Page 55 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
P. 55
BV103 pg55 column_BV103 pg55 30/12/2019 18:26 Page 1
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A (Musical) Note From...
Slyder (Last Great Dreamers)
019 has been an important milestone like-minded people was fantastic, hanging out rosexual’ his 1994 album of the year and in
2for Last Great Dreamers. Unbelievably at The Royal George and The Ship, frequent- 1995 we were championed by them as ‘Glam’s
it's 30 years since Marc (Valentine, vocals/gui- ing clubs such as The Hellfire Club, The Hip- Great White Hopes’ as we were invited to play
tar) and I met and formed Silver Hearts (Last podrome, The Web at The Astoria and The their ‘Best of British’ gig at Nottingham’s Rock
Great Dreamers' original name) but, perhaps Marquee Club; we could often be found out- City. To top it off we earned ourselves a nomi-
more importantly, it’s the 25th anniversary of side these places flyering for our gigs. nation for Best New Band at the 1995 Kerrang!
the release of our debut album ‘Retrosexual’. We worked hard writing songs and getting awards, a very prestigious event at The Dorch-
We celebrated the fact with a special one-off a set together. We recorded our first demo and ester. We were now rubbing shoulders with
live performance of the album in its entirety to played our first shows in the autumn of 1989, rock royalty; the likes of Bon Jovi and Black
coincide with its re-release and for the first setting about spreading the word and building Sabbath were present. We now had a man-
time on vinyl LP format. In addition, on the day a following. Hours were spent in rehearsal and ager and an agent and completed two major
of the show, we set up ‘the ultimate super-fan recording studios; Alaska Studios in Waterloo European support tours that year, nothing
experience’, The Last Great Dreamers’ Magi- being our home mostly for the duration of the could stop us now, world domination was just
cal Mystery Tour Of London. On the coach tour band. We toured relentlessly, honing our craft around the corner!
we guided our fans around some of our old playing in almost every pub or club UK wide We were being courted by many record
haunts, regaling tales of our past for our fans that would have us. It didn’t take long before companies now, having got out of our current
but also stirring up memories for Marc and I we got into The Marquee Club too; this was a deal and, with the band sounding stronger
too. major step for us, probably notching up around than ever, musically really at its peak. The deal
The inspiration for us both to make the 30 appearances there over the years. By this we agreed was good with a sizeable advance.
move to the capital was our love of bands like time we had really developed our own sound Contracts were being drawn up but just days
Hanoi Rocks, Dogs D'Amour, The Quireboys, and image; we adopted the vibrancy and from signing it was all off; the budget wasn’t
The Black Crowes, etc. and both our disillu- glamour of the 70s glam rock look along with there. Although we soldiered on for a while this
sionment with our local music scenes; London the name change to Last Great Dreamers. It really was the demise of the band, we eventu-
seemed the only option. Marc made the move finally paid off in the form of a three-album ally called it a day in November 1997, just
a while before me and set about putting a band record deal. Not the best deal or with the best three years after the release of ‘Retrosexual’.
together; he placed an ad in Kerrang! Maga- company but that's another story, the point is But that’s far from the end of the story;
zine in March 1989 for musicians to form a we were about to put out our first ever com- since reforming in 2014 we have released a
band... Dogs/Hanoi influences... perfect I mercial release as a professional band. further three albums, played on half a dozen
thought, but I didn't apply to this ad or any Recording was to take place in Newcastle major support tours and major festivals and
other at the time; at the tender age of 18 the at the label’s own studio in January 1994. It visited previously unchartered territories
thought of a move to London was just a bit too was residential, well two bunk beds and a sofa around Europe. But without the legacy of our
scary. Just a month later, still frustrated with in a large stairwell, but we weren’t complaining debut I don’t think we could have achieved any
the local music scene, with my ambition and we were doing what we’d dreamed of all these of it. Here’s to another 25 years!
now desperation to make it as a musician play- years. We had a bit of a false start initially just ‘I wasn’t born to silver
ing the music I loved, I was still reading the getting the drum tracks down; we’d just started I wasn’t made in chains of gold
classifieds, the same ad popped up again, only recording the bass parts when a rogue cup of I’m just the last great dreamer
this time it was for just the lead guitarist. Dur- tea vibrated off a speaker, spilling its contents never ending always
ing that month Marc had recruited a rhythm into the mixing desk, closing the studio down forever on and on…’
section and now just needed a lead guitarist to for a month. It was a major setback but we - Last Great Dreamer
complete the line-up. This time I took the managed to reschedule for April to return and
plunge and answered the ad, I think the audi- complete recording. Our debut album ‘Retro- Slyder
tion happened the following weekend and I sexual’ was finally released in November
was in. 1994. Visit for more
In those formative years it was mainly The album was very well received all info.
about London and becoming part of the Lon- round, we were getting a lot of attention in the LGD Photo By Leon Ball
don and Soho ‘sleaze’ scene. Being around press; Kerrang! boss Geoff Barton made ‘Ret-