Page 31 - Black Velvet Issue 101
P. 31

BV101 pg26-31 _BV101 pg31  25/06/2019  20:22  Page 6

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 31
                   “We  played  my  sister  down  the  aisle,  t’s  these  heart-warming  moments  dent view of what we can do and belief in
                   which was really cool.”              Ithat make everything worth it – and,  ourselves and our music to the point that
                      “We met two fans last night at Brixton  despite  any  obstacles  they’ve  come  up  our dream’s always been to be one of the
                   that walked down the aisle to ‘You & Me’,”  against,  these  hard-working,  ambitious  biggest bands in the world and sell out
                   adds   Ryan.                                                                        stadiums  like  our
                   “We’ve   had                                                                        idols do.”
                   loads  of  peo-                                                                        Now, with a new
                   ple  that  have                                                                     team,  they  believe
                   done   it   to                                                                      they  are  back  on
                   ‘ S y c a m o r e                                                                   track. “We feel that
                   Tree’.   Met                                                                        we can do that with
                   loads  of  peo-                                                                     the people that are
                   ple  that  have                                                                     supporting us now,
                   c o n n e c t e d                                                                   and  the  reaction
                   with  ‘Mother’,                                                                     from  what  people
                   b e c a u s e                                                                       are saying and the
                   they’ve   lost                                                                      belief  that  people
                   their mother or                                                                     that  want  to  work
                   lost  someone                                                                       with  us,  they  also
                   that they loved                                                                     have  the  same  be-
                   as  well.  I  met                                                                   lief  that  we  do
                   another   fan                                                                       about this band.”
                   last  night  that                                                                      So  with  that,
                   before she left                                                                     we’ll  eagerly  await
                   said thank you                                                                      the  band’s  next
                   and    ‘Your                                                                        album  and  next
                   music’s  really                                                                     tour,  and  see  just
                   helped me get                                                                       how  far  and  high
                   through’ what-                                                                      these   true   sur-
                   ever  she  was                                                                      vivors can go. The
                   going through.                                                                      sky’s  the  limit.  Or
                   There’s all sorts of that happening which  musicians  are  all  fired  up  and  ready  to  maybe not… Maybe they’ll go even further.
                   is incredible and that’s the main reason  continue on the road to success and make
                   that we do it; to connect with people, and  even  more  amazing  memories.  Ryan,  Visit  for  more
                   to  make  people  feel  things  like  we  feel  Daniel, Jack and Junate are eager to show  info.
                   through listening to our favourite bands.”  everyone  what  they  can  really  do  now.
                                                     “For us, we’ve always had a very confi-  Words & Live Photos by Shari Black Velvet
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