to the acoustic stage to try and catch encore, but they put so much into this
the end of The Rocket Summer. Sadly headline set that they have given their
Bryce Avary’s set is short, only featuring all. And we’ve loved every second.
eight songs and already over half of it So, Slam Dunk 2016 reaches its cli-
has been played by the time we get max and it’s perfect. The day, as al-
there. We do catch ‘Walls’, which ways, is fantastic. The only bummer is
sounds mesmerizing as always, and all the bands we didn’t get to see. There
then ‘Birds With Broken Wings’, which are so many that you can’t see every-
sees Bryce create vocal beatbox ef- one you want. But hey, they do have
fects with two microphones. It’s such a three legs now, so if you really want,
shame that The Rocket Summer is on you can go to more than one show and
at the same time as Panic! At The Disco catch other bands. Now all that remains
as Bryce deserves to be seen by a is for us to eagerly await next year’s
larger crowd and obviously the majority event. Same time, same place, please.
were in the main arena. We head back YYYYY
The Rocket Summer there when Bryce leaves the stage, and Words & Photos By Shari Black Velvet