Page 45 - Black Velvet Issue 84
P. 45

BV84 pg45.qxd:BV84 pg45  20/03/2015  00:00  Page 1

                                                                                          BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 45
                                  Love’  and  ‘What  Sober  fect  representation  of  the  the  end  of  the  song. The  themed 'Black Water' picks
                                  Couldn’t  Say’  come  with  band as a whole and what  impressive  Chris  Gillon's  up  the  pace  again  with  a
                                  funky  old-school  grooves  their  album  represents  –  rolling  drums  introduce  grinding  beat  and  bluesy
                                  that  make  these  songs  strong, captivating vocals,  'Lets Get Together', an up-  guitars. Morley has crafted
                                  stand  out,  like  old  souls  thriving instrumentals and  tempo track with a majestic  an  album  that  is  true  to
                                  with a young heartbeat. All  that  warm  feeling  which  guitar  solo  from  Michael  Thunders  classic  sound
                                  in all, this album will secure  great music leaves behind.  Fairbairn.  The  epic  lead  without sounding old. 'Res-
                                  the success Halestorm has  ‘Tanks’ and ‘Born Human’  single 'Until My Dying Day'  urrection Day' is sure to be-
                                  achieved  thus  far.  One  make the album even bet-  is another anthem that de-  come a live crowd favourite
                                  thing is for sure, Halestorm  ter with Moloney’s intense  serves to thrust this band  with  its  comeback  theme
                                  should  be  proud  of  what  emotion-filled vocals. ‘Ene-  to a much wider audience.  being easily relatable by all
             HALESTORM            they  have  done  with  this  mies’  is  the  track  on  the  It sweeps you along on an-  and Danny demonstrating
             INTO THE WILD LIFE   and the gamble to do what  album you want to leave on  other catchy wave building  he can still hit all those long
             (ATLANTIC)           they want has paid off. Go  repeat  while  ‘Lost  Boys’  to a fist-pumping finale ac-  high  notes.  The  heart-
                While  you  have  the  on,  venture  into  the  wild  would be the best track to  companied  by  Sweeney's  breaking 'Broken' and the
             sophomore slump, the third  life, you will enjoy it.  hear live. Following ‘Milton’  stirring vocal. The album is  fun  'I  Love  the  Weekend'
             album is also deemed to be        YYYY     is  ‘The  Constant,’  which  like a fresh breath of spring  round off this solid come-
             a  difficult  affair  for  some  Penny Gower  has   addictive   lyrical  air  after  a  dreary  winter.  back from the Londoners.
             bands.  It’s  natural  for                 melodies that linger in your  The  King  Lot  have  deliv-  Thunder  are  a  band
             bands to want to progress  ULI JON ROTH    ears.  The  album  finishes  ered an album full of pow-  who you always felt were
             and  take  the  influences  SCORPIONS REVISITED  up where it started with an  erful  melodic  rock  at  its  on the cusp of the big time
             and experiences they have  (UDR)           acoustic version of ‘Blame  unashamed   best.  The  but never quite made it to
             picked  up  along  the  way  Highly  influential  for-  Culture.’  With this impres-  songs  are  relationship  where  their  efforts  de-
             and  implement  them  in  mer Scorpions guitarist Uli  sive  album  under  their  heavy  in  their  lyrical  con-  served.  Whilst  ‘Wonder
             their  music.  The  third  Jon Roth revisited his early  belts,  it’s  clear  Wolfetone  tent, but this makes them  Days’  is  unlikely  to  take
             album is often when the ex-  days for this double album.  will be around for quite a  easy  to  relate  to.  Loved,  them onto the next level it
             perimental stage comes in  Gathering  a  group  of  tal-  while.  lost and unrequited love?  has shown there is plenty
             and   that   is   where  ented young musicians, he     YYYY     Most  of  you  have  been  of rock left in this band yet..
             Halestorm are at right now.  returned  to  the  hall  in  Hayli Zuccola  there at some point in your  YYYY
             Halestorm entered the stu-  Hanover where the Scorpi-           life,  giving  these  songs     Adam Clark
             dio with a vision to be ‘un-  ons rehearsed in the mid-         your  own  personal  time
             apologetically ourselves in  70s  and  explored  his            stamp on them all. This is a  VARIOUS
             every  way,’  or,  as  front-  personal  favourites.  The       must  own  album  for  your  IMMORTAL   RANDY
             woman Lzzy Hale sings on  result is an album that feels         collection,  long  live  the  RHOADS  –  THE  ULTI-
             the track ‘Sick Individual’,  dynamic  and  fresh,  and         King, we love them a LOT!  MATE TRIBUTE
             ‘I’m doing this thing called  which is chock full of clas-                 YYYYY     (UDR)
             whatever the fuck I want,  sics. Many are from ‘Virgin                     Adam Clark   Guitarist  and  song-
             want,  want.’  But  have  Killer’  and  ‘In Trance’,  in-                            writer   Randy   Rhoads
             Halestorm managed to ex-  cluding the two title tracks,         THUNDER              started  out  in  Quiet  Riot,
             ecute their risk taking well  and it’s an absolute joy to       WONDER DAYS          was  catapulted  into  the
             enough to keep their audi-  listen  to.  These  are  re-        (EAR MUSIC)          limelight  by  Ozzy  Os-
             ence captivated? ‘Into The  imaginings  rather  than  THE KING LOT  ‘Wonder  Days’  com-  bourne, and became a leg-
             Wild Life’ is indeed different  straight  re-recordings  –  THE KING LOT  pletes  a  welcome  come-  end  when  he  died  aged
             from  its  predecessors.  album opener ‘The Sails Of  (CROWN JEWELS)  back from the semi-retired  only  25.  Over  30  years
             Pushing themselves musi-  Charon’  now  clocks  in  at  Scottish  rockers  The  London  quintet  who  were  later this collection is a wor-
             cally  and  sonically,  the  nearly  9  minutes  and  is  King Lot deservedly earned  reinvigorated following their  thy  tribute  to  that  legend.
             quartet  have  created  an  stunningly  good.  The  ex-  their dues as an impressive  stomping set at last year’s  It’s  quite  a  gathering  of
             album that twists and turns  tended   instrumentals  live act in 2014 touring with  Calling  Festival,  where  names,  too.  Vocals  are
             so you do not know what  added  to  a  selection  of  the  likes  of  The  Last  they  found  themselves  mostly  down  to  Tim  ‘Rip-
             type of song you’ll be lis-  tracks, such as ‘Dark Lady’,  Vegas,  H.E.A.T.  and  The  sandwiched on the bill be-  per’ Owens, although Serj
             tening  to  next.  Starting  are  not  just  a  chance  for  Answer  amongst  others.  tween  Richie  Sambora,  Tankian kicks off proceed-
             things off with the captivat-  Roth  to  demonstrate  his  Now  following  on  from  a  Joe Bonamassa and Aero-  ings on ‘Crazy Train’, with
             ing  ‘Scream’,  a  song  that  phenomenal  skills.  These  sold  out  show  with  Big  smith. Slightly delayed by  Tom Morello doing the ho-
             delivers  in  its  promise  of  really bring something spe-  Country  the  trio  have  an-  illness to guitar & keyboard  nours  on  guitars.  Testa-
             kicking down your door, it  cial to the already impres-  nounced their arrival with a  player Ben Matthews (now  ment’s Chuck Billy growls
             makes  its  way  into  your  sive music, and the whole  stomping  debut  album.  thankfully recovered) Thun-  out  a  fantastic  version  of
             head and promptly makes  band  is  tight  as  a  drum.  Drawing on influences from  der hit the studio to record  ‘Mr Crowley’ featuring Alexi
             itself  at  home.  There’s  a  Nathan  James’  vocals  do  the  late  80's/early  90's  11  tracks  all  penned  by  Laiho’s   (Children   of
             smooth segue, something  the songs full justice, exud-  melodic  rock  scene  The  lead guitarist Luke Morley.  Bodom)   guitars,   while
             they’ve experimented a lot  ing  power,  passion,  and  King  Lot  have  thrown  a  Title  track  'Wonder  Days'  Rhoads’ brother Kelle han-
             with on this release, into ‘I  raw  emotion.  This  collec-  punch and brought that era  features a pulsating Morley  dles ‘Back To The Coast’,
             Am The Fire’, lyrically pow-  tion  is  an  absolute  must,  right up to date. They have  riff,  crashing  drums  from  supported by Quiet Riot’s
             erful  and  inspiring,  a  re-  and not just for Scorpions  been described as the love  Harry  James  and  Danny  Rudy Sarzo and Frank Ba-
             minder  to  have  belief  in  fans.        child of G'N'R and Bon Jovi  Bowes’  powerful  opening  nali plus Bruce Kulick, who
             yourself and your abilities.    YYYYY      and  after  playing  this  lines  ‘First  day  of  school  also produced the album.
             By now you will be familiar    Clare Huckett  album you'll agree with that  they called me a disgrace,  Let’s face it though, it’s the
             with the singles ‘Apocalyp-                statement too. The heavy  they  didn't  like  the  long  guitars  that  really  matter
             tic’, ‘Mayhem’ and ‘Amen’,  WOLFETONE      'As They Burn' kicks things  hair, didn't like the face’. It's  here - George Lynch on ‘I
             all  powerful  anthems  in  SILENCE  IS  ACQUIES-  off  before  the  incredibly  an excellent opening track  Don’t   Know’,   Dweezil
             their  own  right.  There  is  CENCE       catchy  'One  Of  These  that tells the story of a band  Zappa  on  ‘S.A.T.O.’,  Joel
             more  where  they  came  (WOLFETONE)       Days' takes a hold of your  looking  back  to  the  days  Hoekstra  on  Quiet  Riot’s
             from in the form of the fiery  Baz  Woodsford,  Ollie  senses. Penned by vocalist  when they started up and is  ‘Killer  Girls’,  and  Bernie
             ‘Gonna Get Mine’ and hard  Young, Andy Simmons and  & bassist Jason Sweeney  sure to grab your attention.  Torme helping round off the
             rocking ‘I Like It Heavy’. In  Dan Moloney are the mas-  (as was the entire album)  ‘The Thing  I  Want'  keeps  album  on  ‘Flying  High
             contrast, ‘Dear Daughter’ is  terminds behind the British  this anthemic rocker would  up the classic rock tempo  Again’,  to  namecheck  a
             a stunning, heartfelt num-  breakout band Wolfetone.  easily  fit  on  a  Bon  Jovi  with its guitar heavy riff and  few  more.  It’s  a  great
             ber  that  gives  a  moving  Their  eight-track  debut  album. 'Addicted' keeps up  catchy   chorus,   before  choice of songs and a bril-
             message  of  encourage-  album ‘Silence Is Acquies-  the pace with a strong hook  things  are  slowed  down  liant listen.
             ment,  strength  and  sup-  cence’ kicks off with ‘Blame  that will have you singing  briefly for the acoustically  YYYY
             port.  Both  ‘New  Modern  Culture,’ which is the per-  along  with  the  chorus  by  driven  'The  Rain'.  Dark  Clare Huckett
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