Page 62 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine - Issue 100
P. 62

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              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 62

                It’s not just bands that work hard, some fans do too! Every issue we shine the spotlight on a fansite. We have now de-
                cided to open this up to include Instagram Fan Pages and Facebook Pages and Groups too. If you devote your time to
                working on a page to promote a band, let us know about it... and we may feature you!
                Name & Location:                                     time  'And  Justice  which are the most time-consuming pieces of
                Claire (+ the Death Punch                            For  None'  was  re-  content to create. Then, whenever a new social
                Bear)                                                leased. We helped  network comes along you have to go in and

                What  fansite  page  do                              them share photos  learn all of the functionality. I’m a perfectionist
                                                                     and  videos  of  the
                                                                                    and never want to do something half-way so I
                you run?                                             posters  on  social  spend a lot of time learning new skills to feed
                Five Finger Death Punch  FOCUS                       media   to   see  onto the site to help make it better.
                UK Knuckleheads (FFDP                                whether the fans as
                UK for short!)                                       a  collective  could  What is the  community for  the  band like,
                                                                     track  down  all  of  both online and offline? What have you no-
                Why and when did you decide to start this?  the posters. We even managed to go down to  ticed  about  the  FFDP  fan  community
                What is your aim?                 London to find a few too! But my claim to fame  through moderating your pages?
                Nine years ago I saw the band perform at Ham-  was at Download Festival 2017 when I smug-  There is a real sense of community spirit led by
                merfest II and was blown away by the perform-  gled a union jack flag with the 5FDP logo on it  the band that resonates with a lot of the fans
                ance  so  much  so  that  I  wanted  to  join  their  into the arena. The band took it on stage during  which gets mirrored across the various groups
                street team to help promote them. The original  their set and held it aloft over Donington. I've  and fan sites. Like most of the rock and metal
                5FDP street team was run through a website  seen videos since and the moment           scene,  what  I've
                called Fancorps and like many street teams in  they  raised  the  flag  circle  pits    noticed  is  that
                the  2000’s,  you’d  respond  to  missions,  earn  stopped and literally the whole of    everyone  in  the
                points and sometimes prizes for sharing content  Donington was cheering for the          5FDP  commu-
                on social media. Everyone on the street team  FFDP UK flag. I almost died on             nity is so friendly
                seemed to run their own fansite to promote the  the barrier with excitement! They        both  online  and
                band. We were late to the party but I couldn't  took  it  offstage  with  them  so  I    offline  whether
                find a UK fan page to tag onto so I ended up  like  to  think  it's  in  a  rehearsal    it's related to the
                creating the first Five Finger Death Punch UK  space somewhere flying high!              band or whether
                fan page on Twitter (which was then fairly new)                                          it's   someone
                to help promote the band to UK fans back in  How much time do you spend                 dealing with a per-
                2010. We've been tweeting ever since and have  on it? Does it take much time to run?  sonal problem in their life. There are always
                a presence on pretty much every single social  It's very much like a second job. It is a 7 days a  loads of people in the online fan community that
                media site going now. I would go as far to say  week, 365 days a year styled operation. But I  will rush in to help and pick them up again.
                that 5FDP's music has ac-                          love every second of it
                tually  saved  my  life,  so                       and lose track of the  Tell our readers why they should visit your
                running  FFDP  UK  feels                           hours  put  into  it  be-  site. What's it got? Describe the content on
                like giving back to them                           cause it doesn't feel  your site.
                in some way.                                       like work. I don't have  If you love Five Finger Death Punch and need
                                                                   a set amount of time  to talk with people who understand how much
                Does  the  band  know                              I work on FFDP UK. It  the band mean to you and love their music just
                about it?                                          could  be  anything  as much as you do, please check out our site
                Yes!  Some  of  the  band                          from a 10 minute In-  and say hello. We strive to bring reliable content
                members follow our so-                             stagram  blitz  before  that we hope keeps people informed about the
                cial media sites and have                          work  in  the  morning  band and all of the latest developments, so we
                shared  our  content  on                           to  an  entire  18hr  have  everything  on  our  social  media  pages
                their official pages which is always really cool! I  weekend on it. Around the times of tours and  from tour dates and release news through to the
                really hope they like what we're doing on our  releases,  the  hours  definitely  increase.  Be-  latest interviews, videos, photos and magazine
                site. Our fan page also has a mascot teddy bear  cause we're in the UK and the band is on the  clippings. We are basically the BBC for Five
                called the Death Punch Bear and he once got  West Coast of America the most time-consum-  Finger  Death  Punch  news  stories.  We  just
                shared on the main 5FDP social media sites to  ing and challenging part is the time difference.  launched a new website so please check it out.
                millions  of  people.  FFDP  UK  has  also  been  Quite often the latest news breaks in the early  We’re hoping to introduce more fan-led features
                cited  on  the  metal  news  sites  Loudwire  and  hours for the UK so you're constantly playing  on it very soon to make it even more of a fan
                Metalsucks and tons of other 'zines and radio  catch up to stay on track with what's happening.  hub and 5FDP resource - so expect upgrades
                station  websites  which  blows  my  mind!  Last  There is no budget for the site like a real busi-  and new content in the near future.
                year, the band's record label, Eleven Seven,  ness would have so we have to figure out how
                launched a really creative album poster cam-  to do everything ourselves from social media  Website link:
                paign on the London Underground around the  graphics to website design, to video editing,

                                                         GREGGS VEGAN
                Eatin’ Ain’t Cheatin’                    SAUSAGE ROLLS

                  Has everyone tried one of the new Greggs vegan sausage rolls that burst onto the
               streets a few months ago? How tasty are they? Meat eaters love them and vegetarians and
               vegans love them too. It’s a win-win. The only person who wasn’t so keen was Piers Morgan
               - but we reckon he is too pig-headed to admit that they taste great. He’s one of those old-
               fashioned dinosaurs that doesn’t want the world to improve for the better and wants to stay
               stuck in the Dark Ages. Don’t be like Piers! Grab a Greggs vegan sausage roll at every op-
               portunity. They’re only £1. Even our meat-eating proofreader Ian tried one and loved it -
               and took six when he went to see Enuff Z’Nuff to give to the band! Not only that, the vegan
               version has more protein than the meat version. Get in!
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